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Vocabulary: Spices in German with Example sentences

List of Spices in German with example sentences – Die Gewürze

German Vocabulary: What are the names of the different spices used for cooking in German – Die Gewürze?

Spices in German - Die Gewürze
Spices in German – Die Gewürze
  1. German Vocabulary: What are the names of the different Spices in German?

  2. What is the German vocabulary for common Spices in German?

  3. What is the German vocabulary for Fine Spices in German?

German Vocabulary: What are the names of the different spices used for cooking in German?

One of the “most” common topics in German is learning the vocabulary for how to describe what you ate and what needs to be cooked. You would need to inform in a restaurant if you want a certain spice or not. There might be warnings saying that the food contains certain spices. So, many questions can be asked around this topic.

Let us go through the list of Spices in German and a few example sentences for the same.

Spices in German
Spices in German


What are the German names and German vocabulary for Spices in German and English?

These are the common Spices that are found in any German household. You can now learn the German vocabulary for the different Spices.

GewürzMeaningEnglish SentenceGerman Sentence
die LakritzeLiquoriceLiquorice is very expensiveLakritz ist sehr teuer
der CurryCurryCurry is spicy.Curry ist scharf.
der ChiliChiliChili can be sweet or spicy.Chili kann süß oder scharf sein.
der grüne KardamomCardamomCardamom is an indian spice.Kardamom ist ein indisches Gewürz.
der KreuzkümmelCuminCumin is very tastyKreuzkümmel ist sehr lecker
der PfefferPepperPlease buy Pepper. I am making soup today.Bitte kaufen Sie Pfeffer. Ich mache heute Suppe.
der SafranSaffronSaffron is the most expensive spice.Safran ist das teuerste Gewürz.
der SenfMustardCan you buy three bottles of Mustard?Können Sie drei Flaschen Senf kaufen?
der SesamSesameWe are having Sesame Bread and Hummus spread for lunch.Zum Mittagessen gibt es Sesambrot und Hummus-Aufstrich.
die GewürznelkeCloveI purchased Clove for EUR 3Ich habe Gewürznelke für 3 EUR gekauft
die MuskatnussNutmegWe have a Nutmeg plant at homeWir haben eine Muskatnusspflanze zu Hause
die Vanille VanillaI love Vanilla cake.Ich liebe Vanillekuchen.

What are the German names and German vocabulary for the list of  aall finer Spices in German and English?

These are the more refined or “Fine” Spices that are found in any German household. You can now learn the German vocabulary for the different Spices.

List of all Spices in German
List of all Spices in German



English Sentence

German Sentence

das Basilikum


The goat ate the Basil plant.

Die Ziege hat die Basilikumpflanze gefressen.

der Echte Kerbel


The Chervil plant has large leaf

Die Kerbelpflanze hat ein großes Blatt

der Echte Koriander


I sell Coriander in the market.

Ich verkaufe Koriander auf dem Markt.

der Echte Lorbeer


Laurel is a herb.

Lorbeer ist ein Kraut.

der Estragon


Rich people eat Tarragon everyday.

Reiche Leute essen täglich Estragon.

der Fenchel


Boil water with some Fennel

Wasser mit etwas Fenchel aufkochen

der Oregano


I like pizza with Oregano

Ich mag Pizza mit Oregano

der Rosmarin


Rosemary has a lovely smell.

Rosmarin hat einen schönen Duft.

der Salbei


Sage is a small plant.

Salbei ist eine kleine Pflanze.

der Thymian


You can make biscuits with Thyme and Parsley

Du kannst Kekse mit Thymian und Petersilie backen

die minze


Mint Cigarettes are very expensive.

Minze Zigaretten sind sehr teuer.

die Petersilie


Can you bake cookies with Parsley?

Kann man mit Petersilie Kekse backen?

die Zitronenmelisse

Lemon balm

I have a headache and so I drank tea with Lemon balm.

Ich habe Kopfschmerzen und habe deshalb Tee mit Zitronenmelisse getrunken.


#Spices in German #Spices German # German Spices Names # Spices German Vocabulary # Spices in Germany

Some common Herbs and Spices in German

das Basilikum – Basil

Basil is one of the famous spices in Germany. Basil is native to tropical regions from central Africa to Southeast Asia. It is a tender plant, and is used in cuisines worldwide.

