Learn about the universe in Italian with example sentences: The complete Italian vocabulary list for Universe in Italian, Galaxy in Italian, Asteroids and Meteors in Italian along with the list of additional vocabulary for other Space objects in Italian:
When you were a child, one of the “most” common topics is speaking about the planets. You can study about the list of the nine planets here Names of all the planets in Italian with example sentences. Is that all that you need to know? What about describing something as simple as a comet or the entire universe? Of course you need to know the vocabulary necessary to describe the moon and the stars in Italian, comets and asteroids in Italian, Universe in Italian etc.

A simple example for its importance: You’re lying down in the grass with your partner and you and you want to romantically describe “THE GORGEOUS MILKY WAY AND THE DEPTHS OF SPACE”. And your partner turns out to be a gorgeous (or handsome) Italian dude / dudette. You know it’s a sure homerun if you speak romantically about the infinite depths of Space in Italian. You need to explain the beauty in Italian. How do you do that? Simple… know the words for the universe in Italian and then string them together with some grammar.
Is it hard to learn about and to speak about the universe in Italian?
- Learning about the Universe in Italian is not a hard endeavour but will serve you well since you will look like an absolute master of Italian as you will be diving into classical conversation topics.
- You will of course need to memorize the universe in Italian and the different space objects in Italian.
- Perhaps, a simple example is that while star gazing, you might have to talk about asteroids and meteors in Italian that you see in the sky.
- With the example above, you can easily see that (along with the names of all the planets in Italian) the entire list of space stuff like asteroids moons and meteors in Italian are important.
In this post, we will be learning about a comprehensive list of the objects in the known Universe in Italian with tons and tons of example sentences.
Why is it so important that you need to learn about the Universe in Italian including the Italian vocabulary for all the Space Objects in Italian?
Learning this vocabulary words in any language is crucial to a well-rounded vocabulary and is also absolutely fundamental for sentence building. While some basic vocabulary such as Moon and Sun can be memorized in beginning (as a child would), specific words are crucial to communicating or diving into discussions about the Universe in Italian. These holes need to be identified and filled during intermediate stages.

Let us go through the Universe in Italian and a few example sentences for the same. After that, let us dive into the various objects in the solar system in Italian and then into other technical space related terms in Italian. But before all of that let us start with the absolute fundamental… what is the word for Universe in Italian.
Topics to be covered in list of Planets in Italian:
- How do you say Universe in Italian?
- How do you say Solar System in Italian and Galaxy in Italian?
- What are the types of space objects such as asteroids in Italian, comets in Italian and meteors in Italian?
- What are the different Space related inventions in Italian?
Awesome wordlists to consider
ITALIAN VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: How do you say Universe in Italian? How do you say solar system in Italian?

- WORD: The Italian translation for “The Universe” is “L’universo”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The universe is not infinite.” à L’universo non è infinito.
- WORD: The Italian word for “The Galaxy” is “La galassia”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Milky Way is a Galaxy.” à La Via Lattea è una galassia.
- WORD: The Italian translation for “Solar System” is “Sistema solare”
- EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Our Solar system has nine planets.” à Il nostro sistema solare ha nove pianeti.
ITALIAN VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: Why should I learn about the different space objects such as asteroids in Italian, comets in Italian and meteors in Italian?
When we were children, we studied about the various space objects in the solar system. We watched many cartoons about space explorers. Many of us have seen the great star wars and the legendary star trek. We marvel at the sight of the universe since we cannot even begin to understand or fathom its infinite depths.
But for the sake of our vocabulary list, this simple list of space objects in the solar system in Italian will suffice. It was one of the most fundamental lessons that you learnt as a part of science and it shall be one of the most fundamental Italian vocabulary you shall learn.
When we study Italian, we must memorize and learn about the universe in Italian as a part of your quest to master the Italian basic vocabulary list. It is of course one of the “not so important” topics in Italian A1 but would be useful for you for diving into higher levels of Italian and more.
ITALIAN VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: What are the types of space objects such as asteroids in Italian, moons in Italian and meteors in Italian?
Ok now that you are convinced that you can’t be talking about the nine planets all the time and that you need talk about Meteors in Italian, the universe, the galaxy, the stars and what not in Italian, we now know the next logical step.

