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List of Professions in Italian or List of Occupations in Italian with example sentences

What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?

It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Italian? For saying this, you need to know the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian. In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Italian. The below are the main topics which we will cover as a part of this blog.

  1. What is the terminology for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Italian?
  2. What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian with articles and Pronunciation?
  3. Gender of professions / occupations / jobs in Italians
List of Occupations and Professions in Italian
List of Occupations and Professions in Italian

Introduction to the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian with gender.


  • One of the first questions (sadly which is impolite in many cultures and also Italy) which a few Italian people ask is “Che lavoro fai?” Or “what is your job?” in Italian.
  • So you better learn the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian.
  • In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Italian.
  • If you’re to ever learn Italian properly, or if you want to live and work in Italy, you better get to know the terms for List of Occupations and Professions in Italian.


  • Most Italian people are guarded when they ask one’s profession as it is personal.
  • Asking someone about their profession is one of the most common things to do when making small talk in most countries but not in Italy or in fact most of Europe.
  • The people will prefix / end the question with “Se non sono indiscreto/a…”, which in English translates to “If you don’t mind me asking …”.
  • If you are being asked the question, you can respond with:
    • Faccio ( I do) + definite article + the name of your occupation;
    • (I am) + indefinite article + the name of your occupation.


List of Occupations and Professions in Italian – PROFESSION AND GENDER

It’s of course quite near impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones and the rules that you should know.

  • Even if a few of the Italian profession names change depending on their genders, there are some professions that just don’t change.
  • For example the names ending in ista which is like “il farmacista-la farmacista, il fisioterapista-la fisioterapista” etc..


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Can you teach me some interesting vocabulary related to occupation in Italian?

You need to know some vocabulary related to Italian professions in order to speak sentences properly. Also this will help you understand when people talk about their jobs and their daily life.

The Mechanic
The Mechanic
ImpiegoJob, employment
MestiereProfession, vocation, job
Azienda, impresa, dittaCompany
Datore di lavoroEmployer
(Lavoratore) dipendenteEmployee
Libero professionistaFreelance, self-employed
Centro per l’impiego, ufficio di collocamentoJob centre
Opportunità di lavoroJob vacancy
Curriculum vitae, curriculum, CVRésumé, CV
Lettera di accompagnamentoCover letter
Colloquio di lavoro, colloquio conoscitivoJob interview
Tirocinio, stage (pronounced /staʒ/)Internship
Lavoro temporaneo / a tempo determinato / parasubordinatoTemporary role
Lavoro stagionaleSeasonal work
Lavoro occasionaleOccasional work
Lavoro su turniShift work
Lavoro autonomo (in proprio)To be self-employed, to work as a freelancer
Lavoro dipendente a tempo indeterminatoPermanent work, permanent contract
VolontariatoVoluntary work
ImpiegoJob, employment


List of Professions in Italian or List of Occupations in Italian

There are so many types of jobs in the world that is becomes nigh impossible to list them. However, it is fair to say that there is a common List of Professions in Italian or List of Occupations in Italian.

List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to the Education Industry

Teachers are the first people we meet in our life whose profession we understand. They are the first people who we understand have a job. So to do them service, I shall begin with them my list of Occupations and Professions in Italian.


There are so many types of teacher and professors. Let us go through the list now.

ItalianEnglishEnglish Italian
Insegnante (m/f)Teacher, instructorI like my teacherMi piace il mio insegnante
Professore / professoressaTeacher, professorMy professor is very intelligent.Il mio professore è molto intelligente.
Maestro/aElementary school teacherHis mother is an elementary school teacherSua madre è un Maestro.
Maestro/a d’asiloKindergarten teacherThe young girl likes her kindergarten teacher.Alla ragazza piace la sua maestra d’asilo.
Educatore / educatriceEducator, teacherThe president was an Educator in 1981.Il presidente era un educatore nel 1981.
Docente universitarioLecturerLulu was a famous Lecturer in Mathematics.Lulu era un famoso Docente di Matematica.
Tutor (m/f)TutorI am searching for a Tutor.Sto cercando un Tutor.
Preside (m/f)Principal, headmaster, school supervisorThe Principal is quite strict.Il preside è piuttosto severo.
Decano / Rettore (m/f)Dean, chancellorThe Dean is bored.Il Decano è annoiato.
Custode / Bidello/aJanitor, custodianThe janitor is very old.Il custode è molto vecchio.


