Learn about the list of Clothes in German – Talk about different types of clothes in German
Whichever country you are from, whatever age you are, no matter the gender or your interests, you will definitely wear to wear clothes (unless you are a nudist of course). And not just one, you must have a list of clothes which you will choose from. Thus it is important that you know the list of clothes in German.

Germans are very fashionable (at least in the bigger cities) and people wear cute outfits and you can find a variety of clothing. Even in the winter, you will find thousands of varieties of pullovers and jackets making it a very pretty sight.
Moreover, you may end up buying at least 10 – 20 clothes every year. How do you go to a shop and ask what you want? You need to know the different types of clothes or a simple common vocabulary list of clothes in German.
To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple common vocabulary list of clothes in German with English translation and example sentences to rely on. In any case, it can at least help you know what kind of clothes to wear based on the weather.
How do you say Clothes in German or Fashion in German?
- The German word for “The clothes” is “die Kleidung”
- The German word for “Fashion” is “die Mode”
What is the most common list of clothes in German with English translation and example sentences?
Below is the most commonly worn list of clothes in German with English translation and example sentences.

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Dress | das Kleid / die Kleider | Her black dresses are very expensive. | Ihre schwarzen Kleider sind sehr teuer. |
suit | der Anzug / die Anzüge | I have a black suit. | Ich habe einen schwarzen Anzug. |
bermudas | die Bermuda Shorts | The bermudas is dirty. | Die Bermudas sind schmutzig. |
blouse | die Bluse / die Blusen | Your blouse is pretty. | Deine Bluse ist hübsch. |
chinos | die Chinohose / die Chinohosen | I want a new chinos. | Ich möchte eine neue Chino. |
shirt | das Hemd / die Hemden | They have 100 shirts. | Sie haben 100 Hemden. |
pants | die Hose / die Hosen | Do you wear pants? | Trägst du Hosen? |
jacket | die Jacke / die Jacken | Is this a leather jacket? | Ist das eine Lederjacke? |
jeans | die Jeans / die Jeans | Do not wear jeans! | Keine Jeans tragen! |
overalls | die Overalls | Carpenters wear overalls. | Zimmerleute tragen Overalls. |
leather pants | die Lederhose / die Lederhosen | Germans wear leather pants during Octoberfest. | Die Deutschen tragen während des Oktoberfestes Lederhosen. |
pullover | der Pullover / die Pullover | I wore my pullover because its cold. | Ich habe meinen Pullover getragen, weil es kalt ist. |
skirt | der Rock / die Röcke | Her skirt is very cute. | Ihr Rock ist sehr süß. |
sweater | der Sweater / die Sweater | I forgot to wear my sweater. | Ich habe vergessen, meinen Pullover anzuziehen. |
sweatshirt | das Sweatshirt / die Sweatshirts | Ronaldo threw his sweatshirt. | Ronaldo warf sein Sweatshirt. |
Top | das Top / die Tops | Her top is gorgeous. | Ihr Oberteil ist wunderschön. |
t-shirt | das T-Shirt / die T-Shirts | His father’s t-shirt is yellow. | Das T-Shirt seines Vaters ist gelb. |
vest | die Weste / die Westen | The brother wore a vest. | Der Bruder trug eine Weste. |
the dungarees | die Latzhose | I invented dungarees | Ich habe Latzhosen erfunden |
What are the other interesting wordlists?
What are the different types of footwear in German?
Learn about the most common vocabulary for shoes (list of clothes in German) with English translation and with example sentences.

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
house shoes | der Hausschuh / die Hausschuhe | I have 6 pairs of house shoes. | Ich habe 6 Paar Hausschuhe. |
sandal | die Sandale / die Sandalen | Leather sandals are popular in India. | Ledersandalen sind in Indien beliebt. |
shoe | der Schuh / die Schuhe | The poor man has only one shoe. | Der arme Mann hat nur einen Schuh. |
boot | der Stiefel / die Stiefel | The hiker wears leather boots | Der Wanderer trägt Lederstiefel |
What is the German word or translation for Winter Clothes?
- The German word for Winter Clothes is “die Winterkleidung”

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
anorak | der Anorak / die Anoraks | I sell anoraks and duffle coats. | Ich verkaufe Anoraks und Dufflecoats. |
duffle coat | der Dufflecoat / die Dufflecoats | Do you want to buy a duffle coat? | Möchten Sie einen Dufflecoat kaufen? |
overcoat | der Mantel / die Mäntel | This overcoat is new. | Dieser Mantel ist neu. |
rain jacket | der Regenmantel / die Regenmäntel | My rain jacket is wet. | Meine Regenjacke ist nass. |
What is the German word or translation for Accessories?
- The German word for Accessories is “die Zubehöre”.

