Vocabulary: Simple Mathematics: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in German with example sentences
- Introduction to mathematics in German
- How to perform addition in German?
- How to perform subtraction in German?
- How to perform multiplication in German?
- How to perform division in German?
- How to perform square root in German?
- What are the types of numbers in German?
- What are the different Geometrical shapes in German?
Introduction to mathematics in German
Whether you’re in school or in college, whether you’re working or retired, in a developed country or a third world country, you cannot live without maths. You will need to perform some form of maths on a daily basis for something or the other. So it becomes very important that you learn the different concepts of mathematics in German quite well.
As you probably figured out, the numbers are the same and there are no unique German specific numbers (like German specific alphabets). This means that you only need to memorize the operators and how to summon them.
For example:
- One PLUS plus one is two
- Four MINUS Three is one
Here you need to know how to say the operators in German and also the statement in German. This is what you will be learning in this blog called Mathematics in German..
Other interesting German wordlists
How to perform addition or “die Addition” in German?
- The German translation for Addition is “die Addition”
- This is by far the simplest of the concepts
- In English we say 4 + 4 = 8 as Four and Four are Eight
- In German, there are three ways of saying the same as English. Germans say:
- vier und vier sind acht
- vier plus vier sind acht
- vier plus vier gleich acht
Examples for addition in German:
- Zwei und zwei sind vier
- Sechs und zwei gleich acht
- Eins plus eins sind zwei
I’m pretty sure you now have the gist of this.. You can now perform “Addition in German” without mistakes and with ease.
How to perform subtraction or “die Subtraktion” in German?
- The German translation for Subtraction is “die Subtraktion”
- This is also quite simple. In English we say 4 – 2 = 2 as Four minus two is two.
- In German, there are two ways of saying the same as English. Germans say:
- vier minus zwei ist zwei à or four minus two is two
- vier weniger zwei gleich zwei à or four less two is two
Examples for Subtraction in German:
- Zehn minus sechs ist vier
- Sechs plus zwei minus drei gleich fünf
- Eins minus eins ist null.
Quite simple right?.. You can now perform “Subtraction in German” comfortably!!!
How to perform multiplication or “die Multiplikation” in German?
- The German translation for Multiplication is “die Multiplikation”
- This is also quite easy. In English we say 4 x 2 = 8 as Four multiplied by two is eight.
- In German, there are two ways of saying the same as English. Germans say:
- zwei mal drei sind sechs à or four multiplied two is eight
- zwei multipliziert mit drei ist gleich sechs à or two multiplied with three is six
Examples for Multiplication in German:
- zwei multipliziert mit null ist gleich null
- drei multipliziert mit drei ist gleich neun
- zwei mal fünf sind zehn
Quite simple right?.. You can now perform “Multiplication in German” fast and quick!!!
How to perform division or “die Division” in German?
- The German translation for Division is “die Division”
- This is also quite easy. In English we say 20 / 10 = 2 as Twenty divided by Ten is two.
- Germans say:
- Zwanzig geteilt durch zehn ist zwei à or Twenty divided by ten is two
Examples for Division in German:
- Vierzig geteilt durch vier ist zehn
- Hundert geteilt durch zehn ist zehn
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! You can now perform all the four major operations of Maths or Mathematics in German which also includes “Division in German”!!!
Vocabulary – mathematics in German: What is the German word for Numerator while performing Division?
- The German translation for Numerator while performing Division is “der Zähler”
- The German translation for the plural of Numerator while performing Division is “die Zähler”
Vocabulary – mathematics in German: What is the German word for Denominator while performing Division?
- The German translation for Denominator while performing Division is “der Nenner”
- The German translation for the plural of Denominator while performing Division is “die Nenner”
Vocabulary – mathematics in German: What is the German word for Quotient while performing Division?
- The German translation for Quotient while performing Division is “der Quotient”
- The German translation for the plural of Quotient while performing Division is “die Quotienten”
Vocabulary – mathematics in German: What is the German word for Remainder while performing Division?
- The German translation for Remainder while performing Division is “der Rest”
- The German translation for the plural of Remainder while performing Division is “die Reste”
Slightly Advanced Mathematics in german: How to perform square root in German?
