Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English
Akbar and Birbal – la pentola di riso
Once upon a time, King Akbar was walking around the lake with his minister Birbal. The weather was very cold. The King touched the water and immediately took it out.
TranslateC’era una volta, il re Akbar stava passeggiando intorno al lago con il suo ministro Birbal. Il tempo era molto freddo. Il re toccò l’acqua e la prese immediatamente.
King Akbar said, “Birbal. This was is very cold. I do not think that anyone can survive one night in this cold water.”
TranslateRe Akbar disse: “Birbal. È molto freddo. Non credo che qualcuno possa sopravvivere una notte in quest’acqua fredda. “
Birbal said, “My dear King, I believe that is possible for a man who is brave and strong. I would say that it is not impossible”
TranslateBirbal ha detto: “Mio caro re, credo che sia possibile per un uomo coraggioso e forte. Direi che non è impossibile.”
King Akbar said, “Birbal. I shall give a 1000 gold coins and a job as a palace guard to anyone who is able to survive one night in the freezing water.”
TranslateRe Akbar disse: “Birbal. Darò 1000 monete d’oro e un lavoro come guardia di palazzo a chiunque sia in grado di sopravvivere una notte nell’acqua gelida “.
The announcement was made throughout the kingdom. Only one poor man was willing to take up the challenge. He stood in the freezing water all night. There were two guards watching him all night and he survived the challenge.
TranslateL’annuncio è stato fatto in tutto il regno. Solo un povero uomo era disposto ad accettare la sfida. Rimase nell’acqua gelida tutta la notte. C’erano due guardie che lo osservavano tutta la notte ed è sopravvissuto alla sfida.
The next morning, the man was taken to the court for his reward. King Akbar asked, “My dear brave man, how did you survive the extreme cold for so long?”
TranslateLa mattina dopo, l’uomo è stato portato in tribunale per la sua ricompensa. Re Akbar chiese: “Mio caro uomo coraggioso, come hai fatto a sopravvivere al freddo estremo per così tanto tempo?”
The man said, “My king, I was seeing a fire which was burning far away. I imagined that the fire was near me and that gave me warmth and the strength to survive the cold.”
TranslateL’uomo disse: “Mio re, vedevo un fuoco che ardeva lontano. Immaginavo che il fuoco fosse vicino a me e che mi dava calore e forza per sopravvivere al freddo. “
King Akbar said, “This man is not worthy of the reward since he managed to survive the cold only because of the lamp. If the lamp was not there, he would have failed.”
TranslateRe Akbar disse: “Quest’uomo non è degno della ricompensa poiché è riuscito a sopravvivere al freddo solo grazie al fuoco. Se il fuoco non fosse stato lì, avrebbe fallito. “
The man was very upset and felt that he was cheated. He went to Birbal and asked for his help. Birbal was a very clever minister and asked him to go home and that he will sort out the problem.
TranslateL’uomo era molto turbato e si sentì imbrogliato. Andò da Birbal e chiese il suo aiuto. Birbal era un ministro molto intelligente e gli ha chiesto di tornare a casa e che risolverà il problema.
Birbal was in the kitchens the next day and sent the cook home. Akbar went to the kitchen to find out why Birbal was cooking and not his cook. Birbal was beside the fire and the pot was 6 feet above it. Akbar started to laugh loudly.
TranslateIl giorno dopo Birbal era in cucina e rimandò il cuoco a casa. Akbar andò in cucina per scoprire perché stava cucinando Birbal e non il suo cuoco. Birbal era accanto al fuoco e la pentola era 6 piedi sopra di essa. Akbar iniziò a ridere rumorosamente.
Akbar said, “Birbal, the pot is so far away from the fire. What are you cooking?”
Birbal said, “I am making Khichadi for you, my King.”
TranslateAkbar disse: “Birbal, la pentola è così lontana dal fuoco. Cosa stai cucinando?”
Birbal ha detto: “Sto preparando Khichadi per te, mio re.”
Akbar said, “How will it become hot? The fire is not near the pot.”
Birbal said, “But my lord, yesterday you said that the poor man stayed warm by looking at the fire. I am cooking Khichadi the same way.”
TranslateAkbar disse: “Come diventerà caldo? Il fuoco non è vicino alla pentola. “
Birbal disse: “Ma mio signore, ieri hai detto che il pover’uomo si è tenuto al caldo guardando il fuoco. Sto cucinando Khichadi allo stesso modo. “
Akbar realized his mistake and called the poor man to his court the next day. He was awarded 1500 gold coins and a job as a palace guard. Birbal was awarded one gold necklace for his intelligence.
TranslateAkbar si rese conto del suo errore e chiamò il pover’uomo alla sua corte il giorno successivo. Ricevette 1500 monete d’oro e un lavoro come guardia di palazzo. Birbal ricevette una collana d’oro per la sua intelligenza.
Moral: Hope can inspire people to work hard.
TranslateMorale: la speranza può ispirare le persone a lavorare sodo.
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Akbar and Birbal tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.