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Il Cane e il suo riflesso

Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English

Aesop’s Fables – Il Cane e il suo riflesso


Once upon a time, there was a dog who lived in the woods. One day he found a large bone on the road. He was so happy.

The dog said, “Look. Such a lovely bone! It is so big and juicy. I shall feast on it today.”


C’era una volta un cane che viveva nei boschi. Un giorno trovò un grosso osso sulla strada. Era così felice.

Il cane disse: “Guarda. Un osso così adorabile! È così grande e succoso. Oggi ne banchetterò».


The dog picked up the bone and started walking towards the forest. He was crossing a bridge which had very still water beneath. The water reflected like a mirror and what did he see? He saw himself, a dog holding a bone.


Il cane raccolse l’osso e iniziò a camminare verso la foresta. Stava attraversando un ponte sotto il quale c’era acqua molto ferma. L’acqua si rifletteva come uno specchio e cosa vedeva? Vide se stesso, un cane che reggeva un osso.


But the dog was very greedy. It looked as if the dog below was carrying a much bigger bone.

He thought, “How can another dog have a bigger bone than me”.


Ma il cane era molto avido. Sembrava che il cane sotto portasse un osso molto più grande.

Pensò: “Come può un altro cane avere un osso più grande di me”.


He snarled. In the reflection, he saw a dog snarling back. He raised his paws angrily. In the reflection, he saw a dog raising the paws angrily.

He thought, “How can another dog snarl at me. How can another dog raise its paws at me”


Ringhiò. Nel riflesso, vide un cane ringhiare in risposta. Alzò le zampe con rabbia. Nel riflesso, vide un cane alzare le zampe con rabbia.

Pensò: “Come può un altro cane ringhiare contro di me. Come può un altro cane alzare le zampe contro di me”


Thinking in anger, he jumped into the water and found no dog. He had to swim for his dear life. He scrambled out but lost the bone. He finally realized how stupid he had been and how greedy he had been.


Pensando con rabbia, saltò in acqua e non trovò alcun cane. Ha dovuto nuotare per la sua cara vita. È uscito di corsa ma ha perso l’osso. Alla fine si rese conto di quanto fosse stato stupido e avido.


Moral: It is very foolish to be greedy.


Morale: “È molto sciocco essere avidi”.


Hope you had fun learning Italian through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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