Learn to count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion!!!
What’s the largest number that one can think of which is being used? I’m pretty sure that the largest number which has ever made the news is one trillion and that’s to describe how much money there is in the economy (although I have no idea what that sentence means!!!!) Amazon and Apple Inc are worth two Trillion dollars each.. What’s the biggest number beyond that? Bah.. lets forget about that and focus on learning to count count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion!! This will help you say the following with ease!!
- Apple Inc is worth two trillion Dollars!!
- I must earn one billion dollars to become a billionaire.
- This comet is more than one million years old!!
- Three million plus four million is seven million!!!!
- 1000 Billion is equal to one trillion.
- A Trillionaire is one who has a net worth of one thousand billion dollars
Ok.. Lets get on to it then!!! Let us learn to count the numbers in German from one to one billion and all the way up to one Trillion with tons and tons of example sentences in German and with English translation.
Learn to count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion with English translation
The below sentences are examples for numbers in German from zero and one to one billion and one trillion along with translation in English.
Number | Number in German | Number in English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
1 | Eins | One | I have one baby. | Ich habe ein Baby. |
10 | Zehn | Ten | There are ten cats. | Es sind zehn Katzen. |
100 | Einhundert | One hundred | There are one hundred houses in the village. | Es gibt hundert Häuser im Dorf. |
1000 | Eintausend | One thousand | My salary is one thousand dollars. | Mein Gehalt beträgt tausend Dollar. |
10.000 | Zehntausend | Ten thousand | Bill Gates has ten thousand cows. | Bill Gates hat zehntausend Kühe. |
100.000 | Einhunderttausend | One hundred thousand | A BMW costs one hundred thousand dollars. | Ein BMW kostet hunderttausend Dollar. |
1.000.000 | Eine Million | One million | I have one million dollars. | Ich habe eine Million Dollar. |
10.000.000 | Zehn Millionen | Ten million | Qatar sold ten million barrels of oil. | Katar hat zehn Millionen Barrel Öl verkauft. |
100.000.000 | Ein hundert Millionen | One hundred million | There are one hundred million ants in this anthill. | In diesem Ameisenhaufen leben hundert Millionen Ameisen. | | Eine Milliarde | One Billion | She is a billionaire. She has one billion dollars. | Sie ist Milliardärin. Sie hat eine Milliarde Dollar. | | Zehn Milliarden | Ten Billion | There are more than ten billion trees. | Es gibt mehr als zehn Milliarden Bäume. | | Einhundert Milliarden | One Hundred Billion | Do you want one hundred billion dollars? | Willst du hundert Milliarden Dollar? | | Eine Billion | One Trillion | There are one trillion stars in the sky. | Es gibt eine Billion Sterne am Himmel. |
How to learn numbers in German easily?
Simple, all you need is a six step process and you’ll be an expert within 20 minutes!!!!… Similar to numbers in English, numbers in German follow a very set pattern whether it is upto one thousand or up to one billion or up to one trillion. So how do we segregate the learning? Easy.. follow the steps below
- Learn numbers from 1 – 12 in German (One to Twelve in German)
- Learn numbers from 13 – 19 (Thirteen to Nineteen in German)
- Learn numbers from 20 – 29 (Twenty to Twenty nine in German)
- Learning the multiples of 10 upto 100 (20,30,40…90,100) in German
- Learn numbers from 100 – 999 in German (One hundred to Nine hundred and ninety nine)
- Learn numbers in German beyond one thousand
List of other popular German wordlists
List of all trees in German |
List of Appliances in German |
Car Parts in German |
List of Clothes in German |
List of Family Members in German |
List of Fruits and Vegetables in German |
STEP 1: Learning numbers from One to Twelve in German
The first twelve… This is the absolute fundamental and must be memorized since they form the core of the numbering that you are going to learn in the following sections… Read this a billion times until you never forget it!!!! This is the first step in learning how to count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion
Number | Number in German | Number in English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
1 | eins | one | I have one ball. | Ich habe eine Ball. |
2 | zwei | two | You have two plates. | Du hast zwei Teller. |
3 | drei | three | He has three spoons. | Er hat drei Löffel. |
4 | vier | four | They have four houses. | Sie haben vier Häuser. |
5 | fünf | five | We have five cats. | Wir haben fünf Katzen. |
6 | sechs | six | She has six phones. | Sie hat sechs Telefone. |
7 | sieben | seven | I have seven dogs. | Ich habe sieben Hunde. |
8 | acht | eight | You have eight rats. | Sie haben acht Ratten. |
9 | neun | nine | She has nine chairs. | Sie hat neun Stühle. |
10 | zehn | ten | They have ten tables. | Sie haben zehn Tische. |
11 | elf | eleven | There are eleven fotball players. | Es gibt elf Fußballspieler. |
12 | zwölf | twelve | There are twelve players | Es gibt zwölf Spieler |
STEP 2: Learning Numbers from Thirteen to Nineteen – Numbers in German
Great!! you have memorized the numbers up to 12 and now you are ready for the second set of numbers… The numbers after 12 or zwölf follow a simple pattern.
