List of 50+ Birds in German
In the morning, when you wake up, you hear the sound of a rooster crowing (assuming you wake up at 6:00 which I definitely don’t!!!) You can then hear the chirping of many birds, the cooing of pigeons, the hooting of an owl, the caw of a crow and many more. As a child, I spent hours seeing videos and documentaries on the animals channel learning about birds along with the rest of the animal kingdom. Like you learnt about the list of birds in English, a child in Germany learns about the list of birds in German although from the TV of course.
In order to improve your German vocabulary, you must try and learn the list of Birds in German. And that’s what we are going to do here
Topics to be covered
- How do you say Birds in German?
- Predatory birds in German
- Farm birds in German
- Learn about the water birds
- Polar region Birds
- Pet birds in German
- List of flightless birds
- Other common birds in German
- BONUS: A small German poem on Birds.
How to say Birds in German?
- WORD: The German translation for “The Bird” is “Der Vogel”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The ostrich is a very large bird” à Der Strauß ist ein sehr großer Vogel.
- WORD: The German word for “Nest” is “Das Nest”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “There are five eggs in the nest.” à Es sind fünf Eier im Nest.
- WORD: The German translation for “The egg” is “Das Ei”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “How many eggs are there in the nest?” à Wie viele Eier sind im Nest?
Predatory birds in German
When you think of a cool bird, you think of the mighty eagle! The eagle soars high above the storm and sees all. You think of powerful birds of prey or predatory birds which are fearsome and awesome at the same time. Let us learn about the different predatory birds in German with example sentences.
Birds in English | Translation | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German |
The Eagle | Der Adler | The Eagle is the king of birds. | Der Adler ist der König der Vögel. |
The Hawk | Der Falke | I saw a hawk yesterday. | Ich habe gestern einen Falken gesehen. |
The Vulture | Der Geier | The Vulture eats the lion. | Der Geier frisst den Löwen. |
The Condor | Der Kondor | Condors live in North America. | Kondore leben in Nordamerika. |
The Harrier | Der Harrier | Is the Harrier faster than the falcon? | Ist der Harrier schneller als der Falke? |
The Falcon | Der Falke | The Falcon is the fastest bird in the world. | Der Falke ist der schnellste Vogel der Welt. |
Poultry birds in German
When you go to a firm, you see many birds! There are not just roosters there are, is it not? You can see that the farmer shares his home with many different types of poultry. Let us learn about the different poultry birds in German or farm birds in German with example sentences.
Birds in English | Translation for the bird in German | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German Birds |
The Rooster | Der Hahn | The rooster is very loud. | Der Hahn ist sehr laut. |
The Hens | Die Hühner | I have three hens and one rooster. | Ich habe drei Hühner und einen Hahn. |
The duck | Die Ente | Ducks are excellent swimmers. | Enten sind ausgezeichnete Schwimmer. |
The goose | Die Gans | The goose is angry. | Die Gans ist wütend. |
The swan | Der Schwan | Is that a swan? | Ist das ein Schwan? |
The turkey | Der Truthahn | Turkeys are very ugly. | Truthähne sind sehr hässlich. |
Water fowl in German
Birds live in the forests, the polar region, the water, the sky and even in the cities. They are highly adaptable and resilient. There are many different birds which live in the water and I’m pretty sure you know about a lot of them. Let us learn about the different water birds in German or water fowl in German with example sentences.
Birds in English | Translation | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German |
The flamingo | Der Flamingo | Flamingos are pink in colour. | Flamingos haben eine rosa Farbe. |
The pelican | Der Pelikan | The pelican has a large beak. | Der Pelikan hat einen großen Schnabel. |
The duck | Die Ente | There are many ducks in Germany | In Deutschland gibt es viele Enten |
The stork | Der Storch | The stork carries the baby. | Der Storch trägt das Baby. |
The swan | Der Schwan | The swans are graceful. | Die Schwäne sind anmutig. |
The kingfisher | Der Eisvogel | You can see Kingfishers in India. | Sie können Eisvögel in Indien sehen. |
The crane | Der Kran | Cranes and Herons are quite tall. | Kraniche und Reiher sind ziemlich groß. |
The heron | Der Reiher | The heron has long legs. | Der Reiher hat lange Beine. |
The ibis | Der ibis | In Egypt, you can see the Ibis. | In Ägypten können Sie den Ibis sehen. |
The albatross | Der Albatros | The albatross has the biggest wings. | Der Albatros hat die größten Flügel. |
Pengiun in German
Do you know that Birds can live in the harshest and coldest continent in the world, Antarctica? They not only live there but thrive in the desolate freezing polar region. Let us learn about the different polar birds in German.
