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How to say all Colors in French: What is the list of colors in French with Examples

How to say all Colors in French: What is the list of colors in French with Examples

  1. Introduction – How to learn all the different colors in French ?
  2. What is the list of colors in French with examples?
  3. What are the list of advanced colors in French with examples?
  4. What are the Colors of the Rainbow in French with examples?
  5. Can I use Colors as Adjectives in French?
  6. What are the different Mixed Colors in French?
  7. What is your favorite color in French?

Introduction to list of Colors in French – How to learn the all the different colors in French?

The list of colors in French is one of the most basic and important lists that you would need to know as a beginner in the French language.

list of colors in French
list of colors in French

You might have to point at something and say “I want to buy the red plate” or “The sky is so blue today” or “My car is bright red” or “I would like a dark / light beer”. This is part of the basic vocabulary list of colors in French.

You absolutely need to learn colors in French as it is likely that you will come across words on a daily basis, whether you are working or studying or having a simple conversation.

  • An IT consultant might say “Make the button Red in color”
  • A doctor might tell you “Your skin looks a bit yellow”
  • A taxi driver might tell you, “Oktoberfest is so colorful.”
  • You might order a “dark beer” in a restaurant
  • You might have to say to your hair stylist, “I want mahogany steaks on my hair”

Wherever you go, you need to use the colors in French in your sentences one way or another.


What is the list of basic colors in French or the list of primary colors in French with examples?

These are the most basic set of colors in French which you will commonly use. There are many examples given which will teach you how to use the French colors for different scenarios

list of basic colors in French
list of basic colors in French
yellowjauneBanana is yellow.La banane est jaune.
bluebleuThe sea is blueLa mer est bleue
whiteblancI have a white shirtJ’ai une chemise blanche
brownbrunThe brown bear is angryL’ours brun est en colère
orangeorangeHe likes his orange shoesIl aime ses chaussures orange
blacknoirMy brother has black hair.Mon frère a les cheveux noirs.
redrougeThe frenchman likes red wine.Le Français aime le vin rouge.
pinkroseHis daughter has a pink bag.Sa fille a un sac rose.
greenvertThe leaves are green.Les feuilles sont vertes.
GreyGrisThe grey suit is expensive.Le costume gris est cher.


The French wordlists which I should study

Solar system in French and the names of the nine planets in French
Learn all about the eyes in French language
Herbs and Spices in French
Furniture in French
List of Oceans in French and List of Seas in French
Professions in French or List of Occupations in French

What are the list of advanced colors in French with examples?

Now let us dive into the more interesting world of colors. There are hundreds of shades of colors and we might use many of them frequently if not on a daily basis.

Let us learn how to say the colors in French with some examples.

list of advanced colors in French
list of advanced colors in French
indigoindigoThe Indigo ink is expensive.L’encre indigo est chère.
beigebeigeI hate beige and I love yellow.Je déteste le beige et j’aime le jaune.
khakikakiThe Indian police mean wears a Khakhi shirt.La moyenne de la police indienne porte une chemise Khakhi.
cyancyanI lost my Cyan colorpencil.J’ai perdu mon crayon de couleur Cyan.
maroonmarronMy daughter likes her maroon dollMa fille aime sa poupée marron
purplevioletWe own that purple car.Nous possédons cette voiture violette.
violetvioletViolet rubies and green emaralds are gorgeous.Les rubis violets et les émaraudes vertes sont magnifiques.


What are the Colors of the Rainbow in French with examples?

One of the first French lessons you will learn is the colors of a rainbow in French. These are a mix of the primary colors as well as the more advanced colors. Nevertheless, you need to know the list of rainbow colors in French even if you are studying A1.

colors of the rainbow in French
colors of the rainbow in French

Let us learn the colors of the rainbow in French with some examples.

violetVioletaMy husband gifted me a gown made of violet silk.Mi marido me regaló un vestido de seda violeta.
indigoíndigoThe Indian ink is Indigo in color.La tinta china es de color índigo.
blueazulThe sky is blue and the sea is blue.El cielo es azul y el mar es azul.
greenverdeI like green apples and hate red apples.Me gustan las manzanas verdes y odio las rojas.
yellowamarilloDo you like this yellow shirt?¿Te gusta esta camiseta amarilla?
orangenaranjaHis orange tie is ugly.Su corbata naranja es fea.
RedrojoMy red BMW is fastMi BMW rojo es rápido


These are the 7 colors of the rainbow in French. For children, this is like an ultra basic list which they need to study. For adults, most of these colours are primary colours and hence need to be memorized.


