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List of tools in Italian

List of Tools in Italian 

People in Italy or any European country love doing work with their own tools. Whether it comes to carpentry or plumbing, painting or fixing a bicycle or even building an entire tree house, Europeans love to do everything on their own. And of course for building anything, you need tools. So it is very important that you learn about the list of tools in Italian.

Italians looooooove hand tools and DIY!!!
Italians looooooove hand tools and DIY!!!

In Europe, people are very excited when it comes to owning pretty much every tool in the market. The best tool making companies in the world are from Europe be it Caterpillar or Bosch. And so, Europeans love talking about the different tools they use and the items which they built. So it is only fair that you learn and discuss about the list of tools in Italian.

To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple list of tools in Italian with example sentences and with English translation. This English translation for the example sentences will be something that you can rely on as you learn about the list of tools in Italian.



  1. How to say Tools in Italian
  2. Measuring tools in Italian
  3. Mechanical tools or Hand tools in Italian
  4. Safety equipment tools
  5. Tools used by an Italian Carpenter
  6. Medical tools in Italian
  7. Kitchen tools in Italian
  8. Gardening tools or farm tools in Italian
  9. Construction tools in Italian
  10. Scientific tools in Italian
  11. Power tools in Italian
  12. Protective tools in Italian


How to say tools in Italian?

How to say tools in Italian?
How to say tools in Italian?
  • WORD: The Italian translation for “The Tool” in Italian is “lo strumento”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The carpenter has many tools.” à Il falegname ha molti strumenti.
  • WORD: The Italian translation for “The Toolbox” in Italian is “cassetta degli attrezzi”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “We sell large toolboxes.” à Vendiamo grandi cassette degli attrezzi.


Tools for measurement in Italian

How do you know exactly how much to do or what is the length or how do you measure anything. You need to be precise when making anything else it will break. Measuring tools or tools of Measurement are tools which exist so that we can measure anything. You can learn about the list of all Measuring tools in Italian or tools of Measurement in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

  • WORD: The Italian translation for “The Measuring Tool” in Italian is “Strumento di misurazione”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “I need some Measuring Tools” à Ho bisogno di alcuni strumenti di misurazione
Measuring tools in EnglishMeasuring tools in ItalianEnglish SentenceItalian Sentence
The measuring tapeIl metro a nastroThe measuring tape is 3 meters long.Il metro è lungo 3 metri.
The Vernier caliperIl calibro a corsoioIn school, I learnt about the Vernier calliperA scuola ho imparato a conoscere il calibro a corsoio
The StopwatchIl cronometroI have a gold stopwatchHo un cronometro d’oro
The Weighing ScaleLa bilanciaHe broke the weighing scale.Ha rotto la bilancia.
The MicroscopeIl microscopioA Microscope can be used to see bacteria.Un microscopio può essere utilizzato per vedere i batteri.
The ComputerIl computerThe computer was invented by an European.Il computer è stato inventato da un europeo.
The CalculatorLa calcolatriceHe has a small calculatorHa una piccola calcolatrice
The BarometerIl BarometroBarometer is used to measure pressure.Il barometro viene utilizzato per misurare la pressione.
The AmmeterL’amperometroAmmeter is used to measure current.L’amperometro viene utilizzato per misurare la corrente.
The VoltmeterIl VoltmetroVoltmeters are used to measure voltage.I voltmetri sono usati per misurare la tensione.
The ThermometerIl termometroA Thermometer is used to measure temperature.Un termometro viene utilizzato per misurare la temperatura.
The CompassLa bussolaDo you have a compass?Hai una bussola?
The ClockL’orologioThe Clock is accurateL’orologio è preciso
The SpeedometerIl tachimetroThe speedometer is broken.Il tachimetro è rotto.


Mechanical tools or Hand Tools in Italian

Mechanical tools or Hand-held tools are tools which are powered by muscle instead of electrical energy or a motor. Mechanical tools or Hand-held tools require energy, skill, strength and precision to use. You can learn about the list of all Mechanical tools in Italian or Handheld tools in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

  • WORD: The Italian translation for “Manual Tools” in Italian is “Strumenti manuali”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “My father uses manual tools.” à Mio padre usa strumenti manuali.


