Once upon a time, Akbar lost a ring which was very valuable. The ring was a gift from his father and Akbar became very sad. Akbar asked Birbal to come and see him.
King Akbar said, “Dear Birbal, please find this ring for me. It was a gift from my father and it is of great value to me.”
Birbal said, “Yes, my lord. I shall find the thief for you by tomorrow.”
TranslateEs war einmal, als Akbar einen Ring verlor, der sehr wertvoll war. Der Ring war ein Geschenk seines Vaters und Akbar wurde sehr traurig. Akbar bat Birbal, ihn zu besuchen.
König Akbar sagte: „Lieber Birbal, bitte finden Sie diesen Ring für mich. Es war ein Geschenk meines Vaters und für mich von großem Wert.“
Birbal sagte: „Ja, mein Herr. Ich werde morgen den Dieb für Sie finden.“
The next day, Birbal asked all the courtiers to come close to the throne. Birbal made sure that he could see everyone in the crowd.
Birbal said, “The ring belonging to the King is missing. Among one of you is a thief. And I know who the thief is. He is such a fool.”
TranslateAm nächsten Tag bat Birbal alle Höflinge, sich dem Thron zu nähern. Birbal sorgte dafür, dass er jeder in der Menge sehen konnte.
Birbal sagte: „Der Ring des Königs fehlt. Unter einem von euch ist ein Dieb. Und ich weiß, wer der Dieb ist. Er ist so ein Idiot.”
Akbar was very surprised and asked, “Who is the thief Birbal?”
Birbal said, “The thief is the one who has a straw stuck on his beard. All the others have a clean beard.”
TranslateAkbar war sehr überrascht und fragte: „Wer ist der Dieb Birbal?”
Birbal sagte: „Der Dieb ist derjenige, der ein Stroh auf seinem Bart hat. Alle anderen haben einen sauberen Bart.“
Immediately, every courtier started to look around to see which one had a straw stuck on the beard. Only one courtier was not looking around and was stroking his beard trying to find the straw.
Birbal pointed at the man and said, “My king, he is the thief. Please ask the guards to search him.”
TranslateSofort sah sich jeder Höfling um, um herauszufinden, bei welchem ein Stroh auf dem Bart klebte. Nur ein Höfling sah sich nicht um und streichelte seinen Bart, um den Stroh zu finden.
Birbal zeigte auf den Mann und sagte: „Mein König, er ist der Dieb. Bitten Sie die Wachen, ihn zu durchsuchen.“
The guards searched the man and the ring was in his pocket. Akbar became so happy on finding the ring.
He asked Birbal, “How did you know that he was the thief?”
TranslateDie Wachen durchsuchten den Mann und der Ring war in seiner Tasche. Akbar war so glücklich, den Ring gefunden zu haben.
Er fragte Birbal: „Woher wussten Sie, dass er der Dieb ist?”
Birbal said, “It is very simple. Everyone was looking around trying to find the thief. Only the true thief was trying to remove a straw from his beard. Of course there was no straw in his beard. Only those who are guilty will try to hide.”
TranslateBirbal sagte: „Es ist sehr einfach. Alle sahen sich um und versuchten, den Dieb zu finden. Nur der wahre Dieb versuchte, ein Stroh von seinem Bart zu entfernen. Natürlich war kein Stroh in seinem Bart. Nur wer schuldig ist, wird versuchen, sich zu verstecken.“
Moral: A guilty mind will always be scared.
TranslateMoral: Ein schuldiger Geist wird immer Angst haben.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak German confidently using English as a base 🙂 These German short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.
About the Editor
The author of this German dual language short story is a C1 Goethe certified German language expert. He has over 5 years’ experience in teaching German and over 8 years learning.
He has conducted over 1000 plus hours of classes to over 300 students. In simple words (his words as well as his student’s words), he is AWESOME!!! He can be reached out to at deindeutschlehrer24@gmail.com
He also provides German Language courses for A1, A2 and B1 levels. Below are the details for the same:
Fees for A1, A2 and B1 levels are 120€,140€ and 160€ respectively.