- From 13 – 19, numbers start with the word as the second number
- For example drei (3) for 13 to neun (9) for nineteen.
- From 13 – 19, numbers end with “zehn”
- To sum up,
- if you’re trying to say 13, you say drei + zehn = dreizehn
- if you’re trying to say 14, you say vier + zehn = vierzehn
- and so on
- Remember that for 16 and 17, one alphabet is dropped
- sechzehn or 16 does not have an extra s (the last letter of sechs) <—The last s is dropped
- siebzehn or 17 does not have an extra en (the last 2 letters of sieben) <— The last en is dropped
Number | Number in German | Number in English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
13 | dreizehn | thirteen | He has thirteen sisters. | Er hat dreizehn Schwestern. |
14 | vierzehn | fourteen | My sister has fourteen brothers. | Meine Schwester hat vierzehn Brüder. |
15 | fünfzehn | fifteen | My TV has fifteen channels. | Mein Fernseher hat fünfzehn Kanäle. |
16 | sechzehn | sixteen | My gun has sixteen bullets. | Meine Waffe hat sechzehn Kugeln. |
17 | siebzehn | seventeen | There are seventeen students. | Es sind siebzehn Studenten. |
18 | achtzehn | eighteen | I purchased eighteen clocks. | Ich habe achtzehn Uhren gekauft. |
19 | neunzehn | nineteen | I am nineteen years old. | Ich bin 19 Jahre alt. |
STEP 3: Learn the multiples of ten in German
FANTABULOUS!!!! You have learnt the number formation rules all the way up to 19!!! Now you have to learn the numbers which are multiples of ten.
Number | Number in German | Number in English |
10 | zehn | ten |
20 | zwanzig | twenty |
30 | dreißig | thirty |
40 | vierzig | Forty |
50 | fünfzig | fifty |
60 | sechzig | sixty |
70 | siebzig | seventy |
80 | achtzig | eighty |
90 | neunzig | ninety |
100 | einhundert | one hundred |
STEP 4: Learn the numbers in German (20 – 99) Twenty to Ninety to Ninety Nine
AWEEESOME!!! You have successfully and easily learnt numbers in German from 1 – 19 and also learnt the multiples of ten upto 90!!! So what comes after this? The remaining of course!!!! After 19 or “neunzehn” , we have a second patten which comes up.
- The same pattern repeats itself from 20 all the way to one hundred!!!
- All of the numbers from 21 all the way up to 99 follow the pattern of ones place + und + tens place.