The doctor and nurses who save the world

The medical profession is vast and very complex. As a kid, you would have heard only of “Doctor”. When you are slightly older, you hear of the word “Surgeon”. When you are much older, you come to know of the huuuuge doctor related list of Occupations and Professions in Italian.

Of course, at some point in your life you’re going to have to run in to a hospital or come across a doctor. So it is best if you memorize the list of Occupations and Professions in Italian which are in relation to doctors.

A super sexy Nurse
A super sexy Nurse

I am not going to give examples as this would be overwhelming and highly complicated. Let us try and get this list down J

Medico (m/f)Doctor
Dottore / dottoressaDoctor
Chirurgo (m/f)Surgeon
Psicoterapeuta (m/f)Psychotherapist
Psichiatra (m/f)Psychiatrist
Pediatra (m/f)Pediatrician
Dentista, odontoiatra (m/f)Dentist
Oculista (m/f)Ophthalmologist, eye doctor
Omeopata (m/f)Homeopath, expert in homeopathic remedies
Farmacista (m/f)Pharmacist, chemist
Igienista dentale (m/f)Dental hygienist


List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to pulic service officers

The people in this list lay their lives in order to ensure that we are safe and get a good night’s sleep. These are of course the soldiers / firemen / the guards and many more. This list of Occupations and Professions in Italian is something that you need to absolutely memorize. You will need to call the police many times in your life. You will need to respect a soldier, praise a fireman and many more. How can you do those without knowing the proper vocabulary for that?

Firemen - The bravest of the brave
Firemen – The bravest of the brave
Poliziotto/aPoliceman, copThe policeman caught the thief.Il poliziotto ha catturato il ladro.
AgentePolice officerI want to be a Police officer.Voglio essere un agente di polizia.
CarabiniereCarbineerThe Carbineer was very rich.Il Carabiniere era molto ricco.
Guardia giurataSecurity guardThe security guard was born in Germany.La guardia di sicurezza è nata in Germania.
Vigile del fuoco, pompiereFiremanI married a Fireman.Ho sposato un pompiere.
Soldato / soldatessaSoldierThe soldier was very brave.Il soldato è stato molto coraggioso.
Ispettore / ispettriceInspectorThe Inspector is forty years old.L’ispettore ha quarant’anni.
Investigatore / detectiveDetectiveThe detective is very cleverIl detective è molto intelligente


List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to the Food industry

The people in this list are the main reason why we don’t go hungry and of course remain healthy!!! These warriors are of course the people from the food and restaurant industry…  This list of Occupations and Professions in Italian needs to be memorized by all.

You will go to restaurants almost every week / month. You will need to request for service. How can you do those without knowing the proper vocabulary for that?

Ristoratore / ristoratriceRestaurant owner, restaurateurThe restaurant owner is from Sicily.Il proprietario del ristorante è siciliano.
Cuoco/aCook, chefThe king gave a 100 coins to the Cook.Il re diede 100 monete al cuoco.
Capocuoco / capo chefHead chef, executive chef, chef de cuisineThe Head chef of the Marriot is Jean Pierre.Il capo chef del Marriott è Jean Pierre.
Aiuto cuoco / assistente chefChef’s assistant, assistant chefI am the assistant chef in Marrot.Sono l’assistente chef di Marrot.
Capo partitaChef de partie, station chefThe Chef de partie is very angry.Il Capo partita è molto arrabbiato.
Saucier (pronounced /sosje/)Sauté chef, saucierThe saucier is very generous.Il saucier è molto generoso.
PizzaioloPizza chefThe Pizza chef is the most important person in a Pizzeria.Il Pizzaiolo è la persona più importante in una Pizzeria.
SommelierSommelier, wine stewardA wine steward should not be clumsy.Un Sommelier non dovrebbe essere goffo.
Cameriere / camerieraServer, waiter/waitressThe waiter liked the waitress.Al cameriere è piaciuta la cameriera.
Barista (m/f)Bartender, barman/barmaidThe Bartender is very patient.Il barista è molto paziente.


