Vocabulary: Word List of 200+ Animals in Dutch with example sentences
Learn to say the names of different Animals in Dutch?
- Introduction
- Basic Animals related terms in Dutch
- List of all pet animals in Dutch
- List of all farm animals in Dutch
- List of all Mammals in Dutch
- List of all Marine Animals in Dutch
- List of all Fish in Dutch
- List of all Reptiles in Dutch
- List of all Amphibians in Dutch
- List of all Insects in Dutch
Dutch Vocabulary: Introduction for Animals in Dutch: Why is it important?
One of the “most” important topics in Dutch A1 is learning the vocabulary for animals in Dutch. Why? A few examples will cure your doubts as to why you need to understand and learn the names of all animals in Dutch.

- Talking about a pet to someone… Do you like dogs?
- Ordering food… One chicken sandwich please?
- Ordering clothes and accessories… I like leather jackets and leather wallets
- Watching cartoons… literally every cartoon has animals or is completely based on animals!
Let us go through the Dutch vocabulary for 200+ animals in Dutch with loads and loads of example sentences in Dutch and with English translation!!! You will find many of these to be quite easy to memorize and retain as they as super similar to English!
How do you say Animals in Dutch?
- The correct word for “The Animal” in Dutch is “het dier”.
- The plural for “The Animals” in Dutch is “de dieren”
Dutch Vocabulary: List of Animals in Dutch: What are the main Animal related terms in Dutch?
You might need to be more generic in some cases when talking about animals. For example “house pet” is not an animal but is related to animals. These are the main words in Dutch which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the list of animal related terms in Dutch.
Dutch | English | English Sentence | Dutch Sentences |
Het dier | The animal | We like animals. | Wij houden van dieren. |
Het huisdier | The pet | I have 5 pets | Ik heb 5 huisdieren |
Het wilde dier | The wild animal | There are many wild animals in India | Er zijn veel wilde dieren in India |
het boerderijdier | The farm animal | The cow is a farm animal | De koe is een boerderijdier |
het zoogdier | The mammal | What is a mammal? | Wat is een zoogdier? |
Het zeezoogdier | The marine mammal | I love marine mammals. | Ik hou van zeezoogdieren. |
De vogel | The bird | Birds can fly. | Vogels kunnen vliegen. |
Het insect | The insect | I hate insects. | Ik haat insecten. |
het reptiel | The reptile | The snake is a reptile. | De slang is een reptiel. |
de amfibie | The amphibian | Is the tortoise an amphibian? | Is de schildpad een amfibie? |
De vis | The fish | The cat ate the fish. | De kat at de vis. |
Herbivoor | Herbivore | The cow is a herbivore. | De koe is een herbivoor. |
Carnivoor | Carnivore | The lion is a carnivore | De leeuw is een vleeseter |
Omnivoor | Omnivore | The bear is an omnivore | De beer is een alleseter |
How do you say House Pets in Dutch?
- The correct word for “Pet” in Dutch is “huisdier”.
- The plural for “Pets” in Dutch is “huisdieren”

What are the otehr wordlists I must focus on after this?
Dutch Vocabulary: List of all Pets in Dutch: What are the names of different pet animals in Dutch?
Netherlands (or most of the developed countries in Europe) is an extremely pet friendly country. In fact, it is one of the few countries in the world where the number of people to pets is skewed in favour of the pets.
If you go for a walk, summer or winter, hail or storm, ice or heat, you are pretty much guaranteed to see a dozen people walking their pets.
And of course, many people allow you to play with them which means it’s very important that you know the list of names of all pet animals in Dutch fluently.
These are the main words in Dutch related to house pets which you might use on semi frequent basis in one way or another. You can learn the list of pet related terms in Dutch.
Dutch | English | English Sentence | Dutch Sentences |
De hond | The dog | My dog eats biscuits. | Mijn hond eet koekjes. |
De kat | The cat | I have ten cats. | Ik heb tien katten. |
de kater | The tomcat | The orange tomcat is very large. | De oranje kater is erg groot. |
De Rat | The rat | There are many rat in China. | Er zijn veel ratten in China. |
De koe | The cow | Cows are very large. | Koeien zijn erg groot. |
Het paard | The horse | I want to buy a Horse. | Ik wil een paard kopen. |
De kitten | The kitten | Kittens are cute. | Katjes zijn schattig. |
De puppie | The puppy | I love puppies | ik houd van puppies |
Het konijn | The rabbit | I have a white rabbit | ik heb een wit konijn |
De vis | The fish | The cat eats the Fish. | De kat eet de vis. |
De hamster | The hamster | My son wants a hamster! | Mijn zoon wil een hamster! |
De cavia | The guinea pig | Her son in law has two guinea pigs. | Haar schoonzoon heeft twee cavia’s. |
De slang | The snake | Snakes are dangerous. | Slangen zijn gevaarlijk. |
De vogel | The bird | Birds can fly. | Vogels kunnen vliegen. |
De papegaai | The parrot | A parrot is green in color. | Een papegaai is groen van kleur. |
De hagedis | The lizard | Lizards are not pets! | Hagedissen zijn geen huisdieren! |
De muis | The mouse | Mickey Mouse is very famous. | Mickey Mouse is erg beroemd. |
de gekko | The gecko | In Australia, geckos are common. | In Australië komen gekko’s veel voor. |
De schildpad | The turtle | Turtles are slow. | Schildpadden zijn traag. |
How do you say Farm Animals in Dutch?
- The correct word for “Farm Animal” in Dutch is “boerderijdier”.
- The plural for “Farm Animals” in Dutch is “boerderijdieren”