- If its a multiple of ten you only end with “zig”
See all the numbers below
Number | Number in German | Number in English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
20 | zwanzig | twenty | She is twenty years old. | Sie ist zwanzig Jahre alt. |
21 | einundzwanzig | twenty one | My wife is twenty-one years old. | Meine Frau ist einundzwanzig Jahre alt. |
22 | zweiundzwanzig | twenty two | The rich man has twenty-two cars | Der reiche Mann hat zweiundzwanzig Autos |
23 | dreiundzwanzig | twenty three | There are Twenty three aeroplanes. | Es gibt dreiundzwanzig Flugzeuge. |
24 | vierundzwanzig | twenty four | Who is twenty four years old? | Wer ist vierundzwanzig Jahre alt? |
25 | fünfundzwanzig | twenty five | Five times five is twenty five. | Fünf mal fünf ist fünfundzwanzig. |
26 | sechsundzwanzig | twenty six | There are twenty six grapes. | Es gibt sechsundzwanzig Trauben. |
27 | siebenundzwanzig | twenty seven | I am not twenty-seven years old! | Ich bin keine siebenundzwanzig Jahre alt! |
28 | achtundzwanzig | twenty eight | This class has twenty eight students. | Diese Klasse hat achtundzwanzig Schüler. |
29 | neunundzwanzig | twenty nine | There are twenty-nine people on the bus. | Im Bus sitzen neunundzwanzig Leute. |
30 | dreißig | thirty | This company has thirty employees. | Dieses Unternehmen hat dreißig Mitarbeiter. |
31 | einunddreißig | thirty one | I have worked in thirty-one companies. | Ich habe in einunddreißig Unternehmen gearbeitet. |
32 | zweiunddreißig | thirty two | We own thirty two houses. | Wir besitzen zweiunddreißig Häuser. |
33 | dreiunddreißig | thirty three | Our house is thirty three square meters. | Unser Haus ist dreiunddreißig Quadratmeter groß. |
34 | vierunddreißig | thirty four | I invited thirty-four guests to my wedding. | Ich habe 34 Gäste zu meiner Hochzeit eingeladen. |
35 | fünfunddreißig | thirty five | This bicycle costs thirty-five Euro. | Dieses Fahrrad kostet fünfunddreißig Euro. |
36 | sechsunddreißig | thirty six | I purchased thirty-six potatoes. | Ich habe 36 Kartoffeln gekauft. |
37 | siebenunddreißig | thirty seven | My girlfriend is thirty seven years old. | Meine Freundin ist siebenunddreißig Jahre alt. |
38 | achtunddreißig | thirty eight | I have thirty eight dresses. | Ich habe achtunddreißig Kleider. |
39 | neununddreißig | thirty nine | She has thirty nine friends. | Sie hat neununddreißig Freunde. |
40 | vierzig | Forty | He weighs forty kilograms. | Er wiegt vierzig Kilogramm. |
41 | einundvierzig | forty one | The bag weighs forty one kilograms. | Die Tasche wiegt einundvierzig Kilogramm. |
42 | zweiundvierzig | forty two | Forty plus two is forty two. | Vierzig plus zwei ist zweiundvierzig. |
43 | dreiundvierzig | forty three | Is forty three a whole number? | Ist dreiundvierzig eine ganze Zahl? |
44 | vierundvierzig | forty four | Is forty-four a whole number | Ist vierundvierzig eine ganze Zahl |
45 | fünfundvierzig | forty five | Is forty five a prime numer? | Ist fünfundvierzig eine Primzahl? |
46 | sechsundvierzig | forty six | forty six is a whole number. | sechsundvierzig ist eine ganze Zahl. |
47 | siebenundvierzig | forty seven | forty seven is a prime number | siebenundvierzig ist eine Primzahl |
48 | achtundvierzig | forty eight | forty-eight is an even number | achtundvierzig ist eine gerade Zahl |
49 | neunundvierzig | forty nine | Forty nine is an odd number | Neunundvierzig ist eine ungerade Zahl |
50 | fünfzig | fifty | The king had fifty enemies. | Der König hatte fünfzig Feinde. |
51 | einundfünfzig | fifty one | My uncle sold fifty-one mangoes. | Mein Onkel hat einundfünfzig Mangos verkauft. |
52 | zweiundfünfzig | fifty two | The garden has fifty-two trees. | Der Garten hat 52 Bäume. |
53 | dreiundfünfzig | fifty three | The old man has fifty three grandchildren. | Der alte Mann hat 53 Enkelkinder. |
54 | vierundfünfzig | fifty four | Her grand daughter is fifty-four years old. | Ihre Enkelin ist 54 Jahre alt. |
