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List of 50+ Insects in German

List of 50+ Insects in German

Insects are everywhere, be it within your house, the air, the ground, under the soil, the sea, over the water and even in one’s skin!!!! Yeah you heard me right. The estimated number of insect species in the world is about 5.5 million and even in that only 1 million insect species are named. This means that roughly 80% of insects have yet to be discovered. How can you go a single day without hearing the buzz of a bee or a fly or without seeing a fruit fly or a worm? Seeing as that they are everywhere, it becomes of great importance that you learn the vocabulary list of insects in German.

list of Insects in German
list of Insects in German

In order to improve your German vocabulary, you must learn the list of insects in German. And this is exactly what we are going to do here!!!



  1. How to say insects in German
  2. Butterfly in German
  3. Common insects in German
  4. All kinds of Bugs
  5. Stinging insects
  6. Pet insects in German
  7. Verbs related to insects
  8. German Common phrases
  9. Parts of an insect in German

Ho to say insects in German?

How do you say insects in German
How do you say insects in German
  • WORD: The German translation for “The insect” is “das Insekt”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Cockroaches are insects.” à Kakerlaken sind Insekten.
  • WORD: The German translation for “The worm” is “der Wurm”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “How many worms do you want?” à Wie viele Würmer willst du?


Learn about the butterfly in German.

When you think of a beautiful insect, what do you see? Of course you think of the beautiful butterfly! The butterfly is very colourful, pretty and is a sight to behold. When we see something magical in movies, there are always butterflies flying about with colours galore. Would it not be perfectly fitting if we learnt about the butterfly in German before we step into other insects (pun intended of course!!!)? Let us learn about the butterfly in German with example sentences.

Learn about the butterfly in German.
Learn about the butterfly in German.
  • ENGLISH: What is the translation for “butterfly life cycle” in German?
    • GERMAN: German translation for “Life cycle of a butterfly” is “Schmetterling Lebenszyklus”
  • ENGLISH: What is the translation for “Monarch butterfly” in German?
    • GERMAN: German translation for “Monarch Butterfly” is “Der Monarchfalter”
Butterfly  in EnglishTranslation Example sentence in EnglishSentences for German butterfly
The ButterflyDer SchmetterlingThere are many butterflies in the garden.Es gibt viele Schmetterlinge im Garten.
The CaterpillarDie RaupeThe Caterpillar ate three leaves.Die Raupe fraß drei Blätter.
The eggDas EiThere are millions of butterfly eggs in the forest.Es gibt Millionen von Schmetterlingseiern im Wald.
Chrysalis SchmetterlingspuppeWe learnt about chrysalis of a butterfly today.Wir haben heute von einer Schmetterlingspuppe erfahren.
MetamorphosisMetamorphoseIn the life cycle of a butterfly, metamorphosis is a very important stage.Im Lebenszyklus eines Schmetterlings ist die Metamorphose ein sehr wichtiges Stadium.
The CocoonDer KokonThe gardener took care of the silk cocoons.Der Gärtner kümmerte sich um die Seidenkokons.


Common insects in German?

While there are billions of insects in the world, when you say the word insect in German or English, you only think of a select few which we see every day. Some insects are more common and commonly used in conversations than other insects. So it is necessary that you learn the vocabulary list of these common insects in German. This will help you hold a conversation easily. Let us learn about the different common insects in German with example sentences.

most common insects in German
most common insects in German
EnglishTranslationExample sentence Sentences for German 
The CockroachDie KakerlakeThe cockroach is ten days old.Die Kakerlake ist zehn Tage alt.
The mosquitoder Moskito / die MückeThere are so many mosquitoes in India.Es gibt so viele Mücken in Indien.
The Mothdie MotteMoths have a bad smell.Motten haben einen schlechten Geruch.
The Dragonflydie LibelleI like dragonfliesIch mag Libellen
The Fireflydas GlühwürmchenThe firefly is pretty.Das Glühwürmchen ist hübsch.
The mayflydie EintagsfliegeThe mayfly lives for only twenty four hours.Die Eintagsfliege lebt nur vierundzwanzig Stunden.
The Fruit flydie FruchtfliegeFruit flies love mangoes.Fruchtfliegen lieben Mangos.
The Gnatdie MückeThe gnat was very arrogant.Die Mücke war sehr arrogant.
The Spiderdie SpinneSpiders have eight legs.Spinnen haben acht Beine.
The wormder WurmThe worm lives in the gardenDer Wurm lebt im Garten


Common bugs in German

Ok I’m going to be upfront with you. If there is one thing I hate in this beautiful world, its bugs and creepy crawlies!!! When you say the word bugs in German or in English, you can see me cringe!! But that gives me more the reason to memorize the wordlist so that I can explain to people that I hate them and I like to avoid them. As with insects, a few bugs are far more common across the world. So it is necessary that you learn the vocabulary list of these common bugs in German. Along with the list of insects in German, Let us learn the different bugs in German with example sentences.

most common bugs in German
most common bugs in German
EnglishTranslationExample in EnglishGerman Common Bugs
The bugder KäferThe scientist caught two bugs.Der Wissenschaftler hat zwei Käfer gefangen.
The ladybugder MarienkäferLadybugs are very pretty.Marienkäfer sind sehr hübsch.
The bedbugdie BettwanzeI caught the bedbug.Ich habe die Bettwanze gefangen.
The licedie LäuseThis medicine kills lice.Dieses Medikament tötet Läuse.
The beetleder KäferI can eat the beetle.Ich kann den Käfer essen.
The dung beetleder MistkäferThe dung beetle is very strong.Der Mistkäfer ist sehr stark.
The fleader FlohFleas can jump.Flöhe können springen.
The tickdie ZeckeStay away from ticks and fleas.Halten Sie sich von Zecken und Flöhen fern.


Stinging insects in German

You put your hand on a flower and all of a sudden there is a super sharp pain in your finger!!!! You scream and throw down the flower. What on earth was that? IT’S A BEE!!!! DAMN YOU GIT STUNG BY A BEE!!! You have to say this to your doctor in German. How do you do that without knowing the list of insects in German which sting? Let us learn the different stinging insects in German with example sentences.

EnglishGermanExample sentence Sentences for German
The beeDie BieneThe bee sat on the flower.Die Biene saß auf der Blume.
The waspDie WespeThe wasp flew away.Die Wespe flog davon.
The HornetDie HornisseHornets and wasps are enemies.Hornissen und Wespen sind Feinde.
The bumblebeeDie HummelThe beekeeper loves his bumblebeesDer Imker liebt seine Hummeln
The antDie AmeiseThere are two anthills and a billion ants in my garden.In meinem Garten gibt es zwei Ameisenhaufen und eine Milliarde Ameisen.


Pet insects in German

Do you know that it is very common across the world for people to have insects as pets? Children love having insects as pets as they are hardy and easy to maintain. They do not require constant care and can take care of themselves. Let us learn the different insects which can be kept as pets in German with example sentences.

common pet insects in German
common pet insects in German
EnglishGermanExample sentence Sentences for German 
The praying mantisdie GottesanbeterinThe young girl has a pet praying mantis.Das junge Mädchen hat eine Gottesanbeterin als Haustier.
The stick insectdie StabheuschreckeStick insects are very weirdStabheuschrecken sind sehr seltsam
The leaf insectdas BlattinsektLeaf insects are very cute.Blattinsekten sind sehr niedlich.
The scorpionder SkorpionThis scorpion is poisonous.Dieser Skorpion ist giftig.
The Tarantuladie VogelspinneI have a tarantula.Ich habe Angst vor Vogelspinnen und Skorpionen.


Hopping insects in German

Have you ever looked at a grasshopper? It looks like a small machine. It can jump up an incredible height, can fly and looks freaky as hell!!! I HATE THEM but my brother loves them!!!! Let us learn the different hopping insects in German with example sentences.

hopping insects in German
hopping insects in German
Hopping Insects  in EnglishTranslation: Hopping Insects in German
The grasshopperder Grashüpfer
The locustdie Heuschrecke
The mantisdie Gottesanbeterin
The cricketdie Grille
The cicadadie Zikade


Insect related Verbs in German

Now that we have learnt about so many insects in German, let us now focus on some common German Verbs which will help us form sentences using these insects. For example, you need to say that the caterpillar crawls but the butterfly flies. You need to say that the bee lives in a hive while an ant lives in an anthill. You need to say that a cockroach has antennae while a wasp has wings. So basically you need to know a few verbs and nouns related to acts which the insects perform in German. In this section let us learn about a few verbs related to insects in German

EnglishTranslationExample sentence for EnglishSentences for German 
To stingStechenThe bee stings the boy.Die Biene sticht den Jungen.
To bite BeißenThe Ant bites me and it is painful.Die Ameise beißt mich und es tut weh.
To flyFliegenThe butterfly flew away.Der Schmetterling flog davon.
To crawlKriechenThe soldier is crawling.Der Soldat kriecht.
To walkGehenThe girl walks fast.Das Mädchen geht schnell.
To runLaufenThe athlete runs from Germany to Austria.Der Sportler läuft von Deutschland nach Österreich.
To jumpSpringenA grasshopper can jump very high.Eine Heuschrecke kann sehr hoch springen.
To pollinateZu bestäubenThe bee pollinates the flowers.Die Biene bestäubt die Blüten.


Parts of an insect in German

With the German insect related verbs done, let us proceed with the parts of an insect in German and other nouns related to insects in German

What are the parts of an insect in German
What are the parts of an insect in German
Insect words in EnglishTranslation: Common Insect words in GermanExample sentence for Common Insects words in EnglishSentences for Common German words related to Insects
The stingerder StachelThe bee has a powerful stinger.Die Biene hat einen kräftigen Stachel.
The antennaedie AntennenCockroaches have long antennae.Kakerlaken haben lange Antennen.
The wingsdie FlügelI hate insects which have wings.Ich hasse Insekten, die Flügel haben.
The mandibleder UnterkieferThe insect’s mandible is quite weak.Der Unterkiefer des Insekts ist ziemlich schwach.
The thoraxder BrustkorbEvery insect has a thorax.Jedes Insekt hat einen Brustkorb.
The abdomender BauchA worm does not have an abdomen.Ein Wurm hat keinen Bauch.
The leg das BeinA centipede has a hundred legs.Ein Tausendfüßler hat hundert Beine.
The anthillder AmeisenhaufenThere is an anthill near our house.In der Nähe unseres Hauses befindet sich ein Ameisenhaufen.
The nestdas NestThe wasp built a nest.Die Wespe hat ein Nest gebaut.
The hiveder BienenstockThe beekeeper has many beehives.Der Imker hat viele Bienenstöcke.
The nectarder NektarFlowers produce nectar.Blumen produzieren Nektar.


Insect related phrases in German

I have explained all over this post about how I hate insects and how much I am terrified of them. So what do I say in German when I see one? Let us learn the different common insect related phrases in German with example sentences.

Insect related Phrases in EnglishTranslation: Insect Phrases in German
I am afraid of insects.Ich habe Angst vor Insekten.
Does it sting?Brennt es?
Insects are creepy.Insekten sind unheimlich.
It has many feet.Es hat viele Füße.
What type of insect is that?Was ist das für ein Insekt?
The mosquito bit me.Die Mücke hat mich gebissen.
I am allergic to bee stings.Ich bin allergisch gegen Bienenstiche.
I am terrified of insects.Ich habe Angst vor Insekten.
Can it jump?Kann es springen?
Can it fly?Kann es fliegen?
It looks so disgusting.Es sieht so widerlich aus.
What does it eat?Was isst es?
Is it poisonous?Ist es giftig?



We have learnt a lot about the most common insects in German and also about what they do, where they live, the butterfly life cycle in German and also many more phrases. Hope you had fun learning.

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