Dutch Vocabulary: List of all Farm Animals in Dutch: What are the names of different Farm Animals in Dutch?
Netherlands (again most of Europe) is a very diary heavy and meat eating country. You must know this since Dutch cheese is considered the best cheese and they have hundreds of cheese varieties. The diary industry in Netherlands is huge. This of course means that there are a lot of farms in Netherlands. And with farms come the farm animals!
The farm animals are something even children read about in poems and rhymes and it’s something that you absolutely need to learn and know!
These are the main list of farm animals which you call upon to use. You can learn the list of farm animal related terms in Dutch.
Dutch | English | English Sentence | Dutch Sentences |
De koe | The cow | This is a cow. | Dit is een koe. |
De stier | The bull | The bull is a very large animal. | De stier is een heel groot dier. |
Het paard | The horse | A Horse is quite tall. | Een paard is vrij lang. |
Zij zijn | The mare | Where is the mare? | Waar is de merrie? |
De ezel | The donkey | He works like a donkey. | Hij werkt als een ezel. |
Het varken | The pig | The pig is very dirty. | Het varken is erg vies. |
Het schaap | The sheep | The sheep is fluffy. | Het schaap is pluizig. |
De geit | The goat | I have two hundred goats. | Ik heb tweehonderd geiten. |
De Haan | The rooster | The rooster has colorful feathers. | De haan heeft kleurrijke veren. |
De eend | The duck | There are ducks and swans in the lake. | Er zijn eenden en zwanen in het meer. |
De gans | The goose | The goose is silly. | De gans is dom. |
How do you say Mammals in Dutch?
- The correct word for “The Mammal” in Dutch is “Zoogdier”.
- The plural for “The Mammals” in Dutch is “Zoogdieren”

