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Learning German with stories for beginners

Learning German with stories for beginners

German is not the easiest language to learn, but there are some effective strategies that can be used to learn this language. Philosophers like Hegel and Kant have written their works. Once one has mastered the initial levels, one can start improving one’s German by reading short stories in German for children. It may feel strange to read children’s stories as an adult, but they are simply the perfect tools for mastering a new language because of their simple, not too challenging voluntary, short sentences, short size, ability to hold interest, etc.

Now that we know that learning short stories is fun, do we buy books or should we do eLearning? A more important question is what is eLearning?  Simply put, eLearning is the abbreviated form for electronic learning. It comprises of modules made up of multiple components such as text, video, Gamified options and audio and together seamlessly deliver in a learning event or platform.

While learning German with stories for beginners, the following tactics can help one a lot:

  • One should always choose the right book for one’s level.

The first and the most important tip when one is learning German through short stories for beginners is to choose the story wisely. The short story should not be too simple or too easy – as that would not teach one anything and thus just waste time. It should not also be too difficult – as that would slow down and frustrate one too much to carry through. It should be only slightly difficult – preferably; one wants a short story where about 97 percent of the unique words used in the short story are already familiar to one.

  • The short story should be read aloud.

After first reading the story to oneself and thoroughly understanding it, it is best to read a short story out loud, preferably to some coach. This will help improve the pronunciation of words as the coach can correct one where one makes an error, or one can simply do a search online for pronunciation where there is a doubt. One can also act out so as to practice the tones; One can also listen to the short stories being read aloud to improve listening skills and confirm pronunciation skills.

  • One should keep a dictionary and a notebook handy.

When reading a short story for beginners to learn German, it is always smart to keep a dictionary and notebook handy. Dictionary will be needed to check the meanings of various words one doesn’t know; A notebook is needed for writing prompts, as discussed in the next point.

  • One should do the writing exercises after reading.

These writing exercises may include writing meanings of various words one has to learn during the story reading. Then these same words may be used in meaningful sentences. Again, one can also write the summary and one’s own thoughts about the story. All this will help improve my writing skills.

  • One should discuss the short story.

The last but not the least important tip for using simple German kids stories for kids while learning this language is to discuss the short stories with other learners, coaches, or anyone who knows German – as applicable. This should improve conversational skills and particularly listening skills.

The Bottom Line

One can easily wrap up the above discussion by concluding that the easy German kid stories can serve as excellent learning tools if someone is trying to master that language.


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