German short stories – Learning German through English
Aesop’s Fables – Das Kamel und der Löwe
Once upon a time, a young Lion was made king of the forest. The old lion had retired. There was great celebration in the forest for this. All the animals were performing for the lion.
TranslateEs war einmal ein junger Löwe, der zum König des Waldes ernannt wurde. Der alte Löwe hatte sich zurückgezogen. Dafür gab es im Wald ein großes Fest. Alle Tiere spielten für den Löwen.
The elephant made everyone laugh and play when he sprayed them with water.
The birds sang the softest of songs.
The monkey was asked to dance. He danced so well that all the animals clapped. Even the lion was very happy and showered the monkey with praise.
TranslateDer Elefant brachte alle zum Lachen und Spielen, als er sie mit Wasser besprühte.
Die Vögel sangen die leisesten Lieder.
Der Affe wurde gebeten zu tanzen. Er tanzte so gut, dass alle Tiere klatschten. Sogar der Löwe war sehr glücklich und überschüttete den Affen mit Lob.
There was a camel which was very jealous on hearing this. He thought, “Anyone can dance. The Monkey is not special. I can dance better than him.”
He went to the center of the stage and pushed the monkey away and began to dance. He was not a good dancer. He had a huge hump and long feet. He was jumping around and looked very ugly.
TranslateEs gab ein Kamel, das sehr eifersüchtig war, dies zu hören. Er dachte: „Jeder kann tanzen. Der Affe ist nichts Besonderes. Ich kann besser tanzen als er. “
Er ging in die Mitte der Bühne und schob den Affen weg und begann zu tanzen. Er war kein guter Tänzer. Er hatte einen riesigen Buckel und lange Füße. Er sprang herum und sah sehr hässlich aus.
His long neck was twisting around and his hump was huge. The animals very angry and had to move away from his feet.
He was so careless that he almost kicked the Lion. The Lion roared and chased away the Camel into the desert.
TranslateSein langer Hals drehte sich und sein Buckel war riesig. Die Tiere waren sehr wütend und mussten sich von seinen Füßen entfernen.
Er war so unvorsichtig, dass er den Löwen fast getreten hätte. Der Löwe brüllte und jagte das Kamel in die Wüste.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak German confidently using English as a base 🙂 These German short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.
About the Editor
The author of this German dual language short story is a C1 Goethe certified German language expert. He has over 5 years’ experience in teaching German and over 8 years learning.
He has conducted over 1000 plus hours of classes to over 300 students. In simple words (his words as well as his student’s words), he is AWESOME!!! He can be reached out to at
He also provides German Language courses for A1, A2 and B1 levels. Below are the details for the same:
Fees for A1, A2 and B1 levels are 120€,140€ and 160€ respectively.