Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English
Akbar and Birbal – Chi è il re?
Once upon a time, Birbal was sent to the neighbouring kingdom as an ambassador. The king in the neighbouring kingdom had heard of the famous wit of Birbal. He wanted to test it himself.
In the evening, the King asked all of his ministers to come and see him. He gave every minister a set of his clothes and asked them to wear it the next day.
TranslateUn tempo Birbal fu inviato nel regno vicino come ambasciatore. Il re del regno vicino aveva sentito parlare del famoso spirito di Birbal. Voleva provarlo lui stesso.
La sera il re chiese a tutti i suoi ministri di venire a trovarlo. Diede a ogni ministro un set dei suoi vestiti e chiese loro di indossarlo il giorno successivo.
The ministers wore the King’s clothes and came to court. The next day, Birbal came to the court and was surprised. There were twenty people all dressed exactly like the king in royal clothes.
Birbal walked across the first person and paused only for a second. Then he moved on to the second person and then the third person. Like this, Birbal walked across all the twenty people.
TranslateI ministri indossarono gli abiti del re e vennero a corte. Il giorno dopo, Birbal venne a corte e fu sorpreso. C’erano venti persone tutte vestite esattamente come il re con abiti reali.
Birbal attraversò la prima persona e si fermò solo per un secondo. Poi è passato alla seconda persona e poi alla terza persona. In questo modo, Birbal attraversò tutte le venti persone.
He bowed down to the fifteenth person and said, “My King, Akbar sends me to your kingdom to discuss about trade.”
The fifteenth person was the King. The King was very surprised and amazed.
He asked Birbal, “How did you know that I was the King? Have you seen me before?”
TranslateSi inchinò alla quindicesima persona e disse: “Mio re, Akbar mi manda nel tuo regno per discutere di commercio”.
La quindicesima persona era il re. Il re fu molto sorpreso e stupito.
Chiese a Birbal: “Come sapevi che io fossi il re? Mi hai già visto?”
Birbal said, “No my King. I have never seen you before. There are two reasons. Of the twenty people here, the kind of confidence you exuded, no one else did. Everyone looked fearful and avoided my eyes. Only a true king would look straight into ones’ eyes. Secondly, you did not seek for anyone’s approval. Others kept looking at you for approval.”
The King gave Birbal a hug and gave him 100 gold coins as a reward.
TranslateBirbal disse: “No, mio re. Non ti ho mai visto prima. Ci sono due ragioni. Delle venti persone qui presenti, il tipo di fiducia che trasudavi, nessun altro. Tutti sembravano impauriti ed evitavano i miei occhi. Solo un vero re guarderebbe dritto negli occhi. In secondo luogo, non hai cercato l’approvazione di nessuno. Altri continuavano a guardarti in cerca di approvazione”.
Il re abbracciò Birbal e gli diede 100 monete d’oro come ricompensa.
Moral: Confidence always shows when one looks into the other persons eyes.
TranslateMorale: la fiducia si mostra sempre quando si guarda negli occhi delle altre persone.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.