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Milky Way Galaxy and the Solar System in German

Milky Way Galaxy and the Solar System in German

When you were a child, one of the “most” common topics is speaking about the planets. You can study about the list of the nine planets here Names of all the planets in German with example sentences. Is that all that you need to know? What about describing something as simple as a comet or the entire universe? Of course you need to know the vocabulary necessary to describe the moon and the stars in German, comets and asteroids in German, Universe in German etc. We would also like to learn about the Milky way and the solar system in German!

learn about the Universe in German
learn about the Universe in German

A simple example for its importance: You’re lying down in the grass with your partner and you and you want to romantically describe “THE GORGEOUS MILKY WAY AND THE DEPTHS OF SPACE”. And your partner turns out to be a gorgeous (or handsome) German dude / dudette. You know it’s a sure homerun if you speak romantically about the infinite depths of Space in German. You need to explain the beauty in German. How do you do that? Simple… know the words for the universe in German and then string them together with some grammar.

In this post, we will be learning about a comprehensive list of the objects in the known Universe in German with tons and tons of example sentences.



  1. How to say Universe in German?
  2. How to say Solar System and Milky Way Galaxy in German?
  3. Space objects such as asteroids, comets and meteors in German?
  4. Space related inventions?


Milky Way Galaxy and solar system in German

Big Bang - Creation in german
Big Bang – Creation in german
  • WORD: The German translation for “The Universe” is “Das Universum”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The universe is not infinite.” à Das Universum ist nicht unendlich.
  • WORD: The German word for “The Galaxy” is “Die Galaxie”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Milky Way is a Galaxy.” à Die Milchstraße ist eine Galaxie.
  • WORD: The German translation for “Solar System” is “Das Sonnensystem”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Our Solar system has nine planets.” à Unser Sonnensystem hat neun Planeten.


Asteroids, moons, and the solar system in German

Ok now that you are convinced that you can’t be talking about the nine planets all the time and that you need talk about Meteors in German, the universe, the galaxy, the stars and what not in German, we now know the next logical step.

space objects such as asteroids in German, moons in German and meteors in German?
space objects such as asteroids in German, moons in German and meteors in German?

Sometimes, you need to be more generic in cases when talking to acquaintances. Sometimes you need to be very specific when talking to friends and you are to deep dive into many a topic.

Universe in EnglishThe universe in GermanEnglish SentenceGerman Sentence
The Milky WayDie MilchstraßeThere are billions of stars in the milky way.In der Milchstraße gibt es Milliarden von Sternen.
The universeDas UniversumThe universe has many galaxies.Das Universum hat viele Galaxien.
The galaxyDie GalaxieThe artist painted a picture of the galaxy.Der Künstler malte ein Bild der Galaxie.
The solar systemDas SonnensystemThe solar system has nine planetsDas Sonnensystem hat neun Planeten
The cometDer KometA comet is faster than an asteroid.Ein Komet ist schneller als ein Asteroid.
The meteorDer MeteorI saw a meteor yesterday.Ich habe gestern einen Meteor gesehen.
The asteroidDer AsteroidWe have an asteroid in our school.Wir haben einen Asteroiden in unserer Schule.
The meteoroidDer MeteoroidWe sold the meteoroidWir haben den Meteoroiden verkauft
The black holeDas schwarze LochStephen Hawking studied about black holes.Stephen Hawking hat sich mit Schwarzen Löchern beschäftigt.
The Northern lightsDie NordlichterI want to see the northern lights.Ich möchte die Nordlichter sehen.
The orbitDie UmlaufbahnThe orbit is elliptical.Die Umlaufbahn ist elliptisch.
Gravitydie SchwerkraftNewton discovered gravity.Newton entdeckte die Schwerkraft.
AstronomyAstronomieI study Astronomy in Harvard.Ich studiere Astronomie in Harvard.


One more set of examples 

learn about the Universe in German
learn about the Universe in German
Universe in EnglishThe universe in GermanEnglish SentenceGerman Sentence
The Milky WayDie MilchstraßeThe German astronomer studies about the milky way.Der deutsche Astronom forscht über die Milchstraße.
The universeDas UniversumGod created the universe.Gott hat das Universum erschaffen.
The galaxyDie GalaxieThe Andromeda Galaxy is bigger than the Milky Way Galaxy.Die Andromeda-Galaxie ist größer als die Milchstraße.
The solar systemDas SonnensystemThe sun is the centre of the solar system.Die Sonne ist das Zentrum des Sonnensystems.
The cometDer KometDo comets have names?Haben Kometen Namen?
The meteorDer MeteorThe museum has found many meteors and meteoroids.Das Museum hat viele Meteore und Meteoroide gefunden.
The asteroidDer AsteroidThe nuclear bomb destroyed the asteroid.Die Atombombe zerstörte den Asteroiden.
The meteoroidDer MeteoroidWhat is the difference between a meteoroid and an asteroid?Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Meteoriten und einem Asteroiden?
The black holeDas schwarze LochThere are many black holes in the universe.Es gibt viele schwarze Löcher im Universum.
The Northern lightsDie NordlichterYou can see the Northern lights from Norway.Sie können die Nordlichter von Norwegen aus sehen.
The orbitDie UmlaufbahnThe satellite is in an elliptical orbit.Der Satellit befindet sich auf einer elliptischen Umlaufbahn.
Gravitydie SchwerkraftIf there was no gravity, humans would fly.Gäbe es keine Schwerkraft, würden Menschen fliegen.
AstronomyAstronomieThe German woman loves Astronomy.Die Deutsche liebt Astronomie.


German Space related inventions that help us study the planets

Space is filled with wondrous inventions made by man. Today we are going to study not only about planets in German or the universe in German; we are also going to study about the various man made inventions which help us study the universe and its wondrous secrets.

Space related inventions that help us study the planets
Space related inventions that help us study the planets

In this section, we will be learning about the list of all tools and inventions in German related to space with a couple of examples thrown in.

Universe in EnglishThe universe in GermanEnglish SentenceGerman Sentence
The space stationDie RaumstationThe international space station was built in 1998Die Internationale Raumstation wurde 1998 gebaut
The satelliteDer SatellitSpaceX has launched over four hundred satellitesSpaceX hat über vierhundert Satelliten gestartet
The rocketDie RaketeNASA launches rockets every year.Die NASA startet jedes Jahr Raketen.
The rocket fuelDer RaketentreibstoffRocket fuel is very expensiveRaketentreibstoff ist sehr teuer
The spaceshipDas RaumschiffJohn wanted to make a spaceship.John wollte ein Raumschiff bauen.
The space shuttleDer SpaceshuttleThe space shuttle exploded.Das Space Shuttle ist explodiert.
The space suitDer RaumanzugBuzz Aldrin owns a space suit.Buzz Aldrin besitzt einen Raumanzug.
The oxygen cylinderDie SauerstoffflascheScuba divers and astronauts carry an oxygen cylinder.Taucher und Astronauten tragen eine Sauerstoffflasche.
The telescopeDas TeleskopThe young boy loves his telescope.Der kleine Junge liebt sein Teleskop.
The Hubble telescopeDas Hubble-TeleskopThe Hubble telescope is thirty years old.Das Hubble-Teleskop ist dreißig Jahre alt.


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