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Der Verschwender und die Schwalbe

German short stories – Learning German through English

Aesop’s Fables – Der Verschwender und die Schwalbe


Once upon a time, there was a man who was a spendthrift. Who is a spendthrift? A spendthrift is someone who spends all his money. A spendthrift does not save any money for the future.


Es war einmal ein Mann, der verschwenderisch war. Wer ist ein Verschwender? Ein Verschwender ist jemand, der sein ganzes Geld ausgibt. Ein Verschwender spart kein Geld für die Zukunft.



The man loved to spend on himself and his friends. By the end of winter, he had spent all of his money. He had only a few clothes which he was wearing and those in his bag.


Der Mann liebte es, für sich und seine Freunde auszugeben. Bis zum Ende des Winters hatte er sein ganzes Geld ausgegeben. Er hatte nur ein paar Kleider, die er trug, und die in seiner Tasche.


What comes after summer? It was spring season. Summer was still a month away. He wanted some money in order to spend on his friends. He was thinking of how to earn some quick money.


Was kommt nach dem Sommer? Es war Frühlingszeit. Der Sommer war noch einen Monat entfernt. Er wollte etwas Geld, um es für seine Freunde auszugeben. Er überlegte, wie er schnell Geld verdienen könnte.



He was looking around and he saw a bird. It was a swallow. The bird was softly tweeting.


Er sah sich um und sah einen Vogel. Es war eine Schwalbe. Der Vogel twitterte leise.






The man became very happy. A swallow tweeting means only one thing, it was summer already. He ran to the clothes dealer and sold all the woollen clothes which he had. He only wore a light summer tunic. The weather was warm and he had a good time with his friends.





Der Mann wurde sehr glücklich. Ein Schwalben-Tweeten bedeutet nur eins, es war schon Sommer. Er rannte zum Kleiderhändler und verkaufte alle Wollkleidung, die er hatte. Er trug nur eine leichte Sommertunika. Das Wetter war warm und er hatte eine gute Zeit mit seinen Freunden.



Two days later, the weather became very cold and there was a severe frost. The foolish man was not having any clothes to keep him warm. He had sold all his warm clothes for money. He had to stay awake all night near a small fire to keep warm.


Zwei Tage später wurde das Wetter sehr kalt und es gab starken Frost. Der dumme Mann hatte keine Kleidung, um ihn warm zu halten. Er hatte alle seine warmen Kleider für Geld verkauft. Er musste die ganze Nacht in der Nähe eines kleinen Feuers wach bleiben, um sich warm zu halten.



  • But the man learned a very valuable lesson that seeing one swallow does not mean the start of summer.

Aber der Mann hat eine sehr wertvolle Lektion. Eine Schwalbe zu sehen, bedeutet nicht den Beginn des Sommers.




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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak German confidently using English as a base 🙂 These German short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 


About the Editor
The author of this German dual language short story is a C1 Goethe certified German language expert. He has over 5 years’ experience in teaching German and over 8 years learning. 

He has conducted over 1000 plus hours of classes to over 300 students. In simple words (his words as well as his student’s words), he is AWESOME!!! He can be reached out to at deindeutschlehrer24@gmail.com

He also provides German Language courses for A1, A2 and B1 levels. Below are the details for the same:

Fees for A1, A2 and B1 levels are 120€,140€ and 160€ respectively.

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