Dual Language Short stories in French – Learning French through English
Aesop’s Fables – Le vent du nord et le soleil
Once upon a time, the North Wind and the Sun were the best of friends. The north wind was very cold and used to make people shiver in cold. The sun was warm and people used to hide in the shade when he was shining strong.
TranslateIl était une fois le vent du nord et le soleil étaient les meilleurs amis du monde. Le vent du nord était très froid et faisait frissonner les gens par temps froid. Le soleil était chaud et les gens se cachaient à l’ombre quand il brillait fort.
One day, the sun said, “I am the strongest since I am the hottest.”
The North Wind said, “No. I am the strongest since I am the coldest.”
TranslateUn jour, le soleil a dit: «Je suis le plus fort puisque je suis le plus chaud.»
Le Vent du Nord a dit: «Non. Je suis le plus fort puisque je suis le plus froid.»
The sun said, “No. I am the strongest since I can burn anything I want”
The North Wind said, “No. I am the strongest since I can blow day and night while you are asleep all night.”
TranslateLe soleil a dit: «Non. Je suis le plus fort car je peux brûler tout ce que je veux »
Le Vent du Nord a dit: «Non. Je suis le plus fort car je peux souffler jour et nuit pendant que vous dormez toute la nuit. »
The Sun and the North Wind argued a lot and saw a traveller walking down the road. The Sun said, “Let us have a competition. Can you see the traveller over there? He is wearing a coat. Let us see who can force his coat away from him.”
TranslateLe soleil et le vent du nord se sont beaucoup disputés et ont vu un voyageur marchant sur la route. Le Soleil a dit: «Faisons un concours. Pouvez-vous voir le voyageur là-bas? Il porte un manteau. Voyons qui peut forcer son manteau loin de lui.»
The North Wind agreed. After all, he was the wind and he could blow it away. The North Wind began to blow harder and harder. The man felt so cold that he hugged his jacket as close as possible. No matter how hard the North Wind tried, the man refused to let go of his jacket.
TranslateLe vent du nord était d’accord. Après tout, il était le vent et il pouvait le souffler. Le vent du nord a commencé à souffler de plus en plus fort. L’homme se sentit si froid qu’il serra sa veste le plus près possible. Peu importe les efforts déployés par le vent du nord, l’homme a refusé de lâcher sa veste.
The jacket only fluttered in the wind but it did not fly off since the man was holding it very tightly. After about an hour, the wind gave up. The man was feeling very cold and kept hugging his jacket closely.
TranslateLa veste ne flottait que dans le vent mais elle ne s’envolait pas puisque l’homme la tenait très fermement. Après environ une heure, le vent s’est arrêté. L’homme avait très froid et continuait à serrer sa veste étroitement dans ses bras.
The North Wind said to the Sun, “It is your turn now. Let us see you try and succeed.”
The Sun said, “Why not, sure. I shall force the traveller to remove his jacket easily.”
TranslateLe Vent du Nord a dit au Soleil: «C’est à ton tour maintenant. Voyons si tu essaie et réussit. »
Le Soleil a dit: «Pourquoi pas, bien sûr. Je vais forcer le voyageur à retirer sa veste facilement.
The Sun began to shine. The sun’s beams were gentle at first and the man was very happy. The sun became hotter and hotter and soon it became very hot.
TranslateLe soleil a commencé à briller. Les rayons du soleil étaient doux au début et l’homme était très heureux. Le soleil est devenu de plus en plus chaud et bientôt il est devenu très chaud.
The man started to feel warm and removed his cap. Next he removed all the buttons and opened his jacket as it became sweaty. Soon it became so hot that the man went under a tree and removed his jacket.
The Sun laughed and said, “Look. I have won our bet!”
TranslateL’homme a commencé à se sentir chaud et a enlevé sa casquette. Ensuite, il enleva tous les boutons et ouvrit sa veste car elle devenait moite. Bientôt, il devint si chaud que l’homme passa sous un arbre et enleva sa veste.
Le soleil a ri et a dit: «Regarde. J’ai gagné notre pari!
Moral: “Gentleness and kind persuasion win where force and bluster fail.”
TranslateMorale: «La douceur et la gentillesse gagnent là où la force et les fanfaronnades échouent.»
Hope you had fun learning the French language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language Short stories in French, an immersion technique is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak French confidently using English as a base 🙂
These French short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.