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List of 100+ Vegetables in Italian

List of 100+ Vegetables in Italian

Let us start off in the absolute beginning. Close your eyes… You are a baby…. What are the first few words that you speak? You start saying words you like which are basically all the food pieces that you eat. And babies are fed all the vegetables. This is true for a Italian speaking child as well. For the Italian child, it formulates nothing but the absolute basics of List of Vegetables in Italian including the list of legumes / beans in Italian..

A beautiful Italian vegetable basket
A beautiful Italian vegetable basket

Now let us skip ahead and go to school… I’m sure in school, we would have learnt about the vocabulary list of Vegetables. Now what about a child studying in Italian? Would it not be the case that they learn about the list of Vegetables in Italian and the list of beans in Italian?

One of the “most” common topics in Italian A1 is learning the vocabulary for how to describe what one ate and this always involves fruits and vegetables. We have already covered list of fruits, berries and nuts in another post. In this post, we will be learning about a comprehensive list of vegetables in Italian with tons and tons of examples


Topics to be covered:

  1. How to say Vegetables in Italian?
  2. Complete List of Vegetables in Italian?
  3. Common supermarket vegetables in Italian
  4. Beans and lentils in Italian?
  5. Leafy vegetables in Italian?
  6. Parts of a plant in Italian?


How do you say “Vegetable” in Italian?

Beans and Vegetables in Italian
Beans and Vegetables in Italian
  • SINGULAR: The Italian translation for “The vegetable” is “la verdura” or “il ortaggio”
    • EXAMPLE: “Potato is a vegetable.” à La patata è una verdura.
  • PLURAL: The Italian word for “The Vegetables” is “le verdure”
    • EXAMPLE: “I like vegetables.” à Mi piacciono le verdure.


Root vegetables in Italian

Who doesn’t like a nice potato or an onion based dish. If you ask me (a true potato lover that I am) it’s nigh impossible for me to cook without either of the two. Literally speaking, potatoes are like a lifeline to me. Similarly we have a ton of root based vegetables which needs to be memorized in your quest to master the list of Italian Vegetables.

Root vegetables in Italian
Root vegetables in Italian

These are the common root based Vegetables that are found in any Italian supermarket and thus form an important part of the list of Italian vegetables. You can now learn the Italian vocabulary for the list of root based vegetables in Italian.

EnglishItalian VegetablesEnglish SentenceItalian Sentences
Potatola patata / le patateItalian people love potatoesGli italiani amano le patate
Carrotla carota / le caroteCarrots are very cheapLe carote sono molto economiche
Sweet Potatola patata dolce / le patate dolciSweet potatoes are very heavy.Le patate dolci sono molto pesanti.
Onionla cipolla / Le cipolleDo you like onions?Ti piacciono le cipolle?
LeekIl porro / i porriWhere do I buy a leek?Dove compro un porro?
Garlicl’aglioGarlic has a strong flavour.L’aglio ha un sapore forte.
Turnipla rapa / le rapeMy least favourite vegetable is the Turnip.La mia verdura meno preferita è la rapa.
RadishIl ravanello / I ravanelliRed Radishes are quite tastyI ravanelli rossi sono piuttosto gustosi
Gingerlo zenzero/Gli zenzeroThere is a bottle of Ginger paste in the fridge.C’è una bottiglia di pasta allo zenzero in frigo.
Beetrootla barbabietola / le barbabietoleCan you peel the beetroot?Puoi sbucciare la barbabietola?
CeleriacIl sedano rapa / I sedano rapaCeleriac is not tasty.Il sedano rapa non è gustoso.


Common vegetables in Italian

Ok, let’s do a bit of role play…. You are in Italy…. You’re in a supermarket trying to pick up some local variety of vegetables to cook and eat.  How do you know which ones you need and which ones you don’t? You need to know the List of Vegetables in Italian and the list of lentils and beans in Italian.

Common vegetables in Italian
Common vegetables in Italian

Now that you have memorized the long list of Italian root vegetables, let’s dive into the most common Italian vegetables that you can see in Italian supermarkets and consumed by most Italian households.

EnglishItalian VegetablesEnglish SentenceItalian Sentences
Auberginela melanzanaYou know that I hate aubergine!Sai che odio le melanzane!
Bell Peppers / Capsicumil peperoneBell peppers stuffed with potatoes are delicious.I peperoni ripieni di patate sono deliziosi.
Zucchinile zucchineMy baby likes to play with the Zucchini.Al mio bambino piace giocare con le zucchine.
Tomatoil pomodoroTomatoes are red.I pomodori sono rossi.
Caulifloweril cavolfioreThat is a very large Cauliflower.Quello è un cavolfiore molto grande.
Peasi piselliYou can buy frozen peas in any supermarket.Puoi comprare i piselli surgelati in qualsiasi supermercato.
French Beansi fagioliniThe French beans are rotten.I fagiolini sono marci.
Chilli Peppersi peperonciniPlease do not add chilli peppers to the burgers.Si prega di non aggiungere i peperoncini agli hamburger.
Cucumberil cetrioloBuy two bottles of Pickled Cucumbers.Acquista due bottiglie di cetrioli sottaceto.
Cornil maisCrows love corn.I corvi amano il mais.
Avocadoesl’avocadoAvocadoes are quite healthy.Gli avocado sono abbastanza sani.
Mushroomsi funghiYou can find over 10 varieties of Mushroom in Italy.Puoi trovare oltre 10 varietà di Funghi in Italia.
Olivesle oliveItalian Olives are the best olives in the world.Le olive italiane sono le migliori olive del mondo.
Pumpkinsle zuccheThe largest Pumpkin weighs over 500 kg.La zucca più grande pesa oltre 500 kg.
Lemonsi LimoniCan I have some lemon juice?Posso avere del succo di limone?
Brussels Sproutsi cavolini di BruxellesPlease don’t buy Brussels Sprouts for Christmas.Si prega di non comprare i cavolini di Bruxelles per Natale.
Squashla zuccaThat squash is very heavy.Quella zucca è molto pesante.