55 | fünfundfünfzig | fifty five | He died when he was fifty-five years old. | Er starb, als er fünfundfünfzig Jahre alt war. |
56 | sechsundfünfzig | fifty six | My lucky number is fifty-six | Meine Glückszahl ist sechsundfünfzig |
57 | siebenundfünfzig | fifty seven | Fifty seven is a prime number. | Siebenundfünfzig ist eine Primzahl. |
58 | achtundfünfzig | fifty eight | Fifty-eight is an even number. | 58 ist eine gerade Zahl. |
59 | neunundfünfzig | fifty nine | Fifty nine is an odd number. | Neunundfünfzig ist eine ungerade Zahl. |
60 | sechzig | sixty | Sixty is a whole number. | Sechzig ist eine ganze Zahl. |
61 | einundsechzig | sixty one | Sixty-one is not a prime number. | Einundsechzig ist keine Primzahl. |
62 | zweiundsechzig | sixty two | Sixty-two is not an odd number | 62 ist keine ungerade Zahl |
63 | dreiundsechzig | sixty three | Sixty-three is not an even number. | Dreiundsechzig ist keine gerade Zahl. |
64 | vierundsechzig | sixty four | Uber has Sixty-four cars in Uganda. | Uber hat 64 Autos in Uganda. |
65 | fünfundsechzig | Sixty five | There are Sixty-five cities in Rwanda. | In Ruanda gibt es 65 Städte. |
66 | sechsundsechzig | sixty six | His lucky number is sixty-six | Seine Glückszahl ist sechsundsechzig |
67 | siebenundsechzig | sixty seven | The zoo has Sixty-seven animals. | Der Zoo hat 67 Tiere. |
68 | achtundsechzig | sixty eight | Sixty-eight balloons cost ten dollars. | Achtundsechzig Ballons kosten zehn Dollar. |
69 | neunundsechzig | sixty nine | Sixty-nine is my favorite number. | Neunundsechzig ist meine Lieblingszahl. |
70 | siebzig | seventy | My mother is seventy years old. | Meine Mutter ist siebzig Jahre alt. |
71 | einundsiebzig | seventy one | I want seventy-one dollars. | Ich will einundsiebzig Dollar. |
72 | zweiundsiebzig | seventy two | He weighs seventy two kilograms. | Er wiegt zweiundsiebzig Kilogramm. |
73 | dreiundsiebzig | seventy three | The TV is very old and costs seventy-three euros. | Der Fernseher ist sehr alt und kostet 73 Euro. |
74 | vierundsiebzig | seventy four | There are seventy four countries in Asia. | Es gibt 74 Länder in Asien. |
75 | fünfundsiebzig | seventy five | Monaco is seventy five square miles. | Monaco ist 75 Quadratmeilen groß. |
76 | sechsundsiebzig | seventy six | There are seventy six villages and cities in Austria. | In Österreich gibt es 76 Dörfer und Städte. |
77 | siebenundsiebzig | seventy seven | The old man has seventy seven wooden spoons. | Der alte Mann hat siebenundsiebzig Holzlöffel. |
78 | achtundsiebzig | seventy eight | We are seventy eight years old. | Wir sind achtundsiebzig Jahre alt. |
79 | neunundsiebzig | seventy nine | His father is seventy nine years old. | Sein Vater ist neunundsiebzig Jahre alt. |
80 | achtzig | eighty | My suit is eighty euros. | Mein Anzug kostet achtzig Euro. |
81 | einundachtzig | eighty one | Forty plus Forty one is eighty one. | Vierzig plus einundvierzig ist einundachtzig. |
82 | zweiundachtzig | eighty two | Forty plus Forty two is eighty two. | Vierzig plus zweiundvierzig ist zweiundachtzig. |
83 | dreiundachtzig | eighty three | Is eighty three a prime number? | Ist dreiundachtzig eine Primzahl? |
84 | vierundachtzig | eighty four | Are there eighty-four trees in the garden? | Gibt es vierundachtzig Bäume im Garten? |
85 | fünfundachtzig | eighty five | This book has eighty-five pages. | Dieses Buch hat fünfundachtzig Seiten. |
86 | sechsundachtzig | eighty six | The artist drew eighty-six paintings. | Der Künstler zeichnete 86 Gemälde. |
87 | siebenundachtzig | eighty seven | The carpenter made eighty seven cupboards. | Der Zimmermann baute siebenundachtzig Schränke. |
88 | achtundachtzig | eighty eight | Ronaldo scored eighty eight goals for portugal. | Ronaldo erzielte achtundachtzig Tore für Portugal. |
89 | neunundachtzig | eighty nine | Messi wants to score eighty nine goals for Argentina. | Messi will für Argentinien 89 Tore schießen. |
