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Maestro Airone e il pesce

Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English

Aesop’s Fables – Maestro Airone e il pesce


It was the earliest of morning and it was cold. The fish were swimming in the shallow waters of the pond to keep warm. Master Heron was walking along the pond waiting for a large fish to swim close. His eyes were focussed and his beak was sharp. His neck was long and he had never missed.


Era mattina presto e faceva freddo. I pesci nuotavano nelle acque poco profonde dello stagno per scaldarsi. Mastro Airone stava camminando lungo lo stagno aspettando che un grosso pesce si avvicinasse a nuoto. I suoi occhi erano concentrati e il suo becco era affilato. Il suo collo era lungo e non aveva mai mancato.


There were scores of fish around him but today Master Heron was greedy. The small fish did not interest him today. He wanted to hunt only the big fish.

“No small fish for me today! I am a great hunter and I shall eat only the biggest fish.”


C’erano decine di pesci intorno a lui, ma oggi il maestro Airone era avido. Il pesciolino oggi non gli interessava. Voleva cacciare solo il pesce grosso.

“Niente pesciolino per me oggi! Sono un grande cacciatore e mangerò solo il pesce più grande”.


Mrs Duck was swimming nearby and she was nibbling at the small fish.

“Indeed. If only I were a powerful Heron, I would eat only the biggest fish. I would not bother opening my beak for the small fish for they would only be a waste of my time.”


La signora Papera stava nuotando nelle vicinanze e stava rosicchiando il pesciolino.

“Infatti. Se solo fossi un potente Airone, mangerei solo il pesce più grosso. Non mi preoccuperei di aprire il becco per i pesciolini perché sarebbero solo una perdita di tempo”.


Master Heron beamed with pride.

“But of course! But of course! I shall not hunt the small fish and will only eat the big ones. Why? For I am a master hunter and master hunters eat only big fish!”


Mastro Airone era raggiante di orgoglio.

“Ma certo! Ma certo! Non darò la caccia ai pesci piccoli e mangerò solo quelli grandi. Perché? Perché io sono un maestro cacciatore e i maestri cacciatori mangiano solo pesci grossi!”


And so he waited. And so he waited.

The sun rose and the stream became warm. Even the smaller fish moved into the cooler depths in the middle of the pond. Soon there were no more fish left to hunt. Master Heron had to spend the rest of the day in hunger.


E così ha aspettato. E così ha aspettato.

Il sole sorse e il ruscello divenne caldo. Anche i pesci più piccoli si erano spostati nelle profondità più fresche nel mezzo dello stagno. Presto non c’erano più pesci da cacciare. Mastro Airone ha dovuto passare il resto della giornata affamato.


Moral:  Do not be too hard to suit or you may have to be content with the worst or with nothing at all.


Morale: non essere troppo difficile da soddisfare o potresti dover accontentarti del peggio o di niente.


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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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