Sometimes, you need to be more generic in cases when talking to acquaintances. Sometimes you need to be very specific when talking to friends and you are to deep dive into many a topic in Italian.
The universe in English | Universe in Italian | English Sentences | Italian Sentences |
The Milky Way | La via Lattea | There are billions of stars in the milky way. | Ci sono miliardi di stelle nella Via Lattea. |
The universe | L’universo | The universe has many galaxies. | L’universo ha molte galassie. |
The galaxy | La galassia | The artist painted a picture of the galaxy. | L’artista ha dipinto un’immagine della galassia. |
The solar system | Il sistema solare | The solar system has nine planets | Il sistema solare ha nove pianeti |
The comet | La cometa | A comet is faster than an asteroid. | Una cometa è più veloce di un asteroide. |
The meteor | La meteora | I saw a meteor yesterday. | Ieri ho visto una meteora. |
The asteroid | L’asteroide | We have an asteroid in our school. | Abbiamo un asteroide nella nostra scuola. |
The meteoroid | Il meteoroide | We sold the meteoroid | Abbiamo venduto il meteoroide |
The black hole | Il buco nero | Stephen Hawking studied about black holes. | Stephen Hawking ha studiato i buchi neri. |
The Northern lights | L’aurora boreale | I want to see the northern lights. | Voglio vedere l’aurora boreale. |
The orbit | L’orbita | The orbit is elliptical. | L’orbita è ellittica. |
Gravity | Gravità | Newton discovered gravity. | Newton scoprì la gravità. |
Astronomy | Astronomia | I study Astronomy in Harvard. | Studio astronomia ad Harvard. |
One more set of examples to learn about the types of space objects such as asteroids in Italian, moons in Italian and meteors in Italian…..

The universe in English | Universe in Italian | English Sentences | Italian Sentences |
The Milky Way | La via Lattea | The Italian astronomer studies about the milky way. | L’astronomo italiano studia la via lattea. |
The universe | L’universo | God created the universe. | Dio ha creato l’universo. |
The galaxy | La galassia | The Andromeda Galaxy is bigger than the Milky Way Galaxy. | La Galassia di Andromeda è più grande della Via Lattea. |
The solar system | Il sistema solare | The sun is the centre of the solar system. | Il sole è il centro del sistema solare. |
The comet | La cometa | Do comets have names? | Le comete hanno nomi? |
The meteor | La meteora | The museum has found many meteors and meteoroids. | Il museo ha trovato molte meteore e meteoroidi. |
The asteroid | L’asteroide | The nuclear bomb destroyed the asteroid. | La bomba nucleare ha distrutto l’asteroide. |
The meteoroid | Il meteoroide | What is the difference between a meteoroid and an asteroid? | Qual è la differenza tra un meteoroide e un asteroide? |
The black hole | Il buco nero | There are many black holes in the universe. | Ci sono molti buchi neri nell’universo. |
The Northern lights | L’aurora boreale | You can see the Northern lights from Norway. | Puoi vedere l’aurora boreale dalla Norvegia. |
The orbit | L’orbita | The satellite is in an elliptical orbit. | Il satellite si trova in un’orbita ellittica. |
Gravity | Gravità | If there was no gravity, humans would fly. | Se non ci fosse la gravità, gli umani volererebbero. |
Astronomy | Astronomia | The Italian woman loves Astronomy. | La donna italiana ama l’astronomia. |
ITALIAN VOCABULARY MASTER WORD LIST: List of the different Space related inventions that help us study the planets in Italian?
Space is filled with wondrous inventions made by man. Today we are going to study not only about planets in Italian or the universe in Italian; we are also going to study about the various man made inventions which help us study the universe and its wondrous secrets.
In this section, we will be learning about the list of all tools and inventions in Italian related to space with a couple of examples thrown in.

The universe in English | Universe in Italian | English Sentences | Italian Sentences |
The space station | La stazione spaziale | The international space station was built in 1998 | La stazione spaziale internazionale è stata costruita nel 1998 |
The satellite | Il satellite | SpaceX has launched over four hundred satellites | SpaceX ha lanciato oltre quattrocento satelliti |
The rocket | Il razzo | NASA launches rockets every year. | La NASA lancia razzi ogni anno. |
The rocket fuel | Il carburante per missili | Rocket fuel is very expensive | Il carburante per missili è molto costoso |
The spaceship | L’astronave | John wanted to make a spaceship. | John voleva costruire un’astronave. |
The space shuttle | La navetta spaziale | The space shuttle exploded. | La navicella spaziale è esplosa. |
The space suit | La tuta spaziale | Buzz Aldrin owns a space suit. | Buzz Aldrin possiede una tuta spaziale. |
The oxygen cylinder | La bombola di ossigeno | Scuba divers and astronauts carry an oxygen cylinder. | I subacquei e gli astronauti portano una bombola di ossigeno. |
The telescope | Il telescopio | The young boy loves his telescope. | Il ragazzo adora il suo telescopio. |
The Hubble telescope | Il telescopio Hubble | The Hubble telescope is thirty years old. | Il telescopio Hubble ha trent’anni. |