90 | neunzig | ninety | His house is Ninety square meters. | Sein Haus ist neunzig Quadratmeter groß. |
91 | einundneunzig | ninety one | A cat has ninety one bones. | Eine Katze hat einundneunzig Knochen. |
92 | zweiundneunzig | ninety two | I donated ninety two dollars. | Ich habe zweiundneunzig Dollar gespendet. |
93 | dreiundneunzig | ninety three | The bill was ninety three dollars. | Die Rechnung betrug dreiundneunzig Dollar. |
94 | vierundneunzig | ninety four | The football match was ninety four minutes long. | Das Fußballspiel dauerte vierundneunzig Minuten. |
95 | fünfundneunzig | ninety five | Ninety plus five is ninety-five. | Neunzig plus fünf ist fünfundneunzig. |
96 | sechsundneunzig | ninety six | This CD has ninety six songs. | Diese CD enthält sechsundneunzig Lieder. |
97 | siebenundneunzig | ninety seven | What is Ninety-seven plus Ninety? | Was ist siebenundneunzig plus neunzig? |
98 | achtundneunzig | ninety eight | This costs ninety eight dollars. | Das kostet achtundneunzig Dollar. |
99 | neunundneunzig | ninety nine | My grandmother is ninety nine years old | Meine Großmutter ist neunundneunzig Jahre alt |
STEP 5: Learn numbers in German from 100 – 999 (One hundred to Nine hundred and ninety nine)
BRILLIANT!!! Now that we’ve memorized all numbers upto 99, let’s take it one step further!!!! Let’s learn all the numbers from 100 to 999.
Just say “the number of hundreds” followed by “remaining number (last 2 digits)”
For example:
Number | Number in German | Number in English |
100 | Einhundert | One Hundred |
101 | Einhundertundeins | One Hundred and one |
102 | Einhundertundzwei | One Hundred and two |
109 | Einhundertundneun | One Hundred and nine |
110 | Einhundertundzehn | One Hundred and ten |
111 | Einhundertundelf | One Hundred and eleven |
199 | Einhundertneunundneunzig | One Hundred and ninety nine |
200 | Zweihundert | Two Hundred |
300 | Dreihundert | Three Hundred |
400 | Vierhundert | Four Hundred |
500 | Fünfhundert | Five Hundred |
600 | Sechshundert | Six Hundred |
700 | Siebenhundert | Seven Hundred |
800 | Acht hundert | Eight Hundred |
900 | Neun hundert | Nine Hundred |
999 | Neun hundert neun und neunzig | Nine Hundred and ninety nine |
STEP 6: Learn to count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion!!!
BRILLIANT!!! Now that we’ve memorized all numbers upto 999, let’s take it one LAAAAST STEP!!!! Let’s learn all the numbers from 1000 to infinity!!!!
For example:
Number | Number in German | Number in English |
1000 | Eintausend | One Thousand |
1001 | Tausend und eins | One Thousand and one |
1005 | Eintausend und fünf | One Thousand and five |
1100 | Eintausendeinhundert | One thousand One Hundred |
1110 | Eintausendeinhundertzehn | One thousand One Hundred and ten |
1115 | Eintausendeinhundertfünfzehn | One thousand One Hundred and fifteen |
3500 | Dreitausendfünfhundert | Three thousand Five Hundred |
40.000 | Vierzig Tausend | Forty thousand |
50.000 | Fünfzigtausend Neunhundertneunundfünfzig | Fifty thousand Nine Hundred and fifty nine |
65.000 | Fünfundsechzigtausend | Sixty Five thousand |
71.500 | Einundsiebzigtausendfünfhundert | Seventy one thousand Five Hundred |
99.000 | Neunundneunzigtausend | Ninety Nine thousand |
99.999 | Neunundneunzigtausend Neunhundertneunundneunzig | Ninety Nine thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety nine |
100.000 | Einhunderttausend | One hundred thousand |
1.000.000 | Eine Million | One million |
10.000.000 | Zehn Millionen | Ten million |
100.000.000 | Ein hundert Millionen | One hundred million | | Eine Milliarde | One Billion | | Zehn Milliarden | Ten Billion | | Einhundert Milliarden | One Hundred Billion | | Eine Billion | One Trillion |
[…] Learn to count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion […]
[…] Learn to count the Numbers in German up to one Billion or One trillion […]