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Learn the Numbers in German from 1 – 20 (one to twenty)

Learn the Numbers in German from 1 – 20 (one to twenty)

The most fundamental lesson in Germany or for a matter of fact in any country for a child is to learn the numbers in German from 1 – 20 (one to twenty).

For example: Mummy, I want ONE cup of milk. Do you want to buy THREE shirts? There are TEN cats in my house. Numbers in German or any language for that matter are super critical. Why? They are required not only to describe the quantity but also to describe TIME and DATES, perform mathematics, or simply to mention serially the count. Ten little fingers and ten little toes

In this chapter, we are going to learn the list of numbers in German from one to twenty or 1 – 20 with examples sentences in German and with English translation and picture images.

NumberNumber in GermanNumber in EnglishImage
1einsoneOne in German
2zweitwoTwo in german
3dreithreeThree in German
4vierfourFour in German
5fünffiveFive in German
6sechssixFive in GermanOne in German
7siebenseven Five in GermanTwo in german
8achteightFive in GermanThree in German
9neunnineFive in GermanFour in German
10zehntenFive in GermanFive in German
11elfelevenFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in German
12zwölftwelveFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in GermanOne in German
13dreizehnthirteenFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in GermanOne in GermanOne in German
14vierzehnfourteenFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in GermanOne in GermanOne in GermanOne in German
15fünfzehnfifteenFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in German
16sechzehnsixteenFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in German
17siebzehnseventeenFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in GermanOne in German
18achtzehneighteenFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in GermanOne in GermanOne in German
19neunzehnnineteenFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in GermanOne in GermanOne in GermanOne in GermanOne in German
20zwanzigtwentyFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in GermanFive in German

Example sentences for numbers in German from one to twenty or 1 – 20 with English translation

The below sentences are examples for numbers in German from one to twenty or 1 – 20 along with translation in English.

NumberNumber in GermanNumber in EnglishEnglish SentenceGerman Sentence 
1einsoneI have one ball.Ich habe eine Ball.
2zweitwoYou have two plates.Du hast zwei Teller.
3dreithreeHe has three spoons.Er hat drei Löffel.
4vierfourThey have four houses.Sie haben vier Häuser.
5fünffiveWe have five cats.Wir haben fünf Katzen.
6sechssixShe has six phones.Sie hat sechs Telefone.
7siebensevenI have seven dogs.Ich habe sieben Hunde.
8achteightYou have eight rats.Sie haben acht Ratten.
9neunnineShe has nine chairs.Sie hat neun Stühle.
10zehntenThey have ten tables.Sie haben zehn Tische.
11elfelevenThere are eleven fotball players.Es gibt elf Fußballspieler.
12zwölftwelveThere are twelve playersEs gibt zwölf Spieler
13dreizehnthirteenHe has thirteen sisters.Er hat dreizehn Schwestern.
14vierzehnfourteenMy sister has fourteen brothers.Meine Schwester hat vierzehn Brüder.
15fünfzehnfifteenMy TV has fifteen channels.Mein Fernseher hat fünfzehn Kanäle.
16sechzehnsixteenMy gun has sixteen bullets.Meine Waffe hat sechzehn Kugeln.
17siebzehnseventeenThere are seventeen students.Es sind siebzehn Studenten.
18achtzehneighteenI purchased eighteen clocks.Ich habe achtzehn Uhren gekauft.
19neunzehnnineteenI am nineteen years old.Ich bin 19 Jahre alt.
20zwanzigtwentyShe is twenty years old.Sie ist zwanzig Jahre alt.


List of other popular German wordlists

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  1. […] Learn the Numbers in German from 1 – 20 (one to twenty) […]

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