Dutch Vocabulary: What are the names of different Mammals in Dutch?
Who wouldn’t want to start off their Dutch knowledge without the study of all mammals? You can learn the list of all mammals in Dutch with English translation.
Dutch | English | English Sentence | Dutch Sentences |
het aardvarken | The aardvark | Aardvarks eat ants. | Aardvarkens eten mieren. |
de antilope | The antelope | The antelope is very fast. | De antilope is erg snel. |
de baviaan | The baboon | The king of the baboons carried the lamp. | De koning van de bavianen droeg de lamp. |
De vleermuis | The bat | The bat caught the butterfly. | De vleermuis ving de vlinder. |
De beer | The bear | The grizzly bear is hibernating. | De grizzlybeer is in winterslaap. |
het zwijn | The boar | A boar is very strong. | Een zwijn is erg sterk. |
De kameel | The camel | A camel does not drink water. | Een kameel drinkt geen water. |
de cheeta | The cheetah | The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. | De cheeta is het snelste dier ter wereld. |
de coyote | The coyote | The coyote caught the bird. | De coyote ving de vogel. |
Het hert | The deer | My Dogs play with the deer | Mijn honden spelen met de herten |
het hert | The Stag | The stag has antlers. | Het hert heeft een gewei. |
de slaapmuis | The dormouse | The dormouse sleeps a lot. | De slaapmuis slaapt veel. |
De olifant | The elephant | She went on an elephant ride in Thailand. | Ze ging op een olifantenrit in Thailand. |
de fret | The ferret | Ferrets are not good pets. | Fretten zijn geen goede huisdieren. |
De Vos | The fox | The fox is sly. | De vos is sluw. |
De giraf | The giraffe | The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. | De giraf is het hoogste dier ter wereld. |
de gorilla | The gorilla | The gorilla is an endangered animal | De gorilla is een bedreigd dier |
de haas | The Hare | Rabbits do not like Hares. | Konijnen houden niet van hazen. |
De egel | The hedgehog | I saw a Hedgehog in Germany. | Ik zag een egel in Duitsland. |
het nijlpaard | The hippopotamus | The hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in the world. | Het nijlpaard is het gevaarlijkste dier ter wereld. |
het luipaard | The leopard | I saw the Leopard and ran away. | Ik zag de luipaard en rende weg. |
De Leeuw | The lion | The lion is the king of the jungle. | De leeuw is de koning van de jungle. |
de lynx | The lynx | Have you seen the lynx? | Heb je de lynx gezien? |
de stokstaart | The meerkat | Meerkats are timid. | Stokstaartjes zijn timide. |
de mangoest | The mongoose | The mongoose caught the snake | De mangoest ving de slang |
De aap | The monkey | I like monkeys but I don’t like gorillas. | Ik hou van apen, maar ik hou niet van gorilla’s. |
De eland | The moose | I saw a moose in Canada. | Ik zag een eland in Canada. |
De muis | The mouse | The rat is bigger than the mouse | De rat is groter dan de muis |
de otter | The otter | The zoo does not have otters | De dierentuin heeft geen otters |
de panter | The panther | There is a panther in the zoo. | Er is een panter in de dierentuin. |
de panter | The panther | The panther lives in south America. | De panter leeft in Zuid-Amerika. |
het vogelbekdier | The platypus | The platypus is poisonous. | Het vogelbekdier is giftig. |
Het konijn | The rabbit | Who ate the rabbit? | Wie heeft het konijn opgegeten? |
de wasbeer | The raccoon | We have many raccoons in our garden. | We hebben veel wasberen in onze tuin. |
het rendier | The reindeer | Santa has many reindeer. | De kerstman heeft veel rendieren. |
de neushoorn | The rhinoceros | The Rhinoceros weighs over two thousand kilograms. | De neushoorn weegt meer dan tweeduizend kilogram. |
de feeks | The shrew | The shrew is blind. | De spitsmuis is blind. |
De eekhoorn | The squirrel | I gave a cashew nut to the squirrel. | Ik gaf een cashewnoot aan de eekhoorn. |
De tijger | The Tiger | The Tiger is ferocious. | De tijger is woest. |
het wrattenzwijn | The warthog | Warthog are quick. | Wrattenzwijnen zijn snel. |
de wezel | The weasel | The weasel is faster than the mouse. | De wezel is sneller dan de muis. |
De Wolf | The wolf | Is the wolf larger than a dog? | Is de wolf groter dan een hond? |
De zebra | The zebra | A zebra has black stripes. | Een zebra heeft zwarte strepen. |
How do you say Marine Animal or Mammals of the sea in Dutch?
- The correct word for “Marine Mammal of the sea” in Dutch is “zeezoogdier”.
- The plural for “Marine Mammals” in Dutch is “Zeezoogdieren”

Dutch Vocabulary: What are the names of different Sea creatures or marine animals in Dutch?
From dolphin to whales, Sharks to stingrays, the animals in the ocean or the marine animals have always held our fascination. You can learn the list of all Sea creatures of marine animals in Dutch with English example sentences.
Dutch | English | English Sentence | Dutch Sentences |
De krab | The crab | Crabs are tasty. | Krabben zijn lekker. |
De Dolfijn | The dolphin | The dolphin is friendly. | De dolfijn is vriendelijk. |
De groene zeeschildpad | The green sea turtle | You can see green sea turtles in Maldives | Je kunt groene zeeschildpadden zien op de Malediven |
De orka | The killer whale | A killer whaleis massive. | Een orka is enorm. |
De kreeft | The lobster | The lobster is expensive. | De kreeft is duur. |
De octopus | The octopus | An octopus has 8 tentacles. | Een octopus heeft 8 tentakels. |
de oester | The oyster | The otter broke the oyster. | De otter brak de oester. |
de zeeleeuw | The sea lion | The sea lion likes fruits. | De zeeleeuw houdt van fruit. |
de zee-egel | The sea urchin | Did you see a sea urchin? | Heb je een zee-egel gezien? |
De zeehond | The seal | There are 5 seals in the lake. | Er zijn 5 zeehonden in het meer. |
de zeeschelp | The seashell | He sells seashells | Hij verkoopt schelpen |
De haai | The shark | The shark is deadly. | De haai is dodelijk. |
De garnaal | The shrimp | The shrimps are dead. | De garnalen zijn dood. |
Het signaal | The signal | Did you see the signal? | Heb je het signaal gezien? |
De potvis | The sperm whale | Moby Dick is a Sperm Whale | Moby Dick is een potvis |
De inktvis | The squid | Japanese people eat Squids | Japanners eten inktvis |
de zeester | The starfish | A starfish is colorful. | Een zeester is kleurrijk. |
de pijlstaartrog | The stingray | The stingray is dangerous. | De pijlstaartrog is gevaarlijk. |
de walrus | The walrus | The walrus eats fish. | De walrus eet vis. |
De walvis | The whale | The whale is massive. | De walvis is enorm. |
de mossel | The clam | The clam is grey in color. | De schelp is grijs van kleur. |
How do you say Reptiles in Dutch?
- The correct word for “The Reptile” in Dutch is “het reptiel”.
- The plural for “The Reptiles” in Dutch is “de reptielen”