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
bow tie | die Fliege / die Fliegen | I purchased a expensive bow tie. | Ich habe eine teure Fliege gekauft. |
belt | der Gürtel / die Gürtel | Leather belts are popular in the USA. | Ledergürtel sind in den USA beliebt. |
gloves | der Handschuh / die Handschuhe | Its winter and I am wearing gloves. | Es ist Winter und ich trage Handschuhe. |
hat | der Hut / die Hüte | You must wear hats during the summer. | Im Sommer müssen Sie Hüte tragen. |
tie | die Krawatte / die Krawatten | I forgot to wear a tie. | Ich habe vergessen, eine Krawatte zu tragen. |
turban | der Kopfbund / der Kopfbünde | The Indian man wore a turban. | Der Inder trug einen Turban. |
cap | die Mütze / die Mützen | My Cap is old. | Meine Mütze ist alt. |
scarf | der Schal / die Schale | I lost my silk scarf. | Ich habe meinen Seidenschal verloren. |
baby blanket | das Wickeltuch / die Wickeltücher | I must buy a new baby blanket. | Ich muss eine neue Babydecke kaufen. |
What is the German word or translation for Underwear?
- The German word for Underwear is “die Unterwäsche”.

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
boxers | die Boxershorts | They do not wear boxershorts. | Sie tragen keine Boxershorts. |
bra | der Büstenhalter / die Büstenhalter (OR) der BH / die BHs | I need to purchase a bra. | Ich muss einen BH kaufen. |
panties | der Schlüpfer / die Schlüpfer | Do you sell panties? | Verkaufen Sie Höschen? |
socks | die Socke / die Socken | My father does not wear socks. | Mein Vater trägt keine Socken. |
stockings | der Strumpf / die Strümpfe | Do you need stockings? | Benötigen Sie Strümpfe? |
tights | die Strumpfhose / die Strumpfhosen | The woman wears tights. | Die Frau trägt Strumpfhosen. |
undershirt | das Unterhemd / die Unterhemden | Where is your undershirt? | Wo ist dein Unterhemd? |
underpants | die Unterhose / die Unterhosen | You should wash your underpants every day. | Du solltest deine Unterhose jeden Tag waschen. |
What is the German word or translation for Bathing suits?
- The German word for Underwear is “die Badekleidung”.

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
bathing suit | der Badeanzug / die Badeanzüge | Your bathing suit is expensive. | Ihr Badeanzug ist teuer. |
swimsuit | die Badehose / die Badehosen | Her swimsuit is beautiful. | Ihr Badeanzug ist wunderschön. |
bikini | der Bikini / die Bikinis | My bikini is very sexy. | Mein Bikini ist sehr sexy. |
What is the German word or translation for Materials?
- The German word for Underwear is “das Material”.

English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
cotton | die Baumwolle | I like cotton shirts. | Ich mag Baumwollhemden. |
chemical fiber | die Chemiefaser | This is made of chemical fiber. | Dieser besteht aus Chemiefasern. |
corduroy | der Cord | The old man wear a corduroy suit. | Der alte Mann trägt einen Cordanzug. |
patent leather | Das Lackleder | The olympian wore a patent leather jacket. | Der Olympiateilnehmer trug eine Lacklederjacke. |
silk | die Seide | My mother likes silk blouses. | Meine Mutter mag Seidenblusen. |
suede | das Wildleder | The artist wore a suede sweater. | Der Künstler trug einen Wildlederpullover. |
wool | die Wolle | Woolen gloves are very warm. | Wollhandschuhe sind sehr warm. |
What is the German word or translation for “Parts of clothing”?
- The German word for Underwear is “die Kleidungsteile”.
English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
lining | das Futter / die Futter | The lining of the shirt is grey. | Das Futter des Shirts ist grau. |
bib | der Latz / die Lätze | All the bibs are dirty. | Alle Lätzchen sind schmutzig. |
cuff | die Manschette / die Manschetten | The cuff is torn. | Die Manschette ist gerissen. |
button hole | Das Knopfloch / Die Knopflöcher | I need one more buttonhole. | Ich brauche noch ein Knopfloch. |
die Tasche / die Taschen | The shirt has 8 pockets. | Das Hemd hat 8 Taschen. | |
hem | der Überschlag / die Überschlage | The hem of the shirt is made of leather. | Der Saum des Shirts ist aus Leder. |
V-neckline | der V-Ausschnitt / der V-Ausschnitte | The t shirt has a V-neckline. | Das T-Shirt hat einen V-Ausschnitt. |
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