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Vocabulary: Learn about the different types of weather in Italian. What are the names of the different climates in Italian?

Italian Vocabulary: Learn about the different types of weather in Italian. What are the names of the different climates in Italian?

As we all know, when waiting for a train or a bus, or when standing inside an elevator, the most common and safe topic in conversation and small talk is Weather. You need to know the different types of Weather in Italian so that you can discuss on how bad it is or how fantastic it is.

types of Weather in Italian
types of Weather in Italian

Italy is pretty much the same when it comes to people talking about the different types of weather. And of course, people from Italy like to talk about the different types of weather in Italian only.

You need to able to make weather-related observation, ask weather related questions and also be able to understand the answers. It is very important that you understand what to wear in every season and how your outdoor plans in Italy is affected by the weather

To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple Italian weather vocabulary to rely on as you learn Italian. In any case, it can at least help you know what kind of weather to expect outside.


How do you say weather in Italian?

  • The Italian translation for “weather” is “tempo metereologico”
  • Italian word for “Climate” is “Clima”


What are the different seasons in Italian?

Generally, Italian weather is mild in spring and autumn, cold in winter and warm in summer.

However, the climatic conditions can vary from North to South Italy: in most mountain areas of North and South-Central Italy, winters can be cold or even freezing while summers are cool and breezy.

types of Weather in Italian
types of Weather in Italian

On the contrary, in coast areas, winters are mild, sometimes rainy and windy whereas summers are hot and sweltering.

The hottest Italian cities are usually Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples, Palermo and Rome, while the coldest cities are Aosta, Bolzano, L’Aquila, Torino and Trento.

Learn about the vocabulary of all Seasons in Italian with English translation and with example sentences.

EnglishItalianEnglish SentencesItalian Sentences
the seasonla stagioneThere are four seasons.Ci sono quattro stagioni.
the springla primaveraSchools are closed during the Spring.Le scuole sono chiuse durante la primavera.
the summerl’estateIt is very hot during the summer.Fa molto caldo durante l’estate.
the autumnl’autunnoDuring autumn, it becomes very cold in Italy.In autunno in Italia fa molto freddo.
the winterinvernoI like the winter because I like the snow.Mi piace l’inverno perché mi piace la neve.
the rainy seasonla stagione delle pioggeDuring the rainy season, the frogs are very happy.Durante la stagione delle piogge, le rane sono molto felici.
the dry seasonla stagione seccaDuring the dry season, carrots are expensive.Durante la stagione secca, le carote sono costose.


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What are the different weather conditions in Italian?

The seasons are not all that you may talk of. You may have to say that it’s raining or ask if there’s a storm. You may have to deal with hail and mist, fog and frost.

Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary in Italian with English translation and with example sentences.

different weather conditions in Italian
different weather conditions in Italian
EnglishItalianEnglish SentencesItalian Sentences
hailLa grandineHail is very dangerous.La grandine è molto pericolosa.
skyIl cieloThe sky is blue and the sun is yellow.Il cielo è azzurro e il sole è giallo.
fogLa nebbiaYou should not drive in the fog.Non dovresti guidare nella nebbia.
rainLa pioggiaWill it rain today? No it will rain tomorrow.Pioverà oggi? No, pioverà domani.
rainbowL’ArcobalenoThe rainbow is very beautifulL’arcobaleno è molto bello
snowLa neveThe snow is white.La neve è bianca.
sunIl SoleThe sunflower loves the sun.Il girasole ama il sole.
stormLa tempestaDogs do not like storms.Ai cani non piacciono le tempeste.
dewLa rugiadaThe baby licked the dew drops.Il bambino leccò le gocce di rugiada.
windIl ventoIt is very windy today.Oggi c’è molto vento.
cloudLa nuvolaThe clouds are grey.Le nuvole sono grigie.
precipitationLa precipitazioneThere will be precipitation today.Ci saranno precipitazioni oggi.
frostIl geloThe frost is slipperyIl gelo è scivoloso
freezing pointIl punto di congelamentoWhat is the freezing point of water?Qual è il punto di congelamento dell’acqua?
temperatureLa temperaturaThe temperature is quite high.La temperatura è abbastanza alta.


What are the different Weather related Adjectives in Italian with English translation?

Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary which can be used as adjectives in Italian with English translation and with example sentences.

different weather adjectives in Italian
different weather adjectives in Italian
EnglishItalianEnglish SentencesItalian Sentences
to flash (lightning)fulmineLightning  flashes across the sky.I fulmini attraversano il cielo.
to freezecongelareWill the weather freeze the car?Il tempo gelerà l’auto?
to hailgrandinareIt is hailing and raining outside.Fuori grandina e piove.
to drizzlepiovigginareIs it drizzling? Do I need an umbrella?Sta piovigginando? Ho bisogno di un ombrello?
to rainpiovereIs it raining in India?Piove in India?
to snownevicareWhy is it snowing today? Its October!Perché nevica oggi? È ottobre!
to meltsciogliereThe sun will melt the snowIl sole scioglierà la neve


What are the different Weather related adverbs in Italian with English translation?

Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary which can be used as adverbs in Italian with English translation and with example sentences.

EnglishItalianEnglish SentencesItalian Sentences
cloudynuvolosoIt is so cloudy today.È così nuvoloso oggi.
foggynebbiosoIt is foggy outside and I do not want to drive.Fuori c’è nebbia e non voglio guidare.
rainypiovosoThe is a rainy day.È una giornata piovosa.
sunnysoleggiatoIt is so sunny and hot.È così soleggiato e caldo.
windyventosoIt is windy in the Sahara desert.C’è vento nel deserto del Sahara.


Other very common terms are:

EnglishItalianEnglish SentencesItalian Sentences
coldfreddoIt is a cold  day.È una giornata fredda.
warmcaldoI like warm weather.Mi piace il clima caldo.
hotcaldoIndia is hot.L’India è calda.


What are the most common weather related sentences?

You might be happy and warm and cozy inside your office / classroom and someone might ask ,”What is the weather today?” in Italian. You will have to respond in about the weather in Italian.

different weather terms in Italian
different weather terms in Italian

You may speak to hundreds of people and every time the weather becomes a topic of off-hand conversation.  Learn about the most common Weather related sentences in Italian with English translation.

English SentencesItalian Sentences
I’m coldho freddo
I’m hotHo caldo
It’s a bit cloudy todayOggi è un po’ nuvoloso
The sun is shining todayIl sole splende oggi
How’s the weather today?Com’è il tempo oggi?
 Is it warm? È caldo?
 Is it cold? Fa freddo?
 Is it good? È buono?
 Is it bad? È male?
 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Quali sono le previsioni del tempo per domani?
How many degrees is it?Quanti gradi è?
 How warm is it? Quanto è caldo?
 It is nice weather. È bel tempo.
 It is bad weather. È brutto tempo.
 The sun is shining. Il Sole splende.
 It’s windy. C’è vento.
 It’s snowing. Sta nevicando.
 Are you too cold? Hai troppo freddo?
 It’s so humid ! È così umido!
 I’m sweating. Sto sudando.
 It is beautiful weather. È bel tempo.
 It is terrible weather. È un tempo terribile.
 Such lousy weather! Che brutto tempo!
 It looks like a thunderstorm. Sembra un temporale.
 It’s great swimming weather! È un bel tempo per nuotare!


Weather Verbs In Italian

Here are the most common verbs to discuss weather in Italian:

congelare / gelareto freeze
diluviareto pour
grandinareto hail
nevicareto snow
nevischiareto sleet
piovereto rain
piovigginareto drizzle
schiarirsito clear up
tuonareto thunder


Idioms Related To The Weather In Italian

Do you know Italians use a lot of idioms related to the weather when they talk to each other? Are you curious to find out which ones are the most popular? Let’s see them together!

Speriamo che il tempo tenga.Let’s hope the weather holds out.
Piove sempre sul bagnato.When it rains, it pours.
Il maltempo ci perseguita.The bad weather is still with us.
Vedere le stelleTo see the stars
·    Piove a catinelle.

·    Piove a dirotto.

·    Piove che Dio la manda!

·    Sta piovendo a secchiate!

·    It’s raining like from the basins. / It’s raining cats and dogs.

·    It’s raining excessively.

·    It’s raining (as if) God sends!

·    It’s raining buckets!

·    Essere al settimo cielo.

·    Toccare il cielo con un dito.

·    To be over the moon.

·    To touch the sky with a finger.

Cielo a pecorelle, pioggia a catinelle.Mackerel sky, not twenty-four hours dry.
Non ci piove!There’s no doubt about it!
·    Si muore dal caldo qui dentro!

·    C’è un sole che spacca le pietre!

·    Fa un caldo da morire!

·    It’s way too hot in here!

·    The sun is splitting the rocks! / The sunshine is hot enough to fry eggs!

·    It’s deadly hot!

Avere la luna storta.To be in a bad mood.
·    Fa un freddo cane!

·    Si muore dal freddo!

·    It’s cold as hell!

·    It’s deadly cold!

Avere la pelle d’oca.To get goose bumps.
Come un fulmine a ciel sereno!Like a bolt from the blue.
Avere un colpo di fulmine.Love at first sight!


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