Parts of a plant and Gardening Tools in Italian
One of the “most” common topics in Italian A1 is learning the vocabulary necessary to describe your day to day life, to describe what you ate, what you did, what your passions and interests are and what you do. This will involve plants or something related to plants somehow. For this, you need to memorize the list of parts of a plant in Italian and also the list of gardening tools in Italian. For a simple example, you would have to say which vegetable you like, buy flowers for a lover, fruits for your child and so on.
With the example above, you can easily see that parts of a plant are not just root / stem / leaf but the entire list. We have already covered list of fruits, berries and nuts in one post and vegetables in another post. In this post, we will be learning about a comprehensive list of parts of a plant in Italian with tons and tons of examples
A few simple examples for its importance: You’re going to meet your girlfriend and you need to buy “FLOWERS”. That is a part of a plant right there. Where do you find the “FRUITS” and “VEGETABLES” in a supermarket? In the autumn, the “LEAVES” fall down and people like to describe them as beautifully as possible.
You can see that learning this vocabulary words in any language is crucial to a well-rounded vocabulary and is also absolutely fundamental for sentence building. While some basic vocabulary such as leaves and vegetables can be memorized in beginning, specific words are crucial to communicating or diving into discussions. These holes need to be identified and filled during intermediate stages.
Let us go through the list of parts of a plant in Italian and a few example sentences for the same. But before that let us start with the absolute fundamental… what is the word for Plants in Italian.
- Trees and Plants in Italian
- List of parts of plant in Italian
- Types of plants in Italian
- List of Gardening Tools in Italian
- Gardening Verbs in Italian
- Barbeque in Italian
Italian wordlists to consider
Trees and Plants in Italian
- SINGULAR: The Italian translation for “The plant” is “la pianta”
- EXAMPLE: “I like the plant.” à Mi piace la pianta.
- PLURAL: The Italian word for “The Plants” is “Le piante”
- EXAMPLE: “The cow ate the plants.” à La mucca ha mangiato le piante.
- SINGULAR: The Italian translation for “The tree” is “L’albero”
- EXAMPLE: “The tree is huge.” à L’albero è enorme.
- PLURAL: The Italian word for “The trees” is “Gli alberi”
- EXAMPLE: “The dinosaur ate the trees.” à Il dinosauro ha mangiato gli alberi.
Parts of a plant in Italian
Who doesn’t like gardening or just to look at gardens? When we were children, we studied botany and parts of a plant were one of the most fundamental lessons that we learnt as a part of botany. Similarly when we study Italian, we have to memorize and learn the parts of a plant in your quest to master the Italian basic vocabulary list.
One of the “most” important topics in Italian A1 is learning the vocabulary is parts of a plant in Italian. A few examples of when you need to understand parts of a plant in Italian.
- In autumn, the leaves will fall.
- The tree trunk is useful.
- The flowers are beautiful
Let us go through the Italian vocabulary for the parts of a plant in Italian with a few example sentences for the same. Remember, the parts of a plant in Italian is a list you have to memorize for life and would be super critical when you take your A1 test so make sure that you get it 100% done!
ENGLISH | ITALIAN PLANT | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
The branch | Il ramo | We need to burn the branches of the tree. | Dobbiamo bruciare i rami dell’albero. |
The tree trunk | Il tronco d’albero | The carpenter made a table with the tree trunk. | Il falegname fece un tavolo con il tronco d’albero. |
The leaf | La foglia | The tea leaves must be dried. | Le foglie di tè devono essere asciugate. |
The fruit | Il frutto | Fruits are tasty. | I frutti sono gustosi. |
The vegetable | La verdura | My dog hates vegetables. | Il mio cane odia le verdure. |
The root | La radice | The potato is a root | La patata è una radice |
the tree bark | la corteccia dell’albero | The cow ate the tree bark. | La mucca ha mangiato la corteccia dell’albero. |
the seed | il seme | The seeds are small but the tree is large. | I semi sono piccoli ma l’albero è grande. |
the bush | il cespuglio | There is a small bush near my house. | C’è un piccolo cespuglio vicino a casa mia. |
the thorn | la spina | Cactus have thorns. | Il cactus ha le spine. |
the stem of the flower | lo stelo del fiore | The stem of the flower is very strong. | Lo stelo del fiore è molto forte. |
the plant | la piñata | The plant has 2 leaves and one flower. | La pianta ha 2 foglie e un fiore. |
The seed | Il seme | The farmer purchased some seeds. | Il contadino ha acquistato dei semi. |
Name and types of plants in Italian
You need to be more generic in cases when talking to acquaintances. However there comes a time when you need to be very specific when talking to friends and you have to deep dive into many a topic. You can’t say ROSE TREE and COCONUT PLANT. The rose is a bush while a small plant is a sapling. You can learn the complete vocabulary list of types of plants in Italian. This will prove as an important addition to you vocabulary list of plants in Italian.
