Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English
Aesop’s Fables – Il ragazzo e le nocciole
There was once a boy who was very greedy. His mother wanted to teach him a lesson. His mother filled up a jar with Hazelnuts.
She said to her son, “Child. Do you like Hazelnuts?”
“Yes Mummy! Can I have some?”
TranslateC’era una volta un ragazzo che era molto avido. Sua madre voleva dargli una lezione. Sua madre riempì un barattolo di nocciole.
Disse a suo figlio: “Bambino. Ti piacciono le nocciole?”
“Sì mamma! Posso averne un po?”
“Of course dear. You can have all that you want. But on one condition, you should take only one fistful.”
Translate“Certamente caro. Puoi avere tutto quello che vuoi. Ma a una condizione, dovresti prenderne solo una manciata.
The boy put his hand in, and tried to take out an entire fistful of nuts. But much as he wanted, he could not take his hand out. He stood there without dropping a single nut but still could not take his hand out. Soon his hand began to hurt and he started to cry.
TranslateIl ragazzo mise la sua mano e cercò di estrarre un intero pugno di noci. Ma per quanto volesse, non poteva allungare la mano. Rimase lì senza far cadere una sola noce, ma ancora non riusciva a tirare fuori la mano. Presto la sua mano cominciò a fargli male e iniziò a piangere.
The other told him, “My child, you should be satisfied with half the nuts in your hand. Then only can you take out your hand. If you try to take more than you can hold, you will easily get your hand out.”
TranslateL’altra gli disse: “Figlio mio, dovresti accontentarti di metà delle noci in mano. Solo allora puoi allungare la mano. Se provi a prendere più di quello che puoi tenere, riavrai facilmente la tua mano.”
Moral: “Do not attempt too much at once.”
TranslateMorale: “Non tentare troppo in una volta”.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.