Manual striking tools in Italian

Striking tools are those mechanical tools which are powered by muscle and are used to hammer down objects. Manual striking tools require a lot of physical energy and great skill and application to use.

You can learn about the list of all manual striking tools in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

different manual striking tools such as a hammer in in Italian
different manual striking tools such as a hammer in in Italian
The hammerIl martello
The malletIl maglio
The chiselLo scalpello
The nailsLe unghie
The drillIl trapano
The AnvilL’incudine


Holding and positioning tools in Italian\

When you are using a tool, sometimes you may need to hold down another object in place with some positioning tool. These can be something like clamps. Basically, they are mechanical tools used to hold down objects. They increase safety and accuracy as well.

You can learn about the list of all different holding and positioning tools in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

The viceIl vizio
The clampsI morsetti
The screwLa vite
The ladderLa scala a pioli
The boltIl bullone
The nutsLe noci
The cable ties Le fascette
The wrenchesLe chiavi inglesi
The pliersLe pinze


Cutting tools in Italian

Sometimes you just need to cut things!!!! You might need to cut a piece of wood if you are doing carpentry, might need to cut a ribbon if you are a mayor inaugurating a building, and everything in between as well. You cannot use a hacksaw for cutting a ribbon, can you?

There are many different cutting tools in the market to fit the correct job. You can learn about the list of all cutting tools in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

different cutting tools in Italian?
different cutting tools in Italian?
The cuttersIl taglierino
The sawLa sega
The handsawLa sega a mano
The hacksawIl seghetto
The scissorsLe forbici
The knifeIl coltello
The axeL’ascia
The Switch bladeLa lama dell’interruttore
The Swiss army knifeIl coltellino svizzero


The Safety equipment in Italian

All said and done, work with electricity or with any tools requires skill. But even so you will require safety equipment to ensure that you reduce the risk to an absolute minimum. You might need welding goggles if you’re welding, boots if you’re dealing with a work floor, gloves to reduce injury or if you’re working with chemicals….

This list is endless and is very important. There are different safety equipment in the market to MANDATORILY BE USED for each job. You can learn about the list of all safety equipment in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

  • WORD: The Italian translation for “Safety Equipment” in Italian is “Equipaggiamento di sicurezza”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “You should use personal safety equipment.” à Dovresti usare dispositivi di sicurezza personale.
What are the different safety equipment that save lives?
What are the different safety equipment that save lives?
The glovesI guanti
The safety gogglesGli occhiali di sicurezza
The safety helmetIl casco di sicurezza
The safety bootsGli stivali di sicurezza
The construction helmetIl casco da costruzione
The respirator maskLa maschera respiratoria
The reflective vestIl giubbotto catarifrangente
The dust maskLa maschera antipolvere
The welding gogglesGli occhiali per saldatura


Carpentry tools in Italian

Woodwork is woodwork!!!! A carpenter is a universal profession and hence equipment for carpentry is available everywhere and anywhere. The carpenter will have to cut wood, work on it and finish it.

If you are doing carpentry, you might need different equipment depending on the job. You cannot use the same carpentry tools for everything. There are many different carpentry tools in the market to fit the correct requirement. You can learn about the list of all carpentry tools in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

  • WORD: The Italian translation for “The Carpenter” in Italian is “il falegname” or “il carpentiere”
  • WORD: The Italian translation for “Carpentry tools” in Italian is “Strumenti di falegnameria”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The carpenter purchased carpentry tools.” à Il falegname acquistò attrezzi da falegnameria.
Where is the carpenter in this lineup?
Where is the carpenter in this lineup?

The HammerIl martello
The ScrewdriverIl cacciavite
The Electric SawLa sega elettrica
The NailsI chiodi
The HandsawLa sega a mano
The ChainsawLa motosega
The HammerIl martello
The SawLa sega
The HacksawIl seghetto
The Circular sawLa sega circolare
The SandpaperLa carta vetrata
The Wood PaintLa vernice per legno
The ChiselLo scalpello


Medical tools in Italian

A doctor saves lives and you better give him or her with the best and highest quality equipment in the world. There are many different medical tools to fit the correct requirement for the doctor and the situation. You can learn about the list of all medical tools in Italian below with examples for each one in Italian and English.

What are the different medical tools in Italian
What are the different medical tools in Italian
The StethoscopeLo stetoscopio
The ThermometerIl termometro
The Surgical CottonIl cotone chirurgico
The Blood pressure gaugeIl misuratore di pressione sanguigna
The PacemakerIl pacemaker
The ForcepsIl forcipe
The PenlightIl lume di penna
The ScalpelIl bisturi
The StretcherLa barella
The DefibrillatorIl defibrillatore
The Surgical MaskLa maschera chirurgica
The VentilatorIl Ventilatore
The SyringeLa siringa
The AmbulanceL’ambulanza


Kitchen tools in Italian

Cooking is over 10000 years old. Humans evolved cooking into what we eat today!!!  Think about it, we have hundreds and thousands of recipes in numerous flavours and textures. We make use of thousands of ingredients as well. All this can go to a waste if you don’t use the right tools!!!

There are tons of Kitchen tools in the market across the world, both mechanical and electrical. You can learn about the list of all cooking tools in Italian below. Memorizing the list of cooking tools in Italian will make your life a cakewalk because..well.. you do cook right?

The PanPadella
The PotLa pentola
The WokIl Wok
The knifeIl coltello
The SpoonIl cucchiaio
The ForkLa forchetta
The PeelerIl pelapatate
The Cutting boardIl tagliere
The StrainerIl filtro
The WhiskLa frusta
The BottleLa bottiglia
The BlenderIl frullatore
The Food ProcessorIl robot da cucina
The Pressure cookerLa pentola a pressione
The Microwave ovenIl forno a microonde
The Induction StoveIl fornello a induzione
The StoveLa stufa


Gardening tools in Italian

You know what the different types of gardens are, know what you want and what you need to do. The next point is what do you need to do it. There are many gardening tools which you need to do gardening. Simply put, you cannot use a rake to trim a bush.

In this section, we will be learning about the list of all Gardening Tools in Italian with a lot of examples thrown in.

garden toolsattrezzi da giardinoThese garden tools are expensive.Questi attrezzi da giardino sono costosi.
The lawnmowerIl tosaerbaThe Lawnmower is red in color.Il tosaerba è di colore rosso.
The grass shearsLe cesoie per erbaWhere are the grass shears?Dove sono le forbici per erba?
The pruning shearsLe forbici da potaturaThe gardener purchased pruning shears.Il giardiniere ha acquistato le forbici da potatura.
The hoeLa zappaThe cow pulled the hoe.La mucca tirò la zappa.
The rakeIl rastrelloI gave the rake to my daughter.Ho dato il rastrello a mia figlia.
The spadeLa vangaThe gardener says that the spade is the most important tool.Il giardiniere dice che la vanga è lo strumento più importante.
The garden forkLa forchetta da giardinoWhat is the use of a garden fork?A cosa serve una forca da giardino?
The trowelLa cazzuolaCan we push the trowel?Possiamo spingere la cazzuola?
The compostIl compostThere is compost in the compost bin.C’è del compost nel bidone del compost.
The compost binLa compostiera / bidone del compost The compost bin has fifty kilos of compost. Il bidone del compost ha cinquanta chili di compost.
The wheelbarrowLa carriolaThere wheelbarrow is not clean.La carriola non è pulita.
The watering canL’annaffiatoioThe watering can is quite large.L’annaffiatoio è abbastanza grande.
The HoseIl tuboThe fireman and the gardener use a hose.Il pompiere e il giardiniere usano un tubo.


Construction tools in Italian

Construction work is the oldest profession in the world. Humans evolved into what we are by building stuff and building starts with construction!!! And what do we need to do construction? CONSTRUCTION TOOLS!!!!

