ItalianVocabulary: List of Family Members in Italian with example sentences. What are the names of Family Members in Italian?
As a child, what’s the first word that you speak? Mom and dad of course. Then you learn to call your brothers and sisters, then your grandparents. These are words which you will absorb much before you become 1 year old. As a child or an adult, we spend most of our life talking to family members. It becomes thus very important that you are well versed with the vocabulary list of Family Members in Italian just as you are well versed in English. This way you can explain to anyone about your Family Members in Italian which is an essential vocabulary test..

The question (focused on vocabulary) would be something along the lines of
- Tell me about your Family Members in Italian.
- Do you have any siblings?
- Are you married and how many children do you have?
You can use the right Italian vocabulary and explain about your Father, Mother, Brother, Sister and even your pet dog as they are your family.
The vocabulary list of Family Members in Italian is one of the most basic and important vocabulary lists that you would need to know as a novice to the Italian language.
You might have say something as simple as “I love you, Dad” or “Good Morning, Mom” or something more complex and interesting such as proposing to your girlfriend. Thus the vocabulary list of Family Members in Italian is part of the basic A1 vocabulary list.
Family in Italian:
- Core Family Members in Italian
- Grandparents in Italian
- Cousins in Italian
- In Laws and relations
- Marital status
- Step family in Italian
- Other Italian family related terms
Vocabulary List: Family Members in Italian: Core Family
These are the most fundamental list of family members in Italian as they form a core part of your family. This forms the basic Italian A1 vocabulary list.

Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Parents | I genitori | My parents live in Austria. | I miei genitori vivono in Austria. |
Mother | La madre | Your mother was born in 1958. | Tua madre è nata nel 1958. |
Father | Il padre | My Father is a carpenter. | Mio padre è un falegname. |
Son | Il figlio | Our son is 2 years old. | Nostro figlio ha 2 anni. |
Daughter | La figlia | Your daughter is very pretty. | Tua figlia è molto carina. |
Brother | Il fratello | Mark has a brother. | Marco ha un fratello. |
Sister | La sorella | Do you have a sister? | Hai una sorella? |
Great Italian Wordlists to read after this
Vocabulary List: Family Members in Italian: Relations to Grandparents
Grandparents are a cherished part of your childhood and even your adulthood. You would talk about your grandparents ever so often. This is the also a part of your A1 Italian vocabulary list.

Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Grandparents | I nonni | Did your grandparents eat dinner? | I tuoi nonni hanno cenato? |
Grandfather | Il nonno | My Grandfather smokes every day. | Mio nonno fuma tutti i giorni. |
Grandmother | La nonna | Our Grandmother bakes a cake. | Nostra nonna prepara una torta. |
Grandchildren | I nipoti | The grandchildren like to play football. | Ai nipoti piace giocare a calcio. |
Grandson | Il nipote | My grandson likes cakes. | A mio nipote piacciono le torte. |
Granddaughter | La nipote | They have a granddaughter and she is 5 years old. | Hanno una nipote e lei ha 5 anni. |
Vocabulary List: Family Members in Italian: Relations to cousins in Italian
As a child, in every family occasion you would meet your dear cousins, nieces and nephews. Like grandparents, they form a part of your childhood. This is the also a part of your A1 Italian vocabulary list.

Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Niece | La nipote/nipoti | My Niece is called Alice. | Mia nipote si chiama Alice. |
Nephew | Il nipote/nipoti | Your Nephew is a Pilot. | Tuo nipote è un pilota. |
Cousin | Il cugino / cugini | Her cousin is a girl. | Sua cugina è una ragazza. |
Uncle | Lo zio/gli zii | My Uncle has a big farm. | Mio zio ha una grande fattoria. |
Aunt | La zia/zie | My Aunt is a nurse and she is very happy. | Mia zia è un’infermiera ed è molto felice. |
Siblings | Il fratello / i fratelli | Siblings are your best friends. | I fratelli sono i tuoi migliori amici. |
Baby | Il bambino / i bambini | Your Baby is so cute. | Il tuo bambino è così carino. |
Godfather | Il padrino / padrini | Kevin is my Godfather. | Kevin è il mio padrino. |
Godmother | La madrina / madrine | My Godmother is very famous. | La mia madrina è molto famosa. |
Vocabulary List: Family Members in Italian: In Laws in Italian
Getting married? You are sure to become an in law of getting in laws into your family J Better know how to call your in laws in Italian
Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Father-in-law | Il suocero | Their Father-in-law is a carpenter. | Il loro suocero è un falegname. |
Mother-in-law | La suocera | His Mother-in-law likes football and basketball. | Sua suocera ama il calcio e il basket. |
Brother-in-law | Il cognato | Does your Brother-in-law owns three cars? | Tuo cognato possiede tre auto? |
Sister-in-law | La cognata | Yes, my Sister-in-law is a Russian. | Sì, mia cognata è russa. |
Relative | Parente | I do not like my relatives | Non mi piacciono i miei parenti |
Vocabulary List: How to call your mom and dad in Italian in a fond and cute way?
Did you ever call your father as “FATHER”! I’m pretty sure you just said ”DADDY” or “MOMMY”!! How do you say that in Italian? Read below
Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Grandpa (Cute) | Il nonno | Grandpa likes to hike. | Al nonno piace fare escursioni. |
Grandma (Cute) | La nonna | Grandma is very old. | La nonna è molto vecchia. |
Dad (Cute) | il papà | I like my daddy. | Mi piace mio papà. |
Mom (Cute) | la mamma | I like my mommy. | Mi piace mia mamma. |
Marital Status in Italian
One of the most common questions when going through the Italian A1 exam is “Tell me about your family in Italian.”. You need to obviously mention about your wife and children and if you’re married or living with your partner.

Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Friend / Friends | L’amico/amici | Friends are important | Gli amici sono importanti |
Partner / partners | Il partner / i partner | Where is your partner? | Dov’è il tuo partner? |
Marital Status | Stato civile | What is your Marital Status? | Qual è il tuo stato civile? |
Single | single | Are you single? Can you give me your phone number? | Sei single? Puoi darmi il tuo numero di telefono? |
Married | Sposato | I am married. | Io sono sposato. |
Divorced | Divorziato | My brother is divorced. | Mio fratello è divorziato. |
Husband | Il marito | My husband reads the newspaper | Mio marito legge il giornale |
Wife | La moglie | My wife likes to cook. | A mia moglie piace cucinare. |
Step family in Italian
Hey now.. here are many who have a step brother or a step sister. You might have a step father or a step mother and they may be from Spain. You can try to impress them by calling out to them affectionately in Italian. Better get cracking on with the list of family members in Italian.
Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Step-Father | Il patrigno | My Step-Father is very Kind | Il mio patrigno è molto gentile |
Step-Mother | La matrigna | My Stepmother is cruel. | La mia matrigna è crudele. |
Step-Bother | Il fratellastro | Your Step-Brother is tall. | Il tuo fratellastro è alto. |
Step-Sister | La sorellastra | Your Step-Sister is short. | La tua sorellastra è bassa. |
Are there any other important words for Italian family members?
Other than the master lists mentioned above, there are a few other family related terms that will serve you well. Go through the list below to learn more.
Italian | English | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
Male | Maschio | The male lion is very strong | Il leone maschio è molto forte |
Female | Femmina | The toilet for Females is on the second floor. | Il bagno per le femmine è al secondo piano. |
Child | Il bambino | The Child sings daily. | Il bambino canta tutti i giorni. |
Toddler | Il bambino | The Toddler likes to walk. | Al bambino piace camminare. |
Teenager | L’adolescente | She is a teenager | Lei è un’adolescente |
Adult | L’adulto | You are an adult! | Sei un adulto! |
Twin | I gemelli | My twin sister is angry. | Mia sorella gemella è arrabbiata. |
Boy | Il ragazzo | The boy sells ice cream. | Il ragazzo vende gelato. |
Girl | La ragazza | Th girl buys a chocolate. | La ragazza compra una cioccolata. |
Man | L’uomo | The man is lucky. | L’uomo è fortunato. |
Woman | La donna | The woman earns a lot. | La donna guadagna molto. |
These are the most fundamental A1 vocabulary list of family members in Italian that you would use at definitely in your daily life. This is something that you need to know since every conversation will steer towards this at least once and hence you need to know this list well.