List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to the Legal advisory industry

Where would we be without lawyers and judges? A lawless world perhaps? Let us do the profession justice by memorizing the list of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to Judiciary.

AvvocatoLawyer, attorney, solicitor
ProcuratoreAttorney, lawyer, counselor
Pubblico ministero, PMProsecutor
Ufficiale giudiziarioOfficer of justice
GiudiceJudge, magistrate
Giudice di paceJustice of the peace, small claims judge


The professions related to Business and office life

Most of us go to regular office jobs and this list is vast and ever growing. The List of Occupations and Professions in Italian would not be complete without detailing out this list.

Impiegato/aOffice worker, clerk
Direttore / direttriceCompany director
Centralinista (m/f)Telephone operator, switchboard operator
Ragioniere / ragionieraAccountant
Venditore, commercialSalesperson, sales rep
Agente immobiliare (m/f)Real estate agent
Consulente (m/f)Consultant
Contabile (m/f)Bookkeeper
Commercialista (m/f)Accountant
Notaio (m/f)Notary
Esattore fiscaleTax collector
Geometra (m/f)Surveyor
Ingegnere (m/f)Engineer
Imprenditore / imprenditriceEntrepreneur
Banchiere / banchieraBanker
Intermediario finanziarioStockbroker
Ricercatore / ricercatriceResearcher
Programmatore / programmatriceProgrammer
Promotore / promotricePromoter


List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to the Publishing Industry

Behind every book and every newspaper are a few hundred people toiling away to achieve perfection. These are not just editors but writers, translators, illustrators and many more.

Scrittore / scrittriceWriter
Romanziere / romanzieraNovelist
Redattore / redattriceEditor
Editore / editricePublisher
Traduttore / traduttriceTranslator
Correttore di bozze / correttrice di bozzeProofreader
Giornalista (m/f)Journalist
Pubblicista (m/f)Contributing editor
Copywriter (m/f)Copywriter
Interprete (m/f)Interpreter
Illustratore / illustratriceIllustrator


List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to the Entertainment industry

Don’t we all like a nice movie, a song, a play? That’s what Friday nights and weekends are about right? So it would be remiss if we omit this list of people.

Cantante (m/f)Singer
Attore / attriceActor/actress, Thespian, performer
Regista (m/f)Filmmaker
Musicista (m/f)Musician, performer
Pianista (m/f)Pianist
Chitarrista (m/f)Guitarist, guitar player
Sassofonista (m/f)Saxophonist
Batterista (m/f)Drummer, percussionist
Bassista (m/f)Bassist, bass player
Compositore / compositriceComposer
Presentatore / presentatriceTelevision presenter
CameramanCamera operator, cameraman
Costumista (m/f)Costume designer
Truccatore / truccatriceMakeup artist
Disc jockey, DJ (m/f)Disc jockey


The professions related to the world of art

I’ma be honest with you… my knowledge of the art world is really bad. I would price the Mona list at a few hundred pounds saying she looks sad. Nevertheless, these are the most skilled and creative people in the world. Let us learn the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to all artists.

Artista (m/f)Artist
Scultore / scultriceSculptor
Pittore / pittricePainter
Restauratore / restauratriceArt conservator
Critico/a d’arteArt critic
Designer (m/f)Designer
Fumettista (m/f)Cartoonist
Disegnatore / disegnatrice di cartoni animateAnimator


The professions related to the industry of Manual work

They form the bottom of the pyramid, a massive group of people supporting each task to success. They may not be fancy professions but the world would not move an inch without any of them. Let us learn the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to all manual laborers.

Operaio/aManual worker, laborer
Operatore edile, muratoreconstruction worker, mason
Imbianchino/aHouse painter
Tecnico/aTechnician repairman
FalegnameCarpenter, woodworker
PiastrellistaTiler, tile setter
MarmistaMarble worker
Agricoltore, contadino/aFarmer
Allevatore / allevatriceBreeder, farmer, cowman


The professions related to the Transportation industry

These are the guys who take you everywhere. They are the great ever present and important transportation industry. Let us memorize the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian for all the members of the transportation industry.