Can I use Colors in French as Adjectives?

Colors in French as Adjectives
Colors in French as Adjectives
  • Of course! You can use colors as adjectives and it forms a very important part of your vocabulary.
  • You need to be careful with the gender and the nouns and modify the colour accordingly.
  • As a general rule, primary or basic colours must agree with the noun they modify
    • une voiture grise à a grey car
    • des livres rouges à red books
  • As a general rule, complex colors or compound colors do not agree with the noun they modify
    • des chaussures bleu pâle à light blue shoes
    • des crayons jaune citron à lemon yellow pencils)
  • Let us learn how to say the same colors in French with some examples.
yellowjauneThe yellow banana is tasty.La banane jaune est savoureuse.
bluebleuThe blue shirt is majestic.La chemise bleue est majestueuse.
whiteblancThe white wine is cold.Le vin blanc est froid.
brownbrunThe brown coat is large.Le manteau marron est large.
orangeorangeThe orange hat is funny.Le chapeau orange est drôle.
blacknoirThe black panther is dangerous.La panthère noire est dangereuse.
redrougeI own a red purse.Je possède un sac à main rouge.
pinkroseHis daughter has a pink bag.Sa fille a un sac rose.
greenvertThe green leaves are beautiful.Les feuilles vertes sont belles.
GreyGrisThe grey suit is expensive.Le costume gris est cher.


What are the different Mixed Colors in French?

Similar to the English language, you can mix colors in French. In English you might say “The paint is Bluish Green” or “The sun is Reddish orange”.

Let us learn how to say the same colors in French with some examples.

ReddishRougeâtreThe sun is reddish orange.Le soleil est orange rougeâtre.
YellowishJaunâtreThe flower is yellowish blue.La fleur est bleu jaunâtre.
GreenishVerdâtreThe cheese is greenish blue.Le fromage est bleu verdâtre.
BluishBleuâtreThe sky is bluish green.Le ciel est vert bleuté.
BlackishNoirâtreYour wound is blackish grey.Votre blessure est gris noirâtre.
WhitishBlanchâtreThe tie is whitish greyLa cravate est gris blanchâtre.
pinkish redrouge rosâtreThe ink is pinkish redL’encre est rouge rosé.
blackishnoirâtreWater should be colorless, not blackish blue.L’eau doit être incolore, pas bleu noirâtre.
greyishgrisâtreThe old man has greyish white hair.Le vieil homme a des cheveux blancs grisâtres.
colorfulcoloréShe wears colorful a colorful skirt.Elle porte une jupe colorée.
colorlessincoloreWater is colorless.L’eau est incolore.
greenish yellowjaune verdâtreThe mushroom is greenish yellow in colorLe champignon est de couleur jaune verdâtre.
marine bluebleu marinemarine blue is our favorite color.Le bleu marine est notre couleur préférée.
dark bluebleu foncéEmeralds are dark blue in colorLes émeraudes sont de couleur bleu foncé
greenish bluebleu verdâtreThe lake is greenish blueLe lac est bleu verdâtre
sky bluebleu cielThe gemstone is sky blueLa pierre précieuse est bleu ciel
jet blacknoir de jaisThe horse is jet blackLe cheval est noir de jais
light redrouge clairThe chair is light redLa chaise est rouge clair
dark redrouge foncéThe apple is dark redLa pomme est rouge foncé
darkfoncéI like dark beerJ’aime la bière brune
lightclairLight blue is my favorite color.Le bleu clair est ma couleur préférée.


What is your favorite color?

This is one of the most common questions that you will get in your A1 examination. The examiner will ask you in French as to what your favorite color is. You need to respond in French about your favorite color.

favorite color in French
favorite color in French
What is your favorite color?Quelle est votre couleur préférée?
My favorite color is Blue.Ma couleur préférée est le bleu.
Your favorite color is Red.Votre couleur préférée est le rouge.
His favorite color is Yellow.Sa couleur préférée est le jaune.
Her favorite color is Green.Sa couleur préférée est le vert.
Our favorite color is Orange.Notre couleur préférée est l’orange.
Their favorite color is Pink.Leur couleur préférée est le rose.


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