Dutch short stories – Learning Dutch through English short stories
Aesop’s Fables – De wolven en de schapen
Once upon a time, there was a large flock of sheep. The sheep used to graze in large pasture near the forest. The pasture was filled with grass and the Sheep were very happy.
TranslateEr was eens een grote kudde schapen. De schapen graasden in grote weilanden in de buurt van het bos. Het weiland was gevuld met gras en de schapen waren erg blij.
The Sheep were guarded by two dogs, Bow Bow and Wow Wow. The dogs were very strong and fast. If the sheep wanted to move a little bit towards the forest, the dogs would come and bite their legs.
The sheep did not like the dogs but they could not do anything. The dogs kept the sheep safe from the wolves in the forest.
TranslateDe schapen hielden niet van de honden, maar ze konden niets doen. De honden hielden de schapen veilig van de wolven in het bos.
There was a big pack of wolves in the forest. They wanted to eat the sheep for a very long time but the dogs were faster than the wolves so they stayed away.
TranslateEr was een grote roedel wolven in het bos. Ze wilden de schapen al heel lang opeten, maar de honden waren sneller dan de wolven, dus bleven ze weg.
One day the wolves saw the dogs biting the legs of the sheep when it went towards the forest. The wolf got a great idea.
TranslateOp een dag zagen de wolven de honden in de poten van de schapen bijten toen ze naar het bos gingen. De wolf kreeg een geweldig idee.
When the sheep were closer to the forest, the wolf quickly crept into the pack and said to the sheep, “I wish to become a guard dog. If I were a guard dog I will not bite your leg or chase you. I would keep you happy”
TranslateToen de schapen dichter bij het bos waren, kroop de wolf snel in de roedel en zei tegen de schapen: ‘Ik wil waakhond worden. Als ik een waakhond was, zal ik niet in je been bijten of je achtervolgen. Ik zou je gelukkig houden”
The sheep were very happy to hear that. They said, “How do we chase the dogs away? They are so strong and angry all the time.”
TranslateDe schapen waren erg blij dat te horen. Ze zeiden: “Hoe jagen we de honden weg? Ze zijn de hele tijd zo sterk en boos.”
The wolves said, “Complain to the master saying that the dogs do nothing but sleep everyday and they are talking ill of him. The master will punish the dogs and he will let you go free. After that we can guard you day and night”
TranslateDe wolven zeiden: “Klaag bij de meester die zegt dat de honden niets anders doen dan elke dag slapen en dat ze slecht over hem praten. De baas zal de honden straffen en hij zal je vrij laten gaan. Daarna kunnen we je dag en nacht bewaken”
The sheep thought it was a great idea and spoke to the master. The master chained the dogs and sent the sheep to graze. The wolves were waiting for this day. They had a grand feast that day.
TranslateDe schapen vonden het een geweldig idee en spraken met de meester. De meester ketende de honden en stuurde de schapen om te grazen. De wolven wachtten op deze dag. Ze hadden die dag een groot feest.
Moral: “Do not give up friends for foes.”
TranslateMoraal: “Geef geen vrienden op voor vijanden.”
Hope you had fun learning Dutch through famous English short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Dutch confidently using English as a base 🙂 These Dutch short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.