Basil in German - Spices in German
Basil in German – Spices in German

The German word for the spice Basil is “das Basilikum”. What do Germans make with Basil? Basil is one of the key ingredients for making Pesto Sauce and is fantastic with Pasta. Its brilliant on salads and one can also made a smoothie with Basil. Basil is used for making soups as well.


der Echte Kerbel – Chervil

Chervil - Spices in German
Chervil – Spices in German

Chervil is one of the common spices in Germany. Chervil is called French parsley is a delicate herb related to parsley. It is commonly used to season mild-flavoured dishes and is a constituent of the French herb mixtures.

The German word for the spice Chervil is “der Echte Kerbel”. What do Germans make with Chervil? Chervil is used for making Chervil Vinaigrette and some sauces. It is also used as a top up on pizzas and pastas. Like Basil, it is used for making pastas and soups as well. Lemon chicken with Chervil sauce is a dish you’d find in high end restaurants.


der Echte Koriander – Coriander

Coriander - Spices in German
Coriander – Spices in German

Coriander is one of the more popular spices in Germany and you can find it in every supermarket. It is commonly used to season South East Asian cuisine such as Indian and Chinese cuisine. It is used generously and adds a strong flavour to dishes.

The German word for the spice Coriander is “der Echte Koriander”. What do Germans make with the spice Coriander? Coriander is used for making Dips, Thai Curry, Indian food recipes and sauces. It is used as a top up on rice and Chinese noodles. You can find it commonly in Thai, Indian and Chinese restaurants.


der Echte Lorbeer – Laurel – Bay Leaf

Laurel - Bay Leaf - Spices in German
Laurel – Bay Leaf – Spices in German

The bay leaf or laurel leaf is a spice which originates in Asia and it grows into huge trees. Its leaves are evergreen, which were consecrated to the god Apollo, were highly valued in ancient times. A wreath of laurel leaves was given as a high honour to poets, singers and generals who could then “rest on their laurels”.

The German word for the spice Laurel is “der Echte Lorbeer”. What do Germans make with the spice Laurel? Laurel is also used in culinary for making vinegar, liquor, spicing up Indian cuisine and also for making flavoured steamed rice.


der Fenchel – Fennel

Fennel - Spices in German
Fennel – Spices in German

Fennel is one of the very strongly flavoured herbs and is used in cooking all over Asia and Europe. It is a highly aromatic herb used in cooking and is one of the primary ingredients of absinthe.

It is used as a strong flavourful garnish. Mint is well known for its dominating taste. The German word for the spice Fennel is “der Fenchel”. What do Germans make with Fennel? Fennel is used for as a pizza topping, topping up pasta, soups, salad dressings, potato dressings, relish and also for stuffing, braising and making spreads.


der Oregano – Oregano

Oregano - Spices in German
Oregano – Spices in German

You will be very familiar with the spice “Oregano” as it is the main topping for a pizza and also for pasta sauce. Oregano is one of the most widely-used herbs across the world. It is found in Mexican cuisine commonly and is one of the components of chili powder. The dried form is very common, but fresh oregano is also employed in some dishes.

The German word for the spice Oregano  is “der Oregano”. What do Germans make with Oregano? Fennel is used for as the best pizza topping, topping up pastas and soups, salad dressings, potato dressings, relish and also for stuffing, braising and making spreads.


die minze – Mint

MInt - Spices in German
MInt – Spices in German

Mint is one of the most versatile herbs used in cooking all over the world. It is found in every country and is very tasty.

It is used as a strong flavourful garnish. Mint is well known for its dominating taste. The German word for the spice Mint  is “die Minze”. What do Germans make with Mint? Mint is used for making mint tea, topping up pasta, Lemon chicken, as a salad dressing, potato dressing and also for making Blugur and couscous.


die Petersilie- Parsley

Parsley - Spices in German
Parsley – Spices in German

Parsley is one of the most versatile herbs used in Middle Eastern cooking and is common all over Europe. It is found in every super market across the country.

It is used as a garnish, but more popularly used to spice up food. There are two varieties of parsley: curly leaf and flat leaf. Curly leaf is probably the most recognizable, as restaurants often use it as a garnish on their plating.

The German word for the spice Parsley is “die Petersilie”. What do Germans make with the spice Parsley? Parsley is used for making pasta, pesto sauce, as a salad dressing, potato dressing and also for making sauces.


Other Spices in German



#Spices in German #Spices German # German Spices Names # Spices German Vocabulary # Spices in Germany

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