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Die eitle Dohle und seine geliehenen Federn

German short stories – Learning German through English

Aesop’s Fables – Die eitle Dohle und seine geliehenen Federn


Once upon a time, there was Jackdaw who was very vain. He flew over the king’s palace and saw that many peacocks there. He was filled with envy. He had never seen such beautiful birds with their glorious feathers. They seemed to e the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.

The Jackdaw decided, “I must look like the peacock”.


Es war einmal eine Dohle, die sehr eitel war. Er flog über den Königspalast und sah dort so viele Pfauen. Er war von Neid erfüllt. Er hatte noch nie so schöne Vögel mit ihren herrlichen Federn gesehen. Sie schienen die schönsten Vögel zu sein, die er je gesehen hatte.

Die Dohle entschied: „Ich muss wie der Pfau aussehen“.


He found a few of the feathers of the peacock and stuck it to his back and head. He covered his wings as much as he could too. After this, he flew over to his own flock of birds and showed off how beautiful he was.

The Jackdaw said to them, “Look at how beautiful I am. I am a peacock.”


Er fand einige der Federn des Pfaus und klebte sie an seinen Rücken und Kopf. Er bedeckte seine Flügel so gut er konnte. Danach flog er zu seinem eigenen Vogelschwarm und zeigte, wie schön er war.

Die Dohle sagte zu ihnen: „Schau dir an, wie schön ich bin. Ich bin ein Pfau. “



The other Jackdaws got very angry after his constant vanity. He then flew over to the palace and tried to mingle with the Peacocks.


Die anderen Dohlen wurden nach seiner ständigen Eitelkeit sehr wütend. Er flog dann zum Palast hinüber und versuchte, sich unter die Pfauen zu mischen.



The peacocks immediately recognized him and said, “Cheat! Cheat! Cheat” and surrounded him and tore off all the peacock feathers. They also pecked him and tore some of his own feathers as punishment.


Die Pfauen erkannten ihn sofort und sagten: „Betrüger! Betrüger! Betrüger”und umringten ihn und rissen ihm alle Pfauenfedern ab. Sie pickten ihn auch und rissen zur Strafe einige seiner eigenen Federn.



The Jackdaw was very insulted and flew away to his own flock.


Die Dohle war sehr beleidigt und flog zu seiner eigenen Herde.


The remaining Jackdaws said, “Oh look, Mr. Peacock has lost all his feathers and now pretending to be a Jackdaw. Throw him out.”

They pecked him until he left.


Die übrigen Dohlen sagten: „Oh, seht mal, Herr Peacock hat alle seine Federn verloren und gibt jetzt vor, eine Dohle zu sein. Werft ihn raus.”

Sie pickten ihn, bis er weg war.




Hope you had fun learning German through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak German confidently using English as a base 🙂 These German short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 


About the Editor
The author of this German dual language short story is a C1 Goethe certified German language expert. He has over 5 years’ experience in teaching German and over 8 years learning. 

He has conducted over 1000 plus hours of classes to over 300 students. In simple words (his words as well as his student’s words), he is AWESOME!!! He can be reached out to at deindeutschlehrer24@gmail.com

He also provides German Language courses for A1, A2 and B1 levels. Below are the details for the same:

Fees for A1, A2 and B1 levels are 120€,140€ and 160€ respectively.

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