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How to say all Colors in Italian: What is the list of colors in Italian with Examples

How to say all Colors in Italian: What is the list of colors in Italian with Examples

  1. Introduction – How to learn the list of colors in Italian?
  2. What is the list of colors in Italian with examples?
  3. What are the list of advanced colors in Italian with examples?
  4. What are the Colors of the Rainbow in Italian with examples?
  5. Can I use Colors as Adjectives in Italian?
  6. What are the different Mixed Colors in Italian?
  7. What is your favorite color in Italian?

Introduction to list of Colors in Italian – How to learn the different colors in Italian?

The list of colors in Italian is one of the most basic and important lists that you would need to know as a beginner in the Italian language.

You might have to point at something and say “I want to buy the red plate” or “The sky is so blue today” or “My car is bright red” or “I would like a dark / light beer”. This is part of the basic vocabulary list of colors in Italian.

Colors in Italian
Colors in Italian

You absolutely need to learn colors in Italian as it is likely that you will come across words on a daily basis, whether you are working or studying or having a simple conversation.

  • An IT consultant might say “Make the button Red in color”
  • A doctor might tell you “Your skin looks a bit yellow”
  • A taxi driver might tell you, “Oktoberfest is so colorful.”
  • You might order a “dark beer” in a restaurant
  • You might have to say to your hair stylist, “I want mahogany steaks on my hair”

Wherever you go, you need to use the colors in Italian in your sentences one way or another.


What is the list of basic colors in Italian or the list of primary colors in Italian with examples?

These are the most basic set of colors in Italian which you will commonly use. There are many examples given which will teach you how to use the Italian colors for different scenarios

list of basic colors or primary colors in Italian
list of basic colors or primary colors in Italian
yellowgialloBanana is yellow.La banana è gialla.
bluebluThe sea is blueIl mare è blu
whitebiancoI have a white shirtHo una camicia bianca
brownmarroneThe brown bear is angryL’orso marrone è arrabbiato
orangearancioneHe likes his orange shoesGli piacciono le sue scarpe arancioni
blackneroMy brother has black hair.Mio fratello ha i capelli neri
redrossoThe Italianman likes red wine.All’italiano piace il vino rosso.
pinkrosaHis daughter has a pink bag.Sua figlia ha una borsa rosa.
greenverdeThe leaves are green.Le foglie sono verdi.
GreyGrigioThe grey suit is expensive.Il vestito grigio è costoso.


Italian Wordlists to read after this

Solar system and the names of the nine planets in Italian
List of eye colors in Italian, eye shapes in Italian
Herbs and Spices in Italian
List of Furniture in Italian
List of Oceans and Seas in Italian
Parts of a plant in Italian

What are the list of advanced colors in Italian with examples?

Now let us dive into the more interesting world of colors. There are hundreds of shades of colors and we might use many of them frequently if not on a daily basis.

Advanced or Mixed colors in Italian
Advanced or Mixed colors in Italian

Let us learn how to say the colors in Italian with some examples.

indigoindacoThe Indigo ink is expensive.L’inchiostro indaco è costoso.
beigebeigeI hate beige and I love yellow.Odio il beige e amo il giallo.
khakikakiThe Indian police mean wears a Khakhi shirt.Il mezzo della polizia indiana indossa una camicia Khakhi.
cyancianoI lost my Cyan colorpencil.Ho perso la mia matita color ciano.
maroonmaroonMy daughter likes her maroon dollA mia figlia piace la sua bambola marrone
purpleviolaWe own that purple car.La macchina viola è nostra.
violetviolaViolet rubies and green emaralds are gorgeous.I rubini viola e gli emaraldi verdi sono bellissimi.


What are the Colors of the Rainbow in Italian with examples?

One of the first Italian lessons you will learn is the colors of a rainbow in Italian. These are a mix of the primary colors as well as the more advanced colors. Nevertheless, you need to know the list of rainbow colors in Italian even if you are studying A1.

Rainbow - Colors in Italian
Rainbow – Colors in Italian

Let us learn the colors of the rainbow in Italian with some examples.

violetviolaMy husband gifted me a gown made of violet silk.Mio marito mi ha regalato un abito di seta viola.
indigoindacoThe Indian ink is Indigo in color.L’inchiostro indiano è di colore indaco.
bluebluThe sky is blue and the sea is blue.Il cielo è blu e il mare è blu.
greenverdeI like green apples and hate red apples.Mi piacciono le mele verdi e odio le mele rosse.
yellowgialloDo you like this yellow shirt?Ti piace questa camicia gialla?
orangearancioneHis orange tie is ugly.La sua cravatta arancione è brutta.
RedRossoMy red BMW is fastLa mia BMW rossa è veloce


These are the 7 colors of the rainbow in Italian. For children, this is like an ultra basic list which they need to study. For adults, most of these colours are primary colours and hence need to be memorized.