There are different construction tools in the market for different jobs. You can learn about the list of all construction tools in Italian below. Knowing the list of construction tools in Italian will make your life easier since you can order what you exactly want in a shop or request what you want to get the construction job done.

The TruckIl camion
The Cement mixerLa betoniera
The JackhammerIl martello pneumatico
They HarnessSi imbrigliano
The Air toolLo strumento Aria
The Air compressorIl compressore d’aria
The Plastering trowelLa spatola da intonacatura
The Tool BoxLa cassetta degli attrezzi
The Paint rollerIl rullo di vernice


Power tools in Italian

All said and done, work with electric tools and the work gets done 10 times faster. A nail gun can get 50 nails done in 5 minutes while a traditional hammer and nail set will take an hour. Also any manual tool requires high skill and strength while power tools do not require strength but great care and skill.

There are different power tools in the market for different jobs. You can learn about the list of all power tools in Italian below. Knowing the list of power tools in Italian will make you look like an actual Italian speaker since you know your stuff and you’re the master of your craft in Italian.

  • WORD: The Italian translation for “Power tools” in Italian is “utensili elettrici”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Power tools are very useful.” à Gli utensili elettrici sono molto utili.
The Power ToolLo strumento di potere
The Electric ChainsawLa motosega elettrica
The Electric ScrewdriverIl cacciavite elettrico
The Power DrillIl trapano elettrico
The Air blowerL’aeratore
The Air compressorIl compressore d’aria
The Electric DrillIl trapano elettrico
The Soldering IronIl saldatore
The DrillIl trapano


Verbs related to the tools in Italian

You have successfully memorized the Italian vocabulary related to all the different types of tools in Italian. You can now go to a Italian shop and buy carpentry tools, medical tools, electrical tools and what not in flawless Italian. But what about Verbs in Italian related to the tools? Surely you need to know that too right?

Now just as we learnt about the universal tools and equipment, we need to say what we are going to do with the tools.

  • You must use a handsaw to cut
  • Electric drill to drill a hole
  • A sander to smoothen a surface.

While you need many different types equipment, you will equally be performing different types of actions (VERBS IN ITALIAN) depending on the job. You thus need to memorize the list of all Verbs in Italian related to the list of tools in Italian. Below you can find the list of all Verbs in Italian related to the list of tools.

English VerbsItalian VerbsEnglish SentenceSentence in Italian
to buildcostruireCan you build me a house?Mi puoi costruire una casa?
to cuttagliareCut the tree.Taglia l’albero.
drilledforatoHe drilled a hole.Ha praticato un foro.
to fixriparareFix this chair.Ripara questa sedia.
to glueincollareCan you glue these pieces of wood together.Puoi incollare insieme questi pezzi di legno.
to sawsegareHe sawed the log.Ha segato il tronco.
to shovela spalarePlease shovel the snowPer favore, spala la neve
to nailinchiodareThe picture is nailed to the wall.L’immagine è inchiodata al muro.
to dismantleSmantellare / smontaggioHe dismantled the furniture.Ha smontato i mobili.
to mendRiparare / aggiustareThe tailor mended my dress.Il sarto mi ha aggiustato il vestito.
to loosenallentareLoosen the screws slowly.Allentare le viti lentamente.
to unscrewsvitareI shall unscrew this panel.Sviterò questo pannello.
to fixRiparare / aggiustareWe need to repair this table.Dobbiamo riparare questo tavolo.
to scrubstrofinareHe scrubbed the floor.Ha strofinato il pavimento.
to filearchiviareFile these documents.Archivia questi documenti.
to paintdipingereThe painter painted the bedroom.Il pittore ha dipinto la camera da letto.
to renovateda ristrutturare / rinnovareWe need to renovate our house.Abbiamo bisogno di rinnovare la nostra casa.
to sealSigillareThe mechanic sealed the hole.Il meccanico ha sigillato il buco.
to screwAvvitareScrew the nuts carefully.Avvitare accuratamente i dadi.


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