Furniture in German and Parts of the room in German
Let us start off in the absolute beginning. Close your eyes… You are now a baby…. What are the first words that you speak? Mama… Papa… yes yes your closest family comes first.. Then you start saying Sofa, chair, table, fridge, basically all the huge pieces of furniture in the house which you can easily see. This is true for a German child as well. For the German child, it formulates nothing but the absolute basics of List of Furniture in German including the Parts of the room in German.

Now let us skip ahead and go to school… I’m sure in school, we would have learnt about the vocabulary list of Furniture. Now what about a child studying in Germany? Would it not be the case that they learn about the list of Furniture in German and the Parts of the room in German?
As you would have probably noticed it, everyone including you use one name or the other from list of furniture as you can see in the examples below. So as a person studying A1 in German, the most fundamental list of German vocabulary will include the List of Furniture in German. So you better get cracking!!!
For example:
- Can you sit on the “CHAIR”?
- I like to watch “TV”
- The “FRIDGE” is quite large.
This is thus an essential vocabulary test in A1 and also in A2 and obviously in real life. The question (focused on A1 vocabulary) could be something along the lines of “Describe your living room” or even better “Tell me about your house”!!! What vocabulary could be more suitable that the master vocabulary list of Furniture in German?
The A1 vocabulary list of Furniture in German is below. You can also find example sentences in German with English translation for each piece of furniture.
- Translation for Furniture in German
- Living room furniture in German
- Bedroom furniture in German
- Bathroom furniture in German
- Kitchen furniture in German
- Other generic vocabulary
Translation for Furniture in German
- The German word or translation for “Furniture” is “Die Möbel”
- Similarly for the plural, the German word is the same which is “Die Möbel”
- Meanwhile, for ROOM NAME + FURNITURE (like bedroom furniture or bathroom furniture), the German translation is “ROOM NAME IN GERMAN” + “möbel”
- So for living room furniture, the German translation is Wohnzimmermöbel which is nothing but Wohnzimmer + möbel
Living room furniture in German
Where does one spend most of their time in the house? And what about entertaining guests? When being kicked out of the room by your partner and there is no “second bedroom”, where do you sleep? The living room of course!

If you ask me, I would say that this room is obviously the most important room from a German vocabulary usage perspective. You will entertain your German friends in this room and you will have to specify the name of the furniture once or twice by the end of each hour. So it is best that you memorize the list of furniture in German for the living room or the list of living room furniture in German.
German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Room divider | der Raumteiler / die Raumteiler | We do not have a bedroom but we have a large Room divider. | Wir haben kein Schlafzimmer, aber wir haben einen großen Raumteiler. |
Rug | der Teppich | The rug was weaved in Liverpool. | Der Teppich wurde in Liverpool gewebt. |
Shelf | das Regal / die Ragal | Can you keep the vegetables in the shelves? | Können Sie das Gemüse in den Regalen aufbewahren? |
Picture | das Bild (er) | Do want to buy a few pictures? | Sie möchten ein paar Bilder kaufen? |
Bookcase | das Bücherregal / die Bücherregale | The Bookcase is made of wood. | Das Bücherregal ist aus Holz. |
Cabinet or Cupboard | der Schrank / die Schränke | There are cups in the Cupboard. | Im Schrank stehen Tassen. |
Chair | der Stuhl / die Stühle | We have three chairs and one table. | Wir haben drei Stühle und einen Tisch. |
living room | das Wohnzimmer (-) | The living room has a furnace. | Das Wohnzimmer hat einen Ofen. |
Curtain | der Vorhang (ä, e) | In the summer, we need thick curtains. | Im Sommer brauchen wir dicke Vorhänge. |
desk | der Schreibtisch (e) | The cat sits on the desk. | Die Katze sitzt auf dem Schreibtisch. |
Laundry basket | der Wäschekorb / die Wäschekörbe | Our Laundry basket was stolen. | Unser Wäschekorb wurde gestohlen. |
shoe cabinet | Der Schuhschrank / Die Schuhschränke | We need to buy a shoe cabinet. | Wir müssen einen Schuhschrank kaufen. |
towel | das Handtuch (ü, er) | The shop sold towels and bedspreads. | Der Laden verkaufte Handtücher und Bettdecken. |
Trunk | die Truhe / die Truhen | The soldier carried his wooden trunk. | Der Soldat trug seinen Holzkoffer. |
Umbrella stand | der Schirmständer / die Schirmständer | An umbrella stand should be very heavy. | Ein Schirmständer sollte sehr schwer sein. |
vase | die Vase (n) | My wife broke the flower vase. | Meine Frau hat die Blumenvase zerbrochen. |
Armchair | der Sessel / die Sessel | My arm chair is very expensive. | Mein Sessel ist sehr teuer. |
balcony | der Balkon (e) | I like to sit in the balcony | Ich sitze gerne auf dem Balkon |
window | das Fenster (-) | Open the window. | Öffne das Fenster. |
wastebasket | der Papierkorb (ö, e) | We need a new wastebasket. | Wir brauchen einen neuen Papierkorb. |
Sofa | das Sofa / die Sofas | The sofa is extremely dirty. | Das Sofa ist extrem schmutzig. |
stairs/steps | die Treppen | The child walked up the stairs. | Das Kind ging die Treppe hinauf. |
Stool | der Hocker / die Hocker | The blue stool costs $45. | Der blaue Hocker kostet 45 Dollar. |
Table | der Tisch / die Tische | There is food on the table | Es steht Essen auf dem Tisch |
Dining room furniture in German
Where does one eat? In the dining room of course! For Germans, this is a very important room (almost sacred) since dinner and Lunch must be eaten with Family. It is strictly family time and one must eat properly seated around the dining table.