Can I use Colors in Italian as Adjectives?

  • Of course! You can use colors as adjectives and it forms a very important part of your vocabulary.
  • Take some colors such as Nero and Azzuro.
    • These adjectives change according to the gender of the noun as masculine or feminine.
    • They end in O when the adjective comes along with a masculine noun. A simple example will be “Un tavolo bianco”. This is the case for singular noun.
    • They end in A when the adjective comes along with a feminine noun. A simple Example is “Una casa Bianca”. This is the case for singular noun.
    • They end in I when the adjective comes along with a masculine noun which is plural. A simple example will be “I tavoli bianchi”
    • They end in E when the adjective comes along with a feminine noun which is plural in nature. A simple example is “Le case bianche”
yellowgialloThe yellow banana is tasty.La banana gialla è gustosa.
bluebluThe blue shirt is majestic.La camicia blu è maestosa.
whitebiancoThe white wine is cold.Il vino bianco è freddo.
brownmarroneThe brown coat is large.Il cappotto marrone è grande.
orangearancioneThe orange hat is funny.Il cappello arancione è divertente.
blackneroThe black panther is dangerous.La pantera nera è pericolosa.
redrossoI own a red purse.Io possiedo una borsa rossa.
pinkrosaHis daughter has a pink bag.Sua figlia ha una borsa rosa.
greenverdeThe green leaves are beautiful.Le foglie verdi sono belle.
GreyGrigioThe grey suit is expensive.Il vestito grigio è costoso.


What are the different Mixed Colors in Italian?

Similar to the English language, you can mix colors in Italian. In English you might say “The paint is Bluish Green” or “The sun is Reddish orange”.

Let us learn how to say the same colors in Italian with some examples.

ReddishRossastroThe sun is reddish orange.Il sole è arancione rossastro.
YellowishGiallastroThe flower is yellowish blue.Il fiore è blu giallastro.
GreenishVerdastroThe cheese is greenish blue.Il formaggio è blu verdastro.
BluishBluastroThe sky is bluish green.Il cielo è verde bluastro.
BlackishNerastroYour wound is blackish grey.La tua ferita è grigio nerastra.
WhitishBiancastroThe tie is whitish greyLa cravatta è grigio biancastra
pinkish redrosso rosatoThe ink is pinkish redL’inchiostro è rosso rosato
blackishnerastroWater should be colorless, not blackish blue.L’acqua dovrebbe essere incolore, non blu nerastro.
greyishgrigiastroThe old man has greyish white hair.Il vecchio ha i capelli bianchi grigiastri.
colorfulcoloratoShe wears colorful a colorful skirt.Indossa una gonna colorata.
colorlessincoloreWater is colorless.L’acqua è incolore.
greenish yellowgiallo verdastroThe mushroom is greenish yellow in colorIl fungo è di colore giallo verdastro
marine blueblu marinomarine blue is our favorite color.Il blu marino è il nostro colore preferito.
dark blueblu scuroEmeralds are dark blue in colorGli smeraldi sono di colore blu scuro
greenish blueblu verdastroThe lake is greenish blueIl lago è blu verdastro
sky blueblu cieloThe gemstone is sky blueLa pietra preziosa è blu cielo
jet blacknero gettoThe horse is jet blackIl cavallo è nero getto
light redrosso chiaroThe chair is light redLa sedia è rosso chiaro
dark redrosso scuroThe apple is dark redLa mela è rosso scuro


What is your favorite color in Italian?

This is one of the most common questions that you will get in your A1 examination. The examiner will ask you in Italian as to what your favorite color is. You need to respond in Italian about your favorite color.

favorite color in Italian
favorite color in Italian
What is your favorite color?Qual è il tuo colore preferito?
My favorite color is Blue.Il mio colore preferito è il blu.
Your favorite color is Red.Il tuo colore preferito è il rosso.
His favorite color is Yellow.Il suo colore preferito è il giallo.
Her favorite color is Green.Il suo colore preferito è il verde.
Our favorite color is Orange.Il nostro colore preferito è l’arancione.
Their favorite color is Pink.Il loro colore preferito è il rosa.


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