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50 human body organs in German

50 human body organs in German

As a child, did you not start off by learning about your head and toes and fingers. As you grew older, you learnt about how your body has so many organs. You would have definitely come across a chapter as “Organs of the human body”. Well, that’s true for everyone in the world. Similar to how you learnt about the list of organs of the human body in English, a child in Germany learns about the list of organs of the human body in German.

Organs of the body in German
Organs of the body in German

The A1 vocabulary list all German organs is below. You can also find German example sentences for each organ.  This list of German organs is one of the most basic and important A1 vocabulary lists that you would need to know as a novice to the German A1 language and in real life.




  1. How do you say the Human body Organs in German?
  2. Do you capitalize organs in German? When to capitalize organs in German?
  3. External organs in German
  4. List of all well known organs
  5. Other organs in German


How to say Human body Organs in German?

  • WORD: The German translation for “Organ” is “das Organ”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The heart is a very important organ.” à Das Herz ist ein sehr wichtiges Organ.
  • WORD: The German word for “The Human Body” is “der menschliche Körper”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “There are 206 bones in the human body.” à Es gibt 206 Knochen im menschlichen Körper.


Do you capitalize Organs in German? When to capitalise Organs in German?

  • As a thumb rule, all nouns in German are capitalised.
  • The Organs of the human body are nouns and hence must be capitalised when using German.
  • So basically you must capitalize the first alphabet in all Organs in German.
When to capitalise Organs in German?
When to capitalise Organs in German?


List of external organs in German? 

These are the main body parts in German which you WILL DEFINITELY use daily since they are visible on the outside. You can learn the external body organs in German.

learn the external body organs in German
learn the external body organs in German
Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in GermanExample sentence in EnglishGerman Example sentence
The Eye / eyesDas Auge / AugenI have two eyes.Ich habe zwei Augen.
The Ear / earsDas Ohr / OhrenI wear earrings because my ears are cute.Ich trage Ohrringe, weil meine Ohren süß sind.
The NoseDie NaseHe punched me in the nose.Er schlug mir auf die Nase.
The TongueDie ZungeI burnt my tongue.Ich habe mir die Zunge verbrannt.
The SkinDie HautI have dry skin.Ich habe trockene Haut.
The Nail / nailsDer Nagel / die NägelTrim your nails!Schneiden Sie Ihre Nägel!
The Tooth / teethDer Zahn / die ZähneWe have thirty two teeth.Wir haben zweiunddreißig Zähne.
The VaginaDie ScheideI have a vagina.Ich habe eine Scheide.
The PenisDer PenisHis penis is very long.Sein Penis ist sehr lang.
The Testicle / testiclesDer Hoden / HodenHe has large testicles and a short penis.Er hat große Hoden und einen kurzen Penis.
The AnusDer AnusAn earthworm has a mouth and an anus.Ein Regenwurm hat einen Mund und einen Anus.
The HairDie HaareI have black hair.Ich habe schwarze Haare.


Basic organs in German

You might need to be more generic in most cases when talking to friends. These are the main body parts in German which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the parts of the body in German in with articles.

most common or basic organs in German?
most common or basic organs in German?
Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in GermanExample sentence in EnglishGerman Example sentence
The Bone / bonesDer Knochen / KnochenThe bones are very weak.Die Knochen sind sehr schwach.
The BloodDas BlutWe need a litre of blood.Wir brauchen einen Liter Blut.
The HeartDas HerzMy heart pumps blood.Mein Herz pumpt Blut.
The Lung / lungsDie Lunge / LungenThe horse has very large lungs.Das Pferd hat sehr große Lungen.
The Brain / brainsDas Gehirn / GehirneThe brain is the most important organ.Das Gehirn ist das wichtigste Organ.
The StomachDer MagenHis stomach was empty.Sein Magen war leer.
The Kidney / kidneysDie Niere / NierenThe doctor removed a kidney.Der Arzt entfernte eine Niere.
The LiverDie LeberAlcohol affects the liver.Alkohol wirkt sich auf die Leber aus.
The PancreasDie BauchspeicheldrüseI do not have a pancreas.Ich habe keine Bauchspeicheldrüse.


Specialized organs in German

You might need to be specific in some cases when talking to doctors. These are the more specific body parts in German which you might use when describing an illness to you doctor.

Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in GermanExample sentence in EnglishGerman Example sentence
The GenitalsDie GenitalienI like my genitals.Ich mag meine Genitalien.
The Gall bladderDie GallenblaseThe gall bladder is not an important organ.Die Gallenblase ist kein wichtiges Organ.
The DiaphragmDas ZwerchfellThe diaphragm is below the lungs.Das Zwerchfell liegt unterhalb der Lunge.
The Mammary GlandsDie MilchdrüsenA dog has eight mammary glands.Ein Hund hat acht Milchdrüsen.
The SpleenDie MilzWhere is the spleen?Wo ist die Milz?
The Spinal CordDas RückenmarkYour spinal cord is injured.Ihr Rückenmark ist verletzt.
The Ovary / OvariesDer Eierstock / EierstöckeWomen have ovaries.Frauen haben Eierstöcke.
The Thyroid GlandDie SchilddrüseThe thyroid gland and the adrenal glands are very small.Die Schilddrüse und die Nebennieren sind sehr klein.
The SkeletonDas SkelettWe found the skeleton yesterday.Wir haben das Skelett gestern gefunden.
The Muscle / musclesDer Muskel / MuskelnThe athlete has large muscles.Der Athlet hat große Muskeln.

Breaking the list into 2 to make it easier

Organ name in EnglishName of the organ in GermanExample sentence in EnglishGerman Example sentence
The Ligament / ligamentsDas Band / BänderI need physiotherapy to strengthen my ligaments.Ich brauche Physiotherapie, um meine Bänder zu stärken.
The Tissue / tissuesDas Gewebe / GewebeI need physiotherapy to strengthen my ligaments and tissues.Ich brauche Physiotherapie, um meine Bänder und mein Gewebe zu stärken.
The Artery / arteriesDie Arterie / ArterienThere is impure blood in the arteries.In den Arterien befindet sich unreines Blut.
The vein / veinsDie Vene / VenenVeins and arteries are quite long.Venen und Arterien sind ziemlich lang.
The Tendon / tendonsDie Sehne / SehnenThe surgeon removed the tendons.Der Chirurg entfernte die Sehnen.
The capillary / capillariesDie Kapillare / KapillarenWhat do capillaries do?Was machen Kapillaren?
TonsilsMandelnThe doctor looked at my tonsils.Der Arzt sah sich meine Mandeln an.
The Nerve / nervesDer Nerv / die NervenA human being has many nerves.Ein Mensch hat viele Nerven.
The Small intestineDer DünndarmThe small intestine is longer than the large intestine.Der Dünndarm ist länger als der Dickdarm.
The Large intestineDer DickdarmHis large intestines are infected.Sein Dickdarm ist infiziert.


Hope you had fun learning about the different organs in German.

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  1. […] Vocabulary word list of the different human organs in German. […]

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