If you ask me, this room is also very important from a German vocabulary usage perspective. You may entertain your German friends in the living room but the food will be served in the dining room. All dining room talk will involve furniture and crockery so you best be prepared. Memorize the list of furniture in German for the dining room and also the list of crockery in German.
English | German | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Dining Room | Der Esszimmer / der Speisesaal | The dining room is quite large. | Der Speisesaal ist recht groß. |
Dining Table | Der Esstisch | Our dining table is expensive. | Unser Esstisch ist teuer. |
Chair | Der Stuhl | The chairs are broken. | Die Stühle sind kaputt. |
Plate | Der Teller | We need two plates. | Wir brauchen zwei Teller. |
Spoon | Der Löffel | The spoons are made of silver. | Die Löffel sind aus Silber. |
Knife | Das Messer | The Knife is sharp. | Das Messer ist scharf. |
Fork | Die Gabel | The child carried the fork. | Das Kind trug die Gabel. |
Napkin | Die Serviette | The Napkin is dirty. | Die Serviette ist schmutzig. |
Cutlery | Das Besteck | Can we buy new cutlery? | Können wir neues Besteck kaufen? |
Tea pot | Die Teekanne | The Tea pot is really old. | Die Teekanne ist wirklich alt. |
Tea cup | Die Teetasse | The tea cups are made in Germany. | Die Teetassen werden in Deutschland hergestellt. |
Mug | Der Becher | Pour the beer into the mug. | Gießen Sie das Bier in den Becher. |
Wine Glass | Das Weinglas | We have wine glasses but we do not have wine. | Wir haben Weingläser, aber wir haben keinen Wein. |
Table cloth | Die Tischdecke | The table cloth is white in color. | Die Tischdecke ist in der Farbe weiß. |
Toilet and Bathroom furniture in German
Your guests have had their fill. Now what next? They would need to use the toilet, of course. If you ask me, this room is very important FOR ALL HUMANS!!!! At the very least you need to point out where the toilet is to your guest. Memorize the list of furniture in German for the bathroom and the toilet. Below you can find, learn and study the list of furniture in German for the dining room and also the list of crockery in German.

German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Bathroom | das Badezimmer (-) | The bathroom is very clean. | Das Badezimmer ist sehr sauber. |
bathroom sink | das Waschbecken (-) | We need ot buy a bathroom sink. | Wir müssen kein Waschbecken kaufen. |
bathtub | die Badewanne (n) | Is the bathtub large? | Ist die Badewanne groß? |
toilet | die Toilette (n) | I do not like a dirty toilet. | Ich mag keine schmutzige Toilette. |
shower | die Dusche | I use the shower everyday. | Ich benutze die Dusche jeden Tag. |
Bedroom furniture in German
Where does one sleep? In the bedroom of course! You may spend the maximum amount of time here compared to all of the other rooms simply because you need to sleep. Memorize the list of furniture in German for the bedroom. Below you can find, learn and study the list of furniture in German for the bedroom.

