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Vocabulary: Learn about the list of body parts in Italian – Different parts of the body in Italian

Learn about the list of Body Parts in Italian – Talk about different parts of the body in Italian

You want to go to a doctor since your stomach hurts badly. Upon reaching the clinic, you realize that the receptionist only speaks Italian. You manage to get an appointment. The horror… the doctor speaks only Italian. He’s asking you what’s the problem and you start sweating. You need to tell him your stomach hurts. How do you do that? Thankfully you learnt the list of body parts in Italian and you are able to tell the doctor.

list of body parts in Italian
list of body parts in Italian

The list of parts of the body in Italian is absolutely fundamental and is something which a child will learn before they even go to kindergarten. So buckle up and memorize the list below.

What are the different parts of the body in Italian?

  1. Introduction
  2. Different body parts in Italian
  3. Parts of the Head in Italian
  4. Body in Italian
  5. Hand in Italian
  6. Leg in Italian
  7. Organs of the body Italian


Italian Vocabulary: What are the names of the different parts of the body in Italian?

One of the “most” important topics in Italian A1 is learning the vocabulary for how to describe your body parts in Italian. A few examples of when you need to understand parts of the body in Italian.

  1. Raise your finger when you want to ask a question.
  2. I have a head ache.
  3. Your eyes are so beautiful.

Let us go through the Italian vocabulary for the body parts in Italian with a few example sentences for the same. Remember, the parts of the body in Italian is a list you have to memorize for life and would be super critical when you visit a doctor so make sure that you get it 100% done!


Italian Vocabulary: What are the main Body Parts in Italian?

You might need to be more generic in most cases when talking to friends. These are the main body parts in Italian which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the parts of the body in Italian in with articles.

Vocabulary list of body parts in Italian
Vocabulary list of body parts in Italian
ItalianEnglishEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
il corpo / i corpibodyThe mafia killed the man and hid the body.La mafia ha ucciso l’uomo e nascosto il corpo.
la testa / le testeheadI have a head ache.Ho mal di testa.
il busto / i torsitorsoThe doctor examined his torso.Il dottore gli esaminò il busto.
il braccio / le bracciaarmI have a tattoo on my arm.Ho un tatuaggio sul braccio.
la gamba / le gambelegYou have strong legs.Hai gambe forti.
il petto / i pettoralichestThe body builder had a huge chest.Il body builder aveva un petto enorme.


Wordlists to consider after this list

List of Clothes in Italian
Vocabulary list of family members in Italian.
Car Parts in Italian with example sentences
Word List of 200+ Animals in Italian
100+ List of Vegetables in Italian
Names of Geometrical Shapes in Italian
How to say all Colors in Italian

Italian Vocabulary: What are the parts of the head and face in Italian?

These are the main of the head and the face in Italian which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the face and the head in Italian in with articles.

What are the parts of the head in Italian?
What are the parts of the head in Italian?
ItalianEnglishEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
La faccia / il visofaceHer face is very cute.Il suo viso è molto carino.
Il mentochinThe boy fell down and broke his chin.Il ragazzo è caduto e si è rotto il mento.
La boccamouthOpen your mouth!Apri la bocca!
Il labbrolipWe must apply lipstick on our lips.Dobbiamo applicare il rossetto sulle nostre labbra.
Il dentetoothThe dentist said that my father has a cavity on his toothIl dentista ha detto che mio padre ha una carie sul dente
La linguatongueThe giraffe has a long tongueLa giraffa ha una lunga lingua
Il nasonoseI played football yesterday and broke my nose.Ieri ho giocato a calcio e mi sono rotto il naso.
La guanciacheekHer cheeks are red.Le sue guance sono rosse.
L’occhioeyeThe cat has three eyes.Il gatto ha tre occhi.
Il sopracciglioeyebrowDo not raise your eyebrows!Non alzare le sopracciglia!
Le cigliaeyelashShe has such long eyelashes.Ha delle ciglia così lunghe.
L’orecchioearI have two ears.Ho due orecchie.
I capellihairMy hair is black in color.I miei capelli sono di colore nero.
La barbabeardThe hunter has a big beard.Il cacciatore ha una grande barba.
I baffimustacheMy moustache is 1 foot long.I miei baffi sono lunghi 1 piede.