Conducente di autobusBus driver
MacchinistaTrain driver
Camionista, autotrasportatoreTruck driver, lorry driver
Taxista, tassistaCabdriver, taxi driver
FerroviereRailway worker


The professions related to the world of Commerce and trade

The world of trade is what made us what we are. Trade connected the world and formed the roots of history. Let us learn the List of Occupations and Professions in Italian related to all tradesmen.

Negoziante (m/f)Shopkeeper
Commerciante (m/f)Retailer, shopkeeper
Commesso/aSales assistant, shop assistant
Pasticciere / pasticcieraPastry chef, confectioner
Fornaio/a, panettiere/aBaker
Pescivendolo/aFish seller
Giornalaio/a, edicolanteNewsstand, newsagent
OreficeJewelry maker
Antiquario/aAntique dealer
Lattaio/aMilkman, milkwoman
EstetistaBeautician, esthetician
Lavandaio / lavandaiaLaundryman / laundress


The professions related to the Tourism industry

We save money to travel the world. Little does one know that there is a whole industry behind the world of tourism.

Agente di viaggi (m/f)Travel agent
Guida turistica (m/f)Travel guide
Accompagnatore turistico / accompagnatrice turisticaTour guide
Guida alpina (m/f)Mountain guide
Assistente di volo,Flight attendant
Programmatore turisticoTravel organizer
Responsabile del bookingBooking manager
Animatore / animatriceHoliday resort entertainer
Bagnino/a, guardaspiaggiaLifeguard
AffittacamereLandlord, landlady


Sportsmen and Sportswomen

The sportsmen and sportswomen are people whom we adore and worship. Italy is the country where sports is valued above one’s life and you better not screw up any vocabulary related to that

Atleta (m/f)Athlete
Allenatore / allenatriceCoach
Calciatore / calciatriceFootballer
CestistaBasketball player
PallavolistaVolleyball player
TennistaTennis player
Pugile / pugilessaBoxer
Pattinatore / pattinatriceSkater
Pilota motociclisticoMotorcycle racer
Pilota automobilisticoRacing driver
ArbitroReferee, umpire


The master list of the vast variety of other jobs

Not all jobs can be fit into the above categories. Some of them are unique since they are tradesmen, housewife or just unique in nature. Nevertheless, these people form the vast majority of jobs and hence needs to be memorized.

Educatore cinofilo / educatrice cinofilaDog trainer
Postino/a, portaletterePostman/postwoman, mail carrier
Parroco, pretePriest
Carceriere, secondinoJailer
CartomanteFortune-teller, card reader
UsciereDoorman, usher
Addetto/a alle pulizieCleaner
Operatore ecologico, netturbinoStreet cleaner
Senatore / senatriceSenator
Domestica, donna di servizioMaid
Impresario funebre, becchino (informal)Undertaker
ParcheggiatoreValet, car-parking attendant
Pensionato/aPensioner, retiree
Studente / studentessaStudent


More work-related terms in Italian

When someone is talking to you about their job, they are not going to repeat their profession name 15 times. Of course not…. They will talk about their boss, their payroll, their colleagues and what not. This ancillary list of words is as important as the master list itself.

Socio/aPartner, associate
Capo (m/f)Boss
Cliente (m/f)Client
Collega (m/f)Colleague
Concorrente, competitorCompetitor
Partita IVAVAT number
Ritenuta d’accontoWithholding tax
Aumento di stipendioPay raise
Busta pagaPayroll
Giorno libero, giorno di riposoDay off from work
Maternità, permesso di maternitàMaternity leave (time off work for a new mom)
AspettativaLeave, leave of absence
Esperienza lavorativaWork experience
Viaggio di lavoroBusiness trip
Fare gli straordinariTo work overtime
AssumereTo hire
Dimettersi, rassegnare le dimissioniTo quit, to resign
LicenziareTo fire, to lay off
Andare in pensioneTo retire
Agenzia delle EntrateItalian Revenue Agency
INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale)Social security service


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