German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Pillow | das Kopfkissen (-) | The pillow is white. | Das Kissen ist weiß. |
Nightstand | der Nachttisch / die Nachttische | I like the Nightstand | Ich mag den Nachttisch |
Bed | das Bett / die Betten | The hotel room does not have a bed. | Das Hotelzimmer hat kein Bett. |
Bedspread | die Bettdecke / die Bettdecken | My children like the bed spread | Meine Kinder mögen die Bettdecke |
Bedroom | das Schlafzimmer (-) | There are three bedrooms in the house. | Es gibt drei Schlafzimmer im Haus. |
Single Bed | das Einzelbett / die Einzelbetten | I am married and I do not need a single bed. | Ich bin verheiratet und brauche kein Einzelbett. |
Clothes rack | Der Kleiderständer / Die Kleiderständer | We purchased the clothes rack yesterday. | Wir haben den Kleiderständer gestern gekauft. |
Double bed | das Doppelbett / die Doppelbetten | We need a Double bed but the room is too small. | Wir brauchen ein Doppelbett, aber das Zimmer ist zu klein. |
Dresser | die Kommode (n) | The dresser is quite large. | Die Kommode ist ziemlich groß. |
Mirror | der Spiegel / die Spiegel | The Mirror is over 200 years old. | Der Spiegel ist über 200 Jahre alt. |
Kitchen Furniture in German
The kitchen is where the magic happens! One can make or break a day with this room since a bad meal might make anyone irritated! For Germans, this room is a sacred room since this similar to the dining room is where Family time is formed. Also the kitchen must be kept spectacularly clean and hence they spend a lot of time cleaning this room.
Memorize the list of furniture in German for the Kitchen. Below you can find, learn and study the list of furniture in German for the Kitchen.

German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Kitchen | die Küche | We have many knives in the kitchen. | Wir haben viele Messer in der Küche. |
kitchen sink | Die Spüle | They purchased a kitchen sink two weeks ago. | Sie haben vor zwei Wochen eine Küchenspüle gekauft. |
Faucet | der Wasserhahn | The white faucet is more pretty than the blue faucet. | Der weiße Wasserhahn ist schöner als der blaue Wasserhahn. |
dishes | das Geschirr | Can you wash the dishes? | Kannst du das Geschirr spülen? |
dishwasher | die Geschirrspülmaschine (n) | We have a Dishwasher but we do not have dishwasher salt. | Wir haben eine Spülmaschine, aber wir haben kein Spülmaschinensalz. |
Wall Shelf | das Wandregal / die Wandregale | The Wall Shelf fell down. | Das Wandregal ist heruntergefallen. |
silverware | das Besteck | The silverware was stolen years ago. | Das Besteck wurde vor Jahren gestohlen. |
Other Generic furniture
While this below mentioned list may not be associated to any room in particular, they are generic and very important.
German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
furniture | die Möbel | We really need to buy some new furniture. | Wir müssen dringend neue Möbel kaufen. |
door | die Tür (en) | I locked the door. | Ich habe die Tür abgeschlossen. |
first floor | Der erste Stock | The neighbor lives on the first florr. | Der Nachbar wohnt im ersten Stock. |
Hallway / corridor | der Flur (e) | The hallway is quite long | Der Flur ist ziemlich lang |
ground floor | Erdgeschoss | My house is on the ground floor | Mein Haus ist im Erdgeschoss |
garden, yard | der Garten (ä) | There are many flowes in the garden. | Es gibt viele Blumen im Garten. |
lawn | der Rasen | There are a few rabbits in the lawn. | Es gibt ein paar Kaninchen auf dem Rasen. |
ceiling | die Decke (n) | The ceiling is broken. | Die Decke ist kaputt. |
stairs/steps | die Treppen | The child walked up the stairs. | Das Kind ging die Treppe hinauf. |
balcony | der Balkon (e) | I like to sit in the balcony | Ich sitze gerne auf dem Balkon |
Electrical appliances in German
While this list will be covered extensively in another blog, I have included the list of a few commonly found electrical appliances in German since it might be quite relevant.

German | English | English Sentence | German Sentence |
Radio | das Radio (s) | The radio was popular in 1970. | 1970 war das Radio populär. |
computer | der Computer (-) | Acer is the best computer company in the world. | Acer ist das beste Computerunternehmen der Welt. |
telephone | das Telefon (e) | In 1950, the telephone became popular in USA. | 1950 wurde das Telefon in den USA populär. |
television | der Fernseher (-) | I need to buy a large television. | Ich muss einen großen Fernseher kaufen. |
VCR | der Videorekorder (-) | Do you still have a VCR? | Hast du noch einen Videorekorder? |
alarm clock | der Wecker (-) | The alarm clock is very loud. | Der Wecker ist sehr laut. |
lamp | die Lampe (n) | The lamp needs three battries. | Die Lampe benötigt drei Batterien. |
Clock | die Uhr (en) | I sold the clock. | Ich habe die Uhr verkauft. |
refrigerator | der Kühlschrank (e) | There are many fruits inside the refrigerator. | Im Kühlschrank befinden sich viele Früchte. |
Stove | der Herd (e) | We have two electric stoves but we like the gas stove. | Wir haben zwei Elektroherde, aber wir mögen den Gasherd. |
Oven | der Backofen (ö) | The oven is very dirty. | Der Backofen ist stark verschmutzt. |
Hope you had fun learning about the different types of furniture in German. Do remember that this will serve you well and almost on a day to day basis so memorize it completely.