ENGLISH | ITALIAN PLANTS | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
the seed | Il seme | The seeds are small but the tree is large. | I semi sono piccoli ma l’albero è grande. |
Germinate (OR) Sprouted | Germinare | The seeds germinated. | I semi sono germogliati. |
Shrub | L’arbusto | The hedgehog lives in the shrubs. | Il riccio vive tra gli arbusti. |
Plant | La piñata | The plant is green. | La pianta è verde. |
Tree | L’albero | Woodpeckers and owls live in trees. | Picchi e gufi vivono sugli alberi. |
Sprout | Il germoglio | My seeds have sprouted and there are many sprouts. | I miei semi sono germogliati e ci sono molti germogli. |
Seedlings | Le piantine | A musician sings to the seedlings. | Un musicista canta alle piantine. |
The creeper plant | La pianta rampicante | Pumpkin is a creeper plant. | La zucca è una pianta rampicante. |
The climber plant | La pianta rampicante | Beans are climber plants. | I fagioli sono piante rampicanti. |
The Shrub | L’arbusto | The palace gardens has many shrubs. | I giardini del palazzo hanno molti arbusti. |
The Herb | L’erba | The herb is a type of plant. | L’erba è un tipo di pianta. |
Aquatic plants | Piante acquatiche | You must buy Aquatic plants for your aquarium. | Devi acquistare piante acquatiche per il tuo acquario. |
Floating Plants | Piante galleggianti | Lilies and Lotuses are floating plants | Gigli e fiori di loto sono piante galleggianti |
Gardening in Italian
Italian people love gardening. Many Italian people spend hours on end tending to their gardens. Balconies in houses are usually filled with lots of potted plants. It is very common to find pots inside one’s home filled with beautiful plants. Suffice to say, you can find loads of gardening tools in every house.
In this section, we will be learning about the list of all gardening tools in Italian with a couple of examples thrown in.
ENGLISH | ITALIAN GARDEN | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
The vegetable plot | L’orto | The vegetable plot is in Paris. | L’orto è a Parigi. |
The rock garden | Il giardino roccioso | There is a rock garden in Singapore. | C’è un giardino roccioso a Singapore. |
The botanical garden | Il giardino botanico | The botanical garden has more than ten thousand flowers. | L’orto botanico conta più di diecimila fiori. |
The flower garden | Il giardino fiorito | The flower garden is gorgeous. | Il giardino fiorito è stupendo. |
The ornamental garden | Il giardino ornamentale | The Chinese ornamental garden has many buildings. | Il giardino ornamentale cinese ha molti edifici. |
The roof garden | Il giardino pensile | The roof garden is above a bar. | Il giardino pensile è sopra un bar. |
The lawn | Il prato | The Lawnmower is near the lawn. | Il tosaerba è vicino al prato. |
The flower bed | L’aiuola | The flower bed has many worms. | L’aiuola ha molti vermi. |
The earth | La terra | Earth is so beautiful. | La terra è così bella. |
The flower | Il fiore | She searches for flowers and rainbows. | Cerca fiori e arcobaleni. |
The shrub | L’arbusto | I have a few shrubs in my garden. | Ho alcuni arbusti nel mio giardino. |
Gardening related Verbs in Italian
Now that we have established that Italian people love gardening, do you know that gardening does not simply mean throwing seeds into the soil? There are many activities around the act of gardening which is why I said early on that Italian people love (and also need) to spend hours tending to their gardens.
In this section, we will be learning about the list of all Gardening verbs in Italian with a lot of examples thrown in.