Beans and lentils in Italian

WHOOOHOOO!! You have now memorized the long list of root vegetables in Italian and the even longer list of common Italian vegetables. Step 2 of memorizing the list of Vegetables in Italian is now complete….

Beans and lentils in Italian
Beans and lentils in Italian

Step three will be to memorize the most common list of beans and lentils in Italian. I understand that lentils and beans strictly don’t fall into the category of list of vegetables in Italian, buy hey, can you live without them? A ton of Italian dishes incorporate beans and lentils and you really cannot avoid them. They are common in Indian cuisine, African cuisine, and Chinese cuisine and also in South Asian cuisine.

Thus, lentils and beans are quite common in European cuisine and in fact all over the world. So let’s get digging into the list of beans and lentils in Italian, a sub part of the list of Vegetables in Italian and the list of beans in Italian!!

EnglishItalian VegetablesEnglish SentenceItalian Sentences
SoybeansSoiaGoats and cows eat soybeansCapre e mucche mangiano semi di soia
LentilsLe lenticchieDid you know that Lentils are rich in protein?Lo sapevi che le lenticchie sono ricche di proteine?
Lima beansI fagioli di LimaLima beans are quite expensive.I fagioli di Lima sono piuttosto costosi.
Mung beansI fagioli mungThe Indian man likes mung beans.All’uomo indiano piacciono i fagioli mung.
Kidney beansil fagioloneThe Mexican man likes kidney beans in his taco.Agli uomini messicani piacciono i fagioli nel suo taco.
Black beansI fagioli neriThe black beans are tastier than kidney beans.I fagioli neri sono più gustosi dei fagioli rossi.
LegumesI legumiLegumes are healthy.I legumi sono sani.
SproutsI germogliIf you need to lose weight, eat Sprouts every day.Se hai bisogno di perdere peso, mangia i germogli ogni giorno.
ChickpeasI ceciWe have a farm and we grow chickpeas.Abbiamo una fattoria e coltiviamo ceci.
PeanutsLe arachidiPeanuts are common in Chinese cuisine.Le arachidi sono comuni nella cucina cinese.


Leafy vegetables in Italian

Any dish that you order in Italy will offer you a side of salad. Even a burger will have a leaf of lettuce. You can find hundreds of types of salads across the world. The interesting thing about salad is that you may like one salad leaf and hate another? How do you know which one to ask and which one to not add?

You have to memorize, along with the list of vegetables in Italian, the Italian vocabulary list for the different types of Italian vegetables which can be used for salads.

Leafy vegetables in Italian
Leafy vegetables in Italian
EnglishItalian VegetablesEnglish SentenceItalian Sentences
AsparagusGli asparagiI like Asparagus soup.Mi piace la zuppa di asparagi.
CabbageIl CavoloRabbits love cabbage leaves.I conigli adorano le foglie di cavolo.
Iceberg LettuceLa lattuga icebergAn Iceberg Lettuce can weigh over a kilo.Una lattuga iceberg può pesare più di un chilo.
SpinachGli SpinaciCan you add some spinach in the salad?Puoi aggiungere degli spinaci nell’insalata?
CeleryIl SedanoCelery is the most important ingredient in a salad.Il sedano è l’ingrediente più importante in un’insalata.
BroccoliI BroccoliBroccoli needs to be boiled.I broccoli devono essere bolliti.
Salad leavesFoglie di insalataI usually throw away the salad leaves.Di solito butto via le foglie di insalata.


Parts of a plant in Italian

I know that this topic is not included into the list of Vegetables in Italian. Also this is a topic which we have covered as a part of another blog (in the list of fruits in Italian). However I could not resist including this topic once again since this is one which is super important and highly ignored!!

Do learn and memorize the Italian vocabulary master word list for the different parts of a plant in Italian along with your List of Vegetables in Italian and the list of beans in Italian.

EnglishItalian VegetablesEnglish SentenceItalian Sentences
LeafLa fogliaThe leaf is very big and red.La foglia è molto grande e rossa.
LeavesLe foglieThe yellow Leaf and the green LeavesLa foglia gialla e le foglie verdi
BranchIl ramoThe dog likes the big branch.Al cane piace il grande ramo.
BranchesI ramiThere are many branches and leavesCi sono molti rami e foglie
TreeL’alberoThe tree is hugeL’albero è enorme
TreesGli alberiThe trees in India are green.Gli alberi in India sono verdi.
RootLa radiceThe root is deep and powerful.La radice è profonda e potente.
RootsLe radiciThe coconut tree has strong roots.L’albero di cocco ha radici forti.
FlowerIl fioreThe violet flower is poisonous.Il fiore viola è velenoso.
FlowersI fioriThe flowers are prettyI fiori sono carini
Tree BarkLa corteccia d’alberoThe tree bark is tasty.La corteccia dell’albero è gustosa.
tree trunkIl tronco d’alberoThe tree trunk is used to make chairs and tables.Il tronco d’albero viene utilizzato per realizzare sedie e tavoli.
fruitIl fruttoWe should have fruit juice with breakfastDovremmo avere un succo di frutta a colazione
VegetableLa verduraAll animals like to eat vegetables.A tutti gli animali piace mangiare le verdure.



# Vocabulary of Vegetables in Italian # Vegetables Names in Italian # Root Vegetables in Italian # Vegetables in Italy # Leafy vegetables in Italian # types of beans in Italian # Italian Vegetables #Italian Beans #Italian Lentils

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