Learn about Different types of Weather in German
As we all know, when waiting for a train or a bus, or when standing inside an elevator, the most common and safe topic in conversation and small talk is Weather. You need to know the different types of Weather in German so that you can discuss on how bad it is or how fantastic it is.
Germany is pretty much the same when it comes to people talking about the different types of weather. And of course, German People like to talk about the different types of weather in German only.
You need to able to make weather-related observation, ask weather related questions and also be able to understand the answers. It is very important that you understand what to wear in every season and how your outdoor plans in Germany is affected by the weather
To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple German weather vocabulary to rely on as you learn German. In any case, it can at least help you know what kind of weather to expect outside.
How do you say weather in German?
- The German translation for “The weather” is “Das Wetter”
What are the different seasons in German?
There are four seasons in Germany: Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring. However there is also the rainy season and the dry season since people need to dress up according to the correct weather.
For example, during the dry season, you need to wear moisturizer while you need to carry an umbrella during the rainy season. So it becomes very important that you know the German vocabulary for weather related terms
Learn about the vocabulary of all Seasons in German with English translation and with example sentences.
English | German | English Sentences | German Sentences |
the season | die Jahreszeit | There are four seasons. | Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten. |
the spring | der Frühling | Schools are closed during the Spring. | Im Frühjahr sind die Schulen geschlossen. |
the summer | der Sommer | It is very hot during the summer. | Im Sommer ist es sehr heiß. |
the autumn | der Herbst | During autumn, it becomes very cold in Germany. | Im Herbst wird es in Deutschland sehr kalt. |
the winter | der Winter | I like the winter because I like the snow. | Ich mag den Winter, weil ich den Schnee mag. |
the rainy season | der Regenzeit | During the rainy season, the frogs are very happy. | Während der Regenzeit sind die Frösche sehr glücklich. |
the dry season | die Trockenzeit | During the dry season, carrots are expensive. | Während der Trockenzeit sind Karotten teuer. |
What are the other wordlists in German?
What are the different weather conditions in German?
The seasons are not all that you may talk of. You may have to say that it’s raining or ask if there’s a storm. You may have to deal with hail and mist, fog and frost.
Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary in German with English translation and with example sentences.
English | German | English Sentences | German Sentences |
hail | der Hagel | Hail is very dangerous. | Hagel ist sehr gefährlich. |
sky | der Himmel | The sky is blue and the sun is yellow. | Der Himmel ist blau und die Sonne ist gelb. |
fog | der Nebel | You should not drive in the fog. | Sie sollten nicht im Nebel fahren. |
rain | der Regen | Will it rain today? No it will rain tomorrow. | Wird es heute regnen? Nein, morgen wird es regnen. |
rainbow | der Regenbogen | The rainbow is very beautiful | Der Regenbogen ist sehr schön |
snow | der Schnee | The snow is white. | Der Schnee ist weiß. |
sun | die Sonne | The sunflower loves the sun. | Die Sonnenblume liebt die Sonne. |
storm | der Sturm | Dogs do not like storms. | Hunde mögen keine Stürme. |
dew | der Tau | The baby licked the dew drops. | Das Baby leckte die Tautropfen. |
wind | der Wind | It is very windy today. | Heute ist es sehr windig. |
cloud | die Wolke | The clouds are grey. | Die Wolken sind grau. |
precipitation | der Niederschlag | There will be precipitation today. | Heute wird es Niederschlag geben. |
daily maximum temperature | die Tageshöchsttemperatur / | The daily maximum temperature in the Sahara desert is 50 degrees. | Die Tageshöchsttemperatur in der Wüste Sahara beträgt 50 Grad. |
daily low temperature | die Tagestiefsttemperatur | The daily low temperature in Antarctica is -50 degrees. | Die Tagestiefsttemperatur in der Antarktis beträgt -50 Grad. |
wind speed | die Windgeschwindigkeit | The wind speed is almost 300 kmph | Die Windgeschwindigkeit beträgt fast 300 km/h |
black ice | das Glatteis | I hate black ice. | Ich hasse Glatteis. |
frost | der Frost | The frost is slippery | Der Frost ist rutschig |
freezing point | der Gefrierpunkt | What is the freezing point of water? | Was ist der Gefrierpunkt von Wasser? |
temperature | die Temperatur | The temperature is quite high. | Die Temperatur ist ziemlich hoch. |
What are the different Weather related Adjectives in German with English translation?
Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary which can be used as adjectives in German with English translation and with example sentences.
English | German | English Sentences | German Sentences |
to flash (lightning) | blitzen | What flashes across the sky? | Was blitzt über den Himmel? |
to dawn | dämmern | It dawned upon him | Es dämmerte ihm |
to get dark | dunkeln | It wil get darker very soon | Es wird sehr bald dunkler |
to freeze | frieren | Will the weather freeze the car? | Wird das Wetter das Auto einfrieren? |
to hail | hageln | It is hailing and raining outside. | Draußen hagelt und regnet es. |
to drizzle | nieseln | Is it drizzling? Do I need an umbrella? | Nieselt es? Brauche ich einen Regenschirm? |
to rain | regnen | Is it raining in India? | Regnet es in Indien? |
to snow | schneien | Why is it snowing today? Its October! | Warum schneit es heute? Es ist Oktober! |
to melt | schmelzen | The sun will melt the snow | Die Sonne wird den Schnee schmelzen |
What are the different Weather related adverbs in German with English translation?
Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary which can be used as adverbs in German with English translation and with example sentences.
English | German | English Sentences | German Sentences |
cloudy | bewölkt | It is so cloudy today. | Heute ist es so bewölkt. |
foggy | nebelig | It is foggy outside and I do not want to drive. | Draußen ist es neblig und ich will nicht fahren. |
rainy | regnerisch | The is a rainy day. | Es ist ein regnerischer Tag. |
sunny | sonnig | It is so sunny and hot. | Es ist so sonnig und heiß. |
windy | windig | It is windy in the Sahara desert. | In der Sahara ist es windig. |
English | German | English Sentences | German Sentences |
cold | kalt | It is a hot day. | Es ist ein heißer Tag. |
Mild warm | mild / milde | Spain has mild weather. | Spanien hat mildes Wetter. |
warm | warm | I like warm weather. | Ich mag warmes Wetter. |
hot | heiß | India is hot. | Indien ist heiß. |
What are the most common weather related sentences?
You might be walking outside and someone might ask “Wie ist das Wetter heute?” or What is the weather today in German. You will have to respond in about the weather in German.
You may speak to hundreds of people and every time the weather becomes a topic of off-hand conversation. Learn about the most common Weather related sentences in German with English translation.
English Sentences | German Sentences |
I’m cold | mir ist (es) kalt |
I’m hot | mir ist (es) warm |
It’s a bit cloudy today | heute ist es etwas bedeckt |
The sun is shining today | heute scheint die Sonne |
Wie ist das Wetter heute? | How’s the weather today? |
Ist es warm? | Is it warm? |
Ist es kalt? | Is it cold? |
Ist es schön? | Is it good? |
Ist es schlecht? | Is it bad? |
Wie ist die Wettervorhersage für morgen? | What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? |
Wie viel Grad sind es? | How many degrees is it? |
Wie warm ist es? | How warm is it? |
Es ist schönes Wetter. | It is nice weather. |
Es ist schlechtes Wetter. | It is bad weather. |
Die Sonne scheint. | The sun is shining. |
Es windet. | It’s windy. |
Es schneit. | It’s snowing. |
Ist es dir zu kalt? | Are you too cold? |
Es ist so schwül! | It’s so humid ! |
Ich schwitze. | I’m sweating. |
Es ist wunderschönes Wetter. | It is beautiful weather. |
Es ist schreckliches Wetter. | It is terrible weather. |
So ein Mistwetter! | Such lousy weather! |
Es sieht nach Gewitter aus. | It looks like a thunderstorm. |
Es ist tolles Badewetter! | It’s great swimming weather! |
Idioms for heavy rain
In German, like in many other languages, there are idioms which are related to describe heavy rain. For example, in English we say “It’s raining cats and dogs”. By the structure of the sentence itself, it does not make sense. However, the idiom or proverb was born out of repeated usage.
English Sentences | German Sentences |
It’s raining/pouring shoemakers | Es regnet/gießt Schusterjungs |
It’s raining puppies | Es regnet junge Hunde |
It’s raining in streams | Es regnet in Strömen |
It’s raining like out of buckets | Es regnet wie aus Kübeln |
It’s pouring like out of buckets | Es schüttet wie aus Eimern |
It’s raining twine | Es regnet Bindfäden |