Italian Vocabulary: What are the parts of the torso in Italian?

These are the main of the torso in Italian which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the torso in Italian in with articles.

Torso in Italian
Torso in Italian
ItalianEnglishEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
Il colloneckThere was a diamond necklace around her neck.C’era una collana di diamanti al collo.
La spallashoulderI must carry the pots on my shoulders.Devo portare le pentole sulle spalle.
Il petto / il senobreastShe has large breastsHa un seno grande
L’addomeAbdomenThe cow has two stomachs and one abdomen.La mucca ha due stomaci e un addome.
La panciabellyThe sumo wrestler has a large belly.Il lottatore di sumo ha una pancia grande.
L’ombeliconavelI want a tattoo on my navel.Voglio un tatuaggio sull’ombelico.
La vaginavaginaYou have to wear underwear to protect your vagina.Devi indossare biancheria intima per proteggere la tua vagina.
Il penepenisHis penis is very short.Il suo pene è molto corto.
Il testicolotesticleHe has large testicles and a short penis.Ha grandi testicoli e un pene corto.
L’anoanusDo not apply this cream on your anus.Non applicare questa crema sull’ano.
la schiena backI have back pain.Ho mal di schiena.
L’ancahipI fractured my hip.Mi sono fratturato l’anca.


Italian Vocabulary: What are the parts of the hands in Italian?

These are the main of the hands in Italian which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the hands in Italian in with articles.

Hands in Italian
Hands in Italian
ItalianEnglishEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
Il gomitoelbowI have two elbows.Ho due gomiti.
La manoHandCan you raise your hand?Puoi alzare la mano?
Il ditofingerEveryone has 10 fingers but I have 12 fingers.Ognuno ha 10 dita ma io ho 12 dita.
L’ascellaarmpitPlease put perfume on your armpits.Per favore, metti il ​​profumo sulle ascelle.
le unghiaNailI applied nail polish on my nails.Ho applicato lo smalto sulle unghie.
Il policethumbHe has strong thumbs.Ha i pollici forti.
Il dito indiceindex fingerI point with my index fingerIndico con il dito indice
Il dito mediomiddle fingerWhat happened to your middle finger?Cosa è successo al tuo dito medio?
L’anularering fingerShe has a ring on her ring finger.Ha un anello all’anulare.
Il mignoloPinky fingerYour pinky finger is curved.Il tuo mignolo è curvo.


Italian Vocabulary: What are the parts of the legs in Italian?

These are the main of the legs in Italian which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the legs in Italian in with articles.

Legs in Italian
Legs in Italian
ItalianEnglishEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
Il ginocchioKneeI need surgery on my kneeHo bisogno di un intervento chirurgico al ginocchio
Il piedeFootThe football player needs a foot massageIl giocatore di football ha bisogno di un massaggio ai piedi
la cavigliaAnkleThe ankle is black.La caviglia è nera.


Italian Vocabulary: What are the Organs of the body in Italian?

These are the main Organs of the body in Italian which you might use when you visit the doctor. You can learn the Organs of the body in Italian in with articles.

What are the organs of the body in Italian?
What are the organs of the body in Italian?
ItalianEnglishEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
il sanguebloodYour blood is pinkish red.Il tuo sangue è rosso rosato.
l’intestino tenuethe small intestineThe small intestine is very long.L’intestino tenue è molto lungo.
l’intestino crassothe large intestineThe doctor saw the large intestine and fainted.Il dottore ha visto l’intestino crasso ed è svenuto.
il cervellobrainThe brain is a very imporant organ.Il cervello è un organo molto importante.
la pelleskinBlack skin has more melanin.La pelle nera ha più melanina.
il cuoreheartYour heart is dying.Il tuo cuore sta morendo.
il fegatoliverI have only one liver.Ho un solo fegato.
i polmonilungMy lungs are weak.I miei polmoni sono deboli.
la milzaspleenThe surgeon removed the spleenIl chirurgo ha rimosso la milza
lo stomacostomachI have a stomach.Ho lo stomaco.
il muscolomuscleWe removed the muscles in your arm.Abbiamo rimosso i muscoli del tuo braccio.
il renekidneyYou have two kidneys.Hai due reni.
lo scheletroskeletonWe found a skeleton.Abbiamo trovato uno scheletro.


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