Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English
Aesop’s Fables – L’asino che porta l’immagine
Once upon a time, there was a great festival in a temple. Thousands of people had come to see an image of God and were waiting in the streets. A Donkey was adorned in garlands and jewels and flowers and everything beautiful. On its back was a saddle and the saddle carried the image.
The devotees, the priests, the pages and the courtiers followed the donkey. The people and the priests threw flowers on the image. Many people fell on their knees and prayed to the image as the donkey crossed them.
TranslateC’era una volta una grande festa in un tempio. Migliaia di persone erano venute a vedere un’immagine di Dio e stavano aspettando per le strade. Un asino era adorno di ghirlande e gioielli e fiori e tutto ciò che era bello. Sul dorso c’era una sella e la sella portava l’immagine.
I devoti, i sacerdoti, i paggi e i cortigiani seguivano l’asino. La gente e i sacerdoti gettavano fiori sull’immagine. Molte persone caddero in ginocchio e pregarono l’immagine mentre l’asino le attraversava.
The Donkey was very stupid and thought that the honour was for him. He held his head high and walked proudly. He thought that they were kneeling down for him. He thought that they were showering flowers on him. He thought that they were cheering for him.
TranslateL’asino era molto stupido e pensava che l’onore fosse per lui. Teneva la testa alta e camminava con orgoglio. Pensava che si fossero inginocchiati per lui. Pensava che gli stessero inondando di fiori. Pensava che stessero facendo il tifo per lui.
The Donkey stopped and perked his ears, and brayed loudly. Much as the people behind coxed the Donkey, he did not move.
He was too proud and thought that everyone was here to worship him and he could do as he wanted.
TranslateL’asino si fermò, drizzò le orecchie e ragliava forte. Per quanto le persone dietro abbiano spinto l’asino, non si è mosso.
Era troppo orgoglioso e pensava che tutti fossero lì per adorarlo e che potesse fare ciò che voleva.
The owner of the donkey understood what had happed and hit the donkey hard on its back with a sharp stick. The donkey howled in pain.
The owner said, “Go on, you stupid donkey. The honour was for the image and not for yourself.”
TranslateIl proprietario dell’asino capì cosa era successo e colpì duramente l’asino sulla schiena con un bastone affilato. L’asino ululava di dolore.
Il proprietario disse: “Vai avanti, stupido asino. L’onore era per l’immagine e non per te stesso”.
Moral: “Do not try to take the credit to yourself that is due to others.”
TranslateMorale: “Non cercare di prenderti il merito che è dovuto agli altri”.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.