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List of Professions in Welsh or List of Occupations in Welsh with example sentences

MASTER WORD LIST: What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?

It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Welsh? For saying this, you need to know the List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh.

List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh
List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh

In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Welsh. The below are the main topics which we will cover as a part of this blog.

  1. What are the List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh with articles and Pronunciation?
  2. Master word list of occupations in Welsh


Introduction to the Master word list of Occupations and Professions in Welsh

It is likely that whenever we meet someone, they will ask you about your job and what you are doing. Would it not be nice if you could answer your occupation in Welsh? In this blog, you will learn to say about your profession or ask about someone’s occupation / job in Welsh.

If you’re to ever learn Welsh properly, or if you want to live and work in Wales, you better get to know the terms for List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh.

It’s of course quite near impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones and the sentences that you should know.


Interesting Note about Wales (and Europe for that matter)

The fireman is a noble Occupations in Welsh
The fireman is a noble Occupations in Welsh
  • In Wales (also including UK and rest of mainland Europe), asking about ones profession is quite a personal question. It should not be asked without being more than an acquaintance.
  • So if you are trying to show off your proficiency or interest in the Welsh language, don’t start off by asking one’s job. You might end up offending them .


Some interesting questions related to occupations in Wales:

  1. What are the most common occupations or professions in Wales?
    1. Health and social care – 200,000 of Welsh people work in that sector. Almost half are part-time.
    2. Hotel and restaurant workers, manufacturing, agriculture, wholesale and retail trade, construction, accommodation and food sector, and professional services.
    3. Administrative and secretarial workers has fallen steeply (-15%) due to improving technology.


What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Welsh for A – D?

Why is the list of occupations in Welsh important? Whether you are a novice or whether you are meeting new people, whether you are discussing with family or whether you are dating, you will have to explain about the job which you are doing, your parents job or the job that you are studying college for.

The Mechanic is a fantastic Occupation in Welsh
The Mechanic is a fantastic Occupation in Welsh

The list of professions in Welsh or the list of occupations in Welsh requires a new list of vocabulary. There are many occupational words to learn in Welsh and you can find a large list below. This is the list of occupations in Welsh or Professions in Welsh for jobs starting from alphabets A – D.

Actor, actorion, actiwrActor
Pensaer, bensaerarchitect
Pobydd, bobyddbaker
rhifwr bancbank teller
Fasiwn, masiwnstone mason
gyrrwr bwsbus driver
Cigydd, gigyddbutcher
Ariannwr, ariannyddcashier
Fferyllydd, cemegyddchemist
Crefftwr, grefftwrcraftsman
Dawnsiwr, ddawnsiwrdancer
Deintydd, ddeintydddentist
Dermatolegydd, ddermatolegydd, dermatolegwyrdermatologist
Ditectif, dditectif, ditectifsdetective
Dietegydd, ddeietegