Vocabulary: Learn about the different types of weather in Dutch. What are the names of the different climates in Dutch?
As we all know, when waiting for a train or a bus, or when standing inside an elevator, the most common and safe topic in conversation and small talk is Weather. You need to know the different types of Weather in Dutch so that you can discuss on how bad it is or how fantastic it is.

Netherlands is pretty much the same when it comes to people talking about the different types of weather. And of course, people from Netherlands like to talk about the different types of weather in Dutch only.
You need to able to make weather-related observation, ask weather related questions and also be able to understand the answers. It is very important that you understand what to wear in every season and how your outdoor plans in Netherlands is affected by the weather
To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple Dutch weather vocabulary to rely on as you learn Dutch. In any case, it can at least help you know what kind of weather to expect outside.
How do you say weather in Dutch?
Before you learn the types of Weather in Dutch, you need to know the terms for Weather and Climate in Dutch!!!
- The Dutch translation for “The weather” is “Het weer”
- Dutch word for “The Climate” is “Het klimaat”
What are the different seasons in Dutch?
There are four seasons in Netherlands and pretty much all over Europe: Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring. However there is also the rainy season and the dry season since people need to dress up according to the correct weather.

For example, during the dry season, you need to wear moisturizer while you need to carry an umbrella during the rainy season. So it becomes very important that you know the Dutch vocabulary for weather related terms
Learn about the vocabulary of all Seasons in Dutch with English translation and with example sentences.
English | Dutch | English Sentences | Dutch Sentences |
the season | het seizoen | There are four seasons. | Er zijn vier seizoenen. |
spring season | het voorjaar | Schools are closed during the Spring season. | Tijdens het voorjaar zijn de scholen gesloten. |
the summer | de zomer | It is very hot during the summer. | In de zomer is het erg warm. |
the autumn | de herfst | During autumn, it becomes very cold in Netherlands. | In de herfst wordt het erg koud in Nederland. |
the winter | de winter | I like the winter because I like the snow. | Ik hou van de winter omdat ik van de sneeuw hou. |
the rainy season | het regenseizoen | During the rainy season, the frogs are very happy. | Tijdens het regenseizoen zijn de kikkers erg blij. |
the dry season | het droge seizoen | During the dry season, carrots are expensive. | Tijdens het droge seizoen zijn wortelen duur. |
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What are the different weather conditions in Dutch?
The seasons are not all that you may talk of. You may have to say that it’s raining or ask if there’s a storm. You may have to deal with hail and mist, fog and frost.
Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary in Dutch with English translation and with example sentences.

English | Dutch | English Sentences | Dutch Sentences |
hail | de hagel | Hail is very dangerous. | Hagel is erg gevaarlijk. |
sky | De lucht | The sky is blue and the sun is yellow. | De lucht is blauw en de zon is geel. |
fog | De mist | You should not drive in the fog. | Je mag niet in de mist rijden. |
rain | De regen | Will it rain today? No it will rain tomorrow. | Gaat het vandaag regenen? Nee, morgen gaat het regenen. |
rainbow | De Regenboog | The rainbow is very beautiful | De regenboog is erg mooi |
snow | De sneeuw | The snow is white. | De sneeuw is wit. |
sun | De zon | The sunflower loves the sun. | De zonnebloem houdt van de zon. |
storm | De storm | Dogs do not like storms. | Honden houden niet van stormen. |
dew | de dauw | The baby licked the dew drops. | De baby likte de dauwdruppels. |
wind | De wind | It is very windy today. | Het is erg winderig vandaag. |
cloud | De wolk | The clouds are grey. | De wolken zijn grijs. |
frost | De vorst | The frost is slippery | De vorst is glad |
freezing point | Het vriespunt | What is the freezing point of water? | Wat is het vriespunt van water? |
temperature | De temperatuur | The temperature is quite high. | De temperatuur is vrij hoog. |
What are the different Weather related Adjectives in Dutch with English translation?
Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary which can be used as adjectives in Dutch with English translation and with example sentences.