WORD: What is Penguin in German Language? “Der Pinguin”
Birds in English | Translation for the bird in German | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German Birds |
The penguin | Der Pinguin | Penguins are very cute. | Pinguine sind sehr niedlich. |
The snowy owl | Die Schneeeule | The snowy owl is silent. | Die Schneeeule schweigt. |
The petrel | Der Sturmvogel | The petrel lives in Antarctica. | Der Sturmvogel lebt in der Antarktis. |
The emperor Penguin | Der Kaiserpinguin | The emperor Penguin is the largest penguin in the world. | Der Kaiserpinguin ist der größte Pinguin der Welt. |
The puffin | Der Felsenpinguin | The puffin lives in Antarctica. | Der Felsenpinguin lebt in der Antarktis. |
Pet birds in German
You would have seen many people having birds as pets in their own house. Birds make excellent companions and have vibrant personalities. Let us learn the names of the different pet birds in German.
Birds in English | Translation | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German Birds |
The parrot | Der Papagei | Parrots eat nuts and fruits. | Papageien essen Nüsse und Früchte. |
The Lovebird | Der Lovebird | Lovebirds are quite cheap. | Lovebirds sind ziemlich billig. |
The canary | Der Kanarienvogel | The yellow canary is very friendly. | Der gelbe Kanarienvogel ist sehr freundlich. |
The cockatoo | Der Kakadu | I purchased a cockatoo. | Ich habe einen Kakadu gekauft. |
The macaw | Der Ara | Macaws are common in Brazil. | Aras sind in Brasilien weit verbreitet. |
Ostrich in German
Now that we have learnt the names of many birds in German, did you know that there are birds which cannot fly? There are many flightless birds across the world. Let us learn the list of all flightless birds in German
Birds in English | Translation | English sentences | Sentences for German Birds |
The Ostrich | Der Strauß | Ostrich can run very fast. | Strauß kann sehr schnell laufen. |
The Cassowary | Der Kasuar | The cassowary is the most dangerous bird. | Der Kasuar ist der gefährlichste Vogel. |
The Kiwi bird | Der Kiwi-Vogel | You can find the Kiwi bird in New Zealand. | Sie können den Kiwi-Vogel in Neuseeland finden. |
The Kakapo | Der Kakapo | The Kakapo is almost extinct. | Der Kakapo ist fast ausgestorben. |
The Dodo | Der Dodo | The dodo lived in Mauritius. | Der Dodo lebte auf Mauritius. |
The Emu | Der Emu | Emus cannot fly but they can run. | Emus können nicht fliegen, aber sie können rennen. |
Common birds in German
Now that we have learnt the names of many birds in German, let us now focus on one last list of all commonly found birds across the world. This master list will be the most important list since you will come across most of these birds almost daily.
Birds in English | Translation for the bird in German | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German Birds |
The crow | Die Krähe | Crows are intelligent birds. | Krähen sind intelligente Vögel. |
The pigeon | Die Taube | I hate pigeons. | Ich hasse Tauben. |
The hummingbird | Der Kolibri | The hummingbird can fly backwards. | Der Kolibri kann rückwärts fliegen. |
The raven | Der Rabe | The raven is black in colour. | Der Rabe hat eine schwarze Farbe. |
The Owl | Die Eule | The owl caught a mouse. | Die Eule hat eine Maus gefangen. |
The sparrow | Der Spatz | I fed the sparrows. | Ich habe die Spatzen gefüttert. |
The woodpecker | Der Specht | Seven woodpeckers live in the park. | Im Park leben sieben Spechte. |
The dove | Die Taube | The dove is very pretty. | Die Taube ist sehr hübsch. |
A few exotic birds
Now that we have learnt the names of common birds in German, let us now focus on one last list of all super exotic and beautiful birds across the world.
Birds in English | Translation for the bird in German | Example sentence for Birds in English | Sentences for German Birds |
The Peacock | Der Pfau | Peacocks are beautiful birds. | Pfauen sind wunderschöne Vögel. |
The Macaw | Der Ara | The macaw is colourful. | Der Ara ist bunt. |
The Toucan | Der Tukan | The toucan has a large beak. | Der Tukan hat einen großen Schnabel. |
A Bird Comes A-flying à Kommt ein Vogel geflogen
A bird comes a-flying
It settles on my foot,
It has a note in its beak,
A greeting from my (beloved) mother.
Kommt ein Vogel geflogen,
Setzt sich nieder auf mein’ Fuß
Hat ein Zettel im Schnabel,
Von der Mutter (Liebsten) ein’ Gruß
Dear bird, fly on,
Bring a greeting with a kiss
For I cannot go with you,
Since I must stay here.
Lieber Vogel, flieg weiter,
Bring ein’ Gruß mit, einen Kuß
Denn ich kann dich nicht begleiten,
Weil ich hier bleiben muß.