German short stories – Learning German through English
Aesop’s Fables – Der Wolf und der Hirte
Once upon a time, a shepherd lived in a small village next to the forest. He used to take the sheep to graze in the forest.
TranslateEs war einmal ein Hirte, der in einem kleinen Dorf neben dem Wald lebte. Er nahm die Schafe mit, um im Wald zu grasen.
One day, he saw a wolf roaming around the sheep. He was afraid of the wolf and did not move. The sheep were terrified and did not move as well. The wolf however did not do anything. The wolf only made sure that the sheep did not stray away. He circled the sheep and pushed them towards the shepherd and went into the forests.
TranslateEines Tages sah er einen Wolf, der um die Schafe herumstreifte. Er hatte Angst vor dem Wolf und bewegte sich nicht. Die Schafe hatten Angst und bewegten sich auch nicht. Der Wolf hat jedoch nichts getan. Der Wolf sorgte nur dafür, dass die Schafe sich nicht verirrten. Er umkreiste die Schafe und schob sie zum Hirten und ging in die Wälder.
The next day the same thing happened. Soon the sheep and the shepherd got used to the wolf.
TranslateAm nächsten Tag passierte dasselbe. Bald gewöhnten sich die Schafe und der Hirte an den Wolf.
The shepherd thought, “This wolf might not be a bad wolf. He is so kind and helpful. He must not be wicked. Maybe all wolves are not wicked.”
TranslateDer Hirte dachte: „Dieser Wolf ist vielleicht kein schlechter Wolf. Er ist so nett und hilfsbereit. Er muss nicht böse sein. Vielleicht sind nicht alle Wölfe böse. “
He got so used to the wolf that he trusted the wolf completely. One day, he went to the village when the wolf was taking care of the sheep. When he came back, half his flock was dead or missing.
He said, “How foolish was I to trust a wolf.”
TranslateEr gewöhnte sich so an den Wolf, dass er dem Wolf völlig vertraute. Eines Tages ging er ins Dorf, als der Wolf sich um die Schafe kümmerte. Als er zurückkam, war die Hälfte seiner Herde tot oder vermisst.
Er sagte: “Wie dumm war ich, einem Wolf zu vertrauen.”
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak German confidently using English as a base 🙂 These German short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.
About the Editor
The author of this German dual language short story is a C1 Goethe certified German language expert. He has over 5 years’ experience in teaching German and over 8 years learning.
He has conducted over 1000 plus hours of classes to over 300 students. In simple words (his words as well as his student’s words), he is AWESOME!!! He can be reached out to at
He also provides German Language courses for A1, A2 and B1 levels. Below are the details for the same:
Fees for A1, A2 and B1 levels are 120€,140€ and 160€ respectively.