- The German translation for Square Root is “die Quadratwurzel”
- In English we say “The square root of Nine is Three”
- Germans say:
- “Die Quadratwurzel von Neun ist Drei“
Examples for Square Root in German:
- Die Quadratwurzel aus neunundvierzig ist sieben
- Die Quadratwurzel aus zweihundertsechsundfünfzig ist Sechzehn
FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! You can now perform “Square root in German”!!!
What are the different Geometrical shapes in German?
There are so many shapes and sizes which we would have studied as a child in our mathematics classes. We do come across these shapes on a daily basis for everything and sometimes we are asked to use them in our conversations. Let us go through the different Geometrical shapes in German.
Two Dimensional (2D) Shapes in German
German | English |
Das Dreieck, Die Dreiecke | triangle |
Das Rechteck, Die Rechtecke | rectangle |
Das Trapez, Die Trapeze | trapezium |
Die Raute, Die Rauten | rhombus |
Das Parallelogramm, Die Parallelogramme | parallelogram |
Das Rechteck, Die Rechtecke | rectangle |
Das Quadrat, Die Quadrate | square |
Das Fünfeck, Die Fünfecke | pentagon |
Das Sechseck, Die Sechsecke | hexagon |
Das Sechseck, Die Sechsecke | hexagon |
Das Siebeneck, Die Siebeneck | heptagon |
Das Achteck, Die Achtecke | octagon |
Die Ellipse, Die Ellipsen | ellipse |
Der Kreis, Die Kreise | circle |
Das Polygon, Die Polygone | polygon |
Das Oval | oval |
Der Halbkreis, Die Halbkreise | Semi circle |
Three Dimensional (3D) Shapes in German
German | English |
Das Tetraeder, Die Tetraeder | tetrahedron |
Der Würfel, Die Würfel | cube |
Das Hexaeder, Die Hexaeder | hexahedron |
Das Oktaeder, Die Oktaeder | octahedron |
Das Dodekaeder, Die Dodekaeder | dodecahedron |
Das Ikosaeder, Die Ikosaeder | icosahedron |
Die Kugel, Die Kugeln | sphere |
Der Zylinder, Die Zylinder | cylinder |
Der Kegel, Die Kegel | cone |
Die Pyramide, Die Pyramiden | Pyramid |
Die Sphäre, Die Sphären | Sphere |
Der Kegel, die Kegel | Cone |
Das Prisma, die Prismen | Prism |
Types of Triangles in German
- An Equilateral Triangle is one wherein all the sides of the triangle are of the same length. In German, an Equilateral Triangle is called as “gleichseitiges Dreieck” which translates to “same side length triangle”
- A Right Angled Triangle is one wherein one of the sides of the triangle is straight or 90 degrees. In German, a Right Angled Triangle is called as “rechtwinkliges Dreieck”
- An Isosceles triangle is one wherein two sides of the triangle are equal in length. In German, an Isosceles triangle is called as “gleichschenkliges Dreieck ”
What are the types of numbers in German?
Whoa… Now comes the part which is for those studying a higher grade of maths. There are 8 basic types of numbers in mathematics. Read more about them below:
German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
die gerade Zahl / die geraden Zahlen | even number | Two is an even number. | Zwei ist eine gerade Zahl. |
die ungerade Zahl / die ungeraden Zahlen | odd number | Three is an odd number. | Drei ist eine ungerade Zahl. |
die Primzahl / die Primzahlen | prime number | Five is a prime number | Fünf ist eine Primzahl |
die natürliche Zahl / die natürlichen Zahlen | natural number | Seven is a natural number | Sieben ist eine natürliche Zahl |
die ganze Zahl / die ganzen Zahlen | whole number | Six is a whole number | Sechs ist eine ganze Zahl |
die rationale Zahl / die rationalen Zahlen | rational number | 1/2 is a rational number | 1/2 ist eine rationale Zahl |
die reelle Zahl / die reellen Zahlen | real number | Is zero a real number? | Ist Null eine reelle Zahl? |
die komplexe Zahl / die komplexen Zahlen | complex number | What is a complex number? | Was ist eine komplexe Zahl? |
This should be enough if you’re looking to learn only the basics. If you want to learn about the advanced math functions such as Trigonometry, Coordinate Axes, Calculus, Exponents, logarithms and what not, you can read it in Advanced maths in German
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