List of all Reptiles in Dutch
What can be more memorable than the creepy crawly snakes and crocodiles? They are scary and hence always a nice discussion point and hence you might as well do it in Dutch.
Dutch | English |
de kameleon | the chameleon |
krokodil | crocodile |
de alligator | the alligator |
de gekko | the gecko |
de leguaan | the iguana |
de salamander | the salamander |
de monitorhagedis | the monitor lizard |
de gehoornde hagedis | the horned lizard |
de giftige slang | the poisonous snake |
de ratelslang | the rattlesnake |
de cobra | the cobra |
de zeeschildpad | the sea turtle |
de ringslang | the grass snake |
de hagedis | the lizard |
de schildpad | the turtle |
de slang | the snake |
How do you say Birds in Dutch?
- The correct word for “The Bird” in Dutch is “de vogel”.
- The plural for “The Birds” in Dutch is “de vogels”

List of all Birds in Dutch with English translation and example sentences
Now that you’ve learnt the list of animals in Dutch, why not step into birds? Here you will learn about the names used for different birds in Dutch language with English translation and with a large number of example sentences.
Dutch | English | English Sentence | Dutch Sentences |
de merel | The blackbird | The blackbird ate the worm | De merel heeft de worm opgegeten |
de parkiet | The budgie | She has three budgies | Ze heeft drie parkieten |
De hijskraan | The crane | The crane is tall. | De kraan is hoog. |
De kraai | The crow | The crow drinks water. | De kraai drinkt water. |
De duif | The dove | The dove flew away. | De duif vloog weg. |
De Arend | The eagle | The eagle flies above the clouds | De adelaar vliegt boven de wolken |
De Valk | The falcon | The falcon has brown feathers. | De valk heeft bruine veren. |
De gans | The goose | The goose laid a golden egg. | De gans legde een gouden ei. |
de kiekendief | The harrier | The harrier is smaller than the hawk. | De kiekendief is kleiner dan de havik. |
de reiger | The heron | The heron has a long neck. | De reiger heeft een lange nek. |
de ekster | The magpie | Where did the magpie go? | Waar is de ekster gebleven? |
de struisvogel | The ostrich | The ostrich is the largest bird. | De struisvogel is de grootste vogel. |
De uil | The owl | The owl sat on the bull. | De uil zat op de stier. |
de patrijs | The partridge | The partridge sat on the pear tree | De patrijs zat op de perenboom |
De Pauw | The peacock | The peacock has colorful feathers. | De pauw heeft kleurrijke veren. |
De pinguïn | The penguin | Penguin live in Antarctica. | Pinguïns leven op Antarctica. |
De slechtvalk | The Peregrine hawk | The peregrine hawk has sharp claws. | De slechtvalk heeft scherpe klauwen. |
de duif | The pigeon | She likes to feed the Pigeon. | Ze vindt het leuk om de Duif te voeren. |
de kwartel | The quail | Quail soup is very tasty. | Kwartelsoep is erg lekker. |
De Meeuw | The seagull | There are many seagulls near California. | Er zijn veel meeuwen in de buurt van Californië. |
de mus | The sparrow | Sparrows are very cute. | Mussen zijn heel schattig. |
De Zwaluw | The swallow | The swallow attacked the sparrow. | De zwaluw viel de mus aan. |
De Zwaan | The swan | The swan is graceful. | De zwaan is sierlijk. |
De kalkoen | The turkey | Can you buy a turkey? | Kun je een kalkoen kopen? |
de gier | The vulture | Have you seen vultures? | Heb je gieren gezien? |
de specht | The woodpecker | There are many woodpeckers in the forest. | Er zijn veel spechten in het bos. |
List of all Amphibians in Dutch with English translation and example sentences
Done with the list of animals in Dutch and the list of birds in Dutch? Excellent!!! Now let us go for the list of amphibians in Dutch.

Dutch | English |
de kameleon | the chameleon |
krokodil | crocodile |
de alligator | the alligator |
de gekko | the gecko |
de leguaan | the iguana |
de salamander | the salamander |
de monitorhagedis | the monitor lizard |
de gehoornde hagedis | the horned lizard |
de giftige slang | the poisonous snake |
de ratelslang | the rattlesnake |
de cobra | the cobra |
de zeeschildpad | the sea turtle |
de ringslang | the grass snake |
de hagedis | the lizard |
de schildpad | the turtle |
de slang | the snake |