ENGLISH | ITALIAN GARDEN | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
cultivate | coltivare | The gardener cultivated the garden. | Il giardiniere coltivava l’orto. |
to prune | potare | Prune the bushes and I will give you three dollars. | Pota i cespugli e ti darò tre dollari. |
to mow | falciare | The young boy mowed the lawn. | Il ragazzo ha falciato il prato. |
to dig | scavare | The man dug a small grave for his dog. | L’uomo ha scavato una piccola fossa per il suo cane. |
to weed | diserbare | Can you weed the lawn today? | Puoi diserbare il prato oggi? |
to water the plants | Annaffiare le piante | Please water the plants once a week. | Si prega di innaffiare le piante una volta alla settimana. |
to sunbathe | a prendere il sole | The rich woman sunbathes in Italy every year. | La donna ricca prende il sole in Italia ogni anno. |
to gossip | spettegolare | My wife loves to gossip. | Mia moglie ama spettegolare. |
List of Gardening tools in Italian
We have now learnt about the different types of gardens and the gardening verbs in Italian. So you know what garden you want and what you need to do. The next point is what do you need to do it. There are many gardening tools which you need to do gardening. Simply put, you cannot use a rake to trim a bush.
In this section, we will be learning about the list of all Gardening Tools in Italian with a lot of examples thrown in.
ENGLISH | ITALIAN GARDEN | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
The garden tools | Gli attrezzi da giardino | These garden tools are expensive. | Questi attrezzi da giardino sono costosi. |
The lawnmower | Il tosaerba | The Lawnmower is red in color. | Il tosaerba è di colore rosso. |
The Hedge cutter | Il tagliasiepi | The hedge cutter broke yesterday. | Il tagliasiepi si è rotto ieri. |
The hedge shears | Le cesoie per siepi | Do you want the hedge shears? | Vuoi le cesoie per siepi? |
The hoe | La zappa | The cow pulled the hoe. | La mucca tirò la zappa. |
The rake | Il rastrello | I gave the rake to my daughter. | Ho dato il rastrello a mia figlia. |
The spade | La vanga | The gardener says that the spade is the most important tool. | Il giardiniere dice che la vanga è lo strumento più importante. |
The trowel | La cazzuola | Can we push the trowel? | Possiamo spingere la cazzuola? |
The compost | Il compost | There is compost in the garden. | C’è del compost in giardino. |
The compost bin | La compostiera / Il bidone del compost | The compost bin has fifty kilos of compost. | Il bidone del compost ha cinquanta chili di compost. |
The wheelbarrow | La carriola | There wheelbarrow is not clean. | La carriola non è pulita. |
The sprinkler | L’irrigatore | The lawn sprinkler is broken. | L’irrigatore del prato è rotto. |
The watering can | L’annaffiatoio | The watering can is quite large. | L’annaffiatoio è abbastanza grande. |
The Hose pipe | Il tubo flessibile | The fireman and the gardener use a hose pipe. | Il pompiere e il giardiniere usano un tubo flessibile. |
Barbeque in Italian
Another thing you need to know about Italian people is that they love to go out in fine weather. And by going out, it does not mean going out hiking or scuba diving or mountaineering. Sure those can be done once a week or a few times a month. But what about on those pesky weekdays when you have to work or what about on the second day of weekend after you’ve done a massive hike.
Italian people loooooove a good barbeque. You would be hard pressed to find a Italian household without a barbeque in their house. Firing a Barbeque is so common on a sunny day across Italy. In this section, we will be learning about the list of a few Barbeque terms in Italian with some examples.
ENGLISH | ITALIAN GARDEN | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
The barbecue | Il barbecue | I purchased a new barbecue for a hundred euros. | Ho acquistato un barbecue nuovo per cento euro. |
The charcoal | Il carbone | Charcoal is black. | Il carbone è nero. |
The briquettes | I bricchetti | The shopkeeper asked me to buy briquettes. | Il negoziante mi ha chiesto di comprare i bricchetti. |
The skewer | Lo spiedo | The fisherman threw the skewer into the river. | Il pescatore gettò lo spiedo nel fiume. |
Vocabulary Gardening in Italian
All good things must come to an end 🙂
ENGLISH | ITALIAN GARDEN | English Sentence | Italian Sentence |
The shed | Il capannone | My gardener lives in the shed. | Il mio giardiniere vive nel capannone. |
The garden furniture | I mobili da giardino | She loved the garden furniture more than the garden. | Amava i mobili da giardino più del giardino. |
The garden chair | La sedia da giardino | The garden chair is rusted. | La sedia da giardino è arrugginita. |
The folding chair | La sedia pieghevole | Do you have a few folding chairs? | Hai delle sedie pieghevoli? |
The child’s swing | L’altalena del bambino | I sat on the child’s swing and it broke. | Mi sono seduto sull’altalena del bambino e si è rotto. |
The summer house | La casa estiva | The rich man has two summer houses in Italy. | Il ricco ha due case estive in Italia. |
The pond | Lo stagno | There are aquatic plants in the pond. | Ci sono piante acquatiche nello stagno. |