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Le lion, l’âne et le renard

Dual Language Short stories in French – Learning French through English

Aesop’s Fables – Le lion, l’âne et le renard


Once upon a time, there was a lion who was very strong. He could hunt well but of course as we know, a lion never hunts alone. Two or three lions could even kill an elephant.


Il était une fois un lion très fort. Il pouvait bien chasser mais, comme nous le savons, un lion ne chasse jamais seul. Deux ou trois lions pourraient même tuer un éléphant.


Seeing that the lion was alone, two animals thought that they should become friends with him. They were an ass and a fox. The fox was very smart and did not want to become an enemy to the Lion. The ass was very friendly and thought all three were equals.


En voyant le lion seul, deux animaux pensèrent qu’ils devraient devenir amis avec lui. C’était un âne et un renard. Le renard était très intelligent et ne voulait pas devenir un ennemi du Lion. l’âne était très sympathique et pensait que les trois étaient égaux.


They thought, “If we were to become friends with the Lion, we could hunt huge animals. We could eat elephants and camels. We could eat deer and antelopes. We are going to never be hungry again.”


Ils ont pensé: «Si nous devenions amis avec le lion, nous pourrions chasser d’énormes animaux. Nous pourrions manger des éléphants et des chameaux. Nous pourrions manger des cerfs et des antilopes. Nous n’aurons plus jamais faim. »


The lion agreed to go hunting with the two of them and said, “Let us share whatever we hunt equally amongst the three of us.”


Le lion a accepté d’aller chasser avec les deux et a dit: «Partageons tout ce que nous chassons également parmi nous trois.»


They managed to find a large amount of food. The lion said, “Ass, you divide the food amongst the three of us.”


Ils ont réussi à trouver une grande quantité de nourriture. Le lion a dit: «Âne, tu divise la nourriture parmi nous trois.»


The ass carefully split the food into three equal portions. The fox was happy but the Lion became very angry. He struck the ass with his huge paw and killed the ass.

The Lion again said, “Fox, you divide the food equally amongst the two of us.”


L’âne a soigneusement divisé la nourriture en trois portions égales. Le renard était heureux mais le lion est devenu très en colère. Il a frappé l’âne avec sa patte énorme et a tué l’âne.

Le lion a de nouveau dit: «Renard, tu divise la nourriture également entre nous deux.


The fox piled all the food into one huge heap. He took the horns, the ears, the hoofs and other undesirable bits which the lion would not eat. Everything else he added into the Lion’s share.


Le renard a empilé toute la nourriture en un énorme tas. Il prit les cornes, les oreilles, les sabots et autres morceaux indésirables que le lion ne mangeait pas. Tout le reste, il a ajouté à la part du Lion.


The lion immediately became very happy and said, “I am very happy. You have fairly divided the food amongst the two of us.”


Le lion est immédiatement devenu très heureux et a dit: «Je suis très heureux. Tu as réparti équitablement la nourriture entre nous deux.»


The fox said, “I learn from experience of others.”

Saying so, the fox ran away with his share of the food. He would never trust the lion again.


Le renard a dit: «J’apprends de l’expérience des autres.»

En disant cela, le renard s’est enfui avec sa part de nourriture. Il ne ferait plus jamais confiance au lion.


Moral: “Learn from the misfortunes of others.”


Morale: «Apprenez des malheurs des autres.»



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About: Studying through Dual Language Short stories in French, an immersion technique is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak French confidently using English as a base 🙂

These French short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis. 


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