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La lepre e le orecchie

Italian short stories – Learning Italian through English

Aesop’s Fables – La lepre e le orecchie


The king of the forest, the mighty Lion, was once eating a goat when the horns of the goat pierced him. He was angry. He roared loudly.


He was so angry that he called all the animals of the forest to a meeting.


Il re della foresta, il potente leone, una volta stava mangiando una capra quando le corna della capra lo trafissero. Era arrabbiato. Ruggì forte.


Era così arrabbiato che ha chiamato tutti gli animali della foresta a una riunione.


The lion said, “Who dares wear such dangerous crowns on their hears? How dare anyone wear horns?”

The animals remained silent as they were afraid of the lion.


Il leone disse: “Chi osa portare corna così pericolose sulle loro orecchie? Come osa qualcuno indossare le corna?”

Gli animali rimasero in silenzio perché avevano paura del leone.


The Lion announced, “Hear me well! Anyone wearing horns should leave the kingdom by tomorrow. If I find anyone with horns, large or small, I shall kill them with my mighty claws.”


Il Leone annunciò: “Ascoltatemi bene! Chiunque indossi le corna deve lasciare il regno entro domani. Se trovo qualcuno con le corna, grandi o piccole, lo ucciderò con i miei potenti artigli”.


The animals were terrified. All the animals that were born with horns started to pack and leave the kingdom. The remaining animals were praying as they were afraid that the lion would still be angry.


Gli animali erano terrorizzati. Tutti gli animali nati con le corna iniziarono a fare le valigie e ad abbandonare il regno. Gli animali rimasti stavano pregando perché temevano che il leone si sarebbe ancora arrabbiato.


There was a very timid rabbit and he was very afraid. When he came out of his burrow in the morning, the morning sun fell on his back. He saw the shadow and his ears looked like he had very big horns.


C’era un coniglio molto timido e aveva molta paura. Quando uscì dalla sua tana al mattino, il sole del mattino era caduto dietro di lui. Vide l’ombra e le sue orecchie sembravano avere delle corna molto grandi.


He said, “I shall pack my bags and leave, neighbour Squirrel”

The Squirrel said, “But you have no horns. Why should you leave?”


Disse: “Farò le valigie e me ne andrò, vicino Scoiattolo”

Lo scoiattolo disse: “Ma tu non hai le corna. Perché dovresti andartene?”


The Rabbit replied, “The Lion’s anger is blind. He will decide that my ears are horns no matter what I say. It is best if I leave.”


Il Coniglio rispose: “L’ira del Leone è cieca. Deciderà che le mie orecchie sono corna, non importa quello che dico. È meglio se me ne vado».


Moral:  Do not give your enemies the slightest reason to attack your reputation. Your enemies will seize any excuse to attack you.


Morale: “Non dare ai tuoi nemici la minima ragione per attaccare la tua reputazione. I tuoi nemici coglieranno ogni scusa per attaccarti.”


Hope you had fun learning Italian through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!

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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Italian confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Italian short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop tales are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.

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