English | Dutch | English Sentences | Dutch Sentences |
to flash (lightning) | bliksem | Lightning flashes across the sky. | Bliksem flitst door de lucht. |
to freeze | bevriezen | Will the weather freeze the car? | Zal het weer de auto bevriezen? |
to hail | hagelen | It is hailing and raining outside. | Buiten hagelt en regent het. |
to drizzle | miezeren | Is it drizzling? Do I need an umbrella? | Is het aan het miezeren? Heb ik een paraplu nodig? |
to rain | regenen | Is it raining in India? | Regent het in India? |
to snow | sneeuwen | Why is it snowing today? Its October! | Waarom sneeuwt het vandaag? Het is oktober! |
to melt | smelten | The sun will melt the snow | De zon zal de sneeuw doen smelten |
What are the different Weather related adverbs in Dutch with English translation?
Learn about the most common Weather related vocabulary which can be used as adverbs in Dutch with English translation and with example sentences. Memorize the below types of Weather in Dutch.
English | Dutch | English Sentences | Dutch Sentences |
cloudy | bewolkt | It is so cloudy today. | Het is zo bewolkt vandaag. |
foggy | mistig | It is foggy outside and I do not want to drive. | Het is mistig buiten en ik heb geen zin om te rijden. |
rainy | regenachtig | The is a rainy day. | Het is een regenachtige dag. |
sunny | zonnig | It is so sunny and hot. | Het is zo zonnig en warm. |
windy | winderig | It is windy in the Sahara desert. | Het is winderig in de Saharawoestijn. |
Other very common terms are:
English | Dutch | English Sentences | Dutch Sentences |
cold | koude | It is a cold day. | Het is een koude dag. |
warm | warm | I like warm weather. | Ik hou van warm weer. |
hot | heet | India is hot. | Indië is heet. |
What are the most common weather related sentences?
You will have to respond in about the weather in Dutch. You may speak to hundreds of people and every time the weather becomes a topic of off-hand conversation. Learn about the most common Weather related sentences in Dutch with English translation.
English Sentences | Dutch Sentences |
I’m cold | Ik heb het koud |
I’m hot | ik ben heet |
It’s a bit cloudy today | Het is een beetje bewolkt vandaag |
The sun is shining today | De zon schijnt vandaag |
How’s the weather today? | Hoe is het weer vandaag? |
Is it warm? | Is het warm? |
Is it cold? | Is het koud? |
Is it good? | Is het goed? |
Is it bad? | Is het erg? |
What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? | Wat is de weersvoorspelling voor morgen? |
How many degrees is it? | Hoeveel graden is het? |
How warm is it? | Hoe warm is het? |
It is nice weather. | Het is mooi weer. |
It is bad weather. | Het is slecht weer. |
The sun is shining. | De zon schijnt. |
It’s windy. | Het is winderig. |
It’s snowing. | Het sneeuwt. |
Are you too cold? | Heb je het te koud? |
It’s so humid ! | Het is zo vochtig! |
I’m sweating. | Ik ben aan het zweten. |
It is beautiful weather. | Het is prachtig weer. |
It is terrible weather. | Het is verschrikkelijk weer. |
Such lousy weather! | Wat een rotweer! |
It looks like a thunderstorm. | Het lijkt op onweer. |
It’s great swimming weather! | Het is heerlijk zwemweer! |
In the Netherlands the weather is important, and people tend to talk about it, and particularly to complain about it a lot. So you better memorize the types of Weather in Dutch
Nederlands | English |
Het weer | The weather |
Het weerbericht | The weather forecast |
De weersverwachting | The weather forecast |
Het is zonnig | It is sunny |
De zon schijnt | The sun is shining |
Het is warm | It is warm |
Het is heet | It is hot |
Het is snikheet | It is stifling hot / sweltering (“It is snob hot”) |
Het is bloedheet | It is boiling hot / sweltering (“It is blood hot”) |
Hittegolf | Heat wave |
De mussen vallen van het dak | The sparrows fall from the roof = It’s very hot |
Rokjesdag | “Skirt day” is the very first warm day in spring when women start to wear a skirt |
Het is lekker weer | It is a comfortable temperature |
Het is koel | It is cool |
Het is fris | It is chilly |
Het is koud | It is cold |
Het vriest | It is freezing |
Het is ijzig koud | it is freezing cold |
De weersomslag | A change in the weather – usually from good to bad weather |
De neerslag | Precipitation |
Het regent | It is raining |
Het miezert | It is drizzling |
Motregen | Drizzle |
Een bui / een regenbui | A shower / a rain shower |
Een hondenweer | Dog weather – weather you would only go out in to walk your dog |
Onweer | Thunderstorm |
Het onweert | It is thundering |
Donder en bliksem | Thunder and lightning |
Er hangt onweer in de lucht | There is a storm brewing |
De mist | The fog |
Het is mistig | It is foggy |
De nevel | The mist |
Het is nevelig | It is misty |
Hagel | Hail |
Het hagelt | It is hailing |
Sneeuw | Snow |
Het sneeuwt | It is snowing |
Natte sneeuw | Wet snow |
Sneeuwstorm | A blizzard |
Ijzel | Glazed frost |
Ijzelen | It is icing up |
De wind | The wind |
De storm | The storm |
De windkracht | The wind force |
De wervelwind / de windhoos | The whirlwind |
Windstil | calm |
Een briesje | A breeze |
Een zuchtje wind | A breath of wind |
Een windvlaag | A gust of wind |
Waaien | To blow |
Het waait | It is windy |
De wind waait | The wind is blowing |
Uitwaaien | Get a breath of fresh air |
Tegenwind | Headwind |
Ik heb weer tegenwind | I have headwind again |
Ik heb de wind mee | I have the wind behind me |
Zijwind | Crosswind |
Ijzige wind | Icy wind |
Snijdende wind | Cutting or piercing wind |
De wolk | The cloud |
Het is bewolkt | It is cloudy |
Schapenwolkjes | Sheep clouds |
Wolkeloos | Cloudless |
Geen wolkje aan de lucht | No cloud in the sky |
Expressions for heavy rain
Nederlands | English |
Een stortbui / een hoosbui | A downpour |
Een wolkbreuk | A cloudburst |
Het regent pijpenstelen | It’s raining pipe stems = It’s raining heavily |
Het komt met bakken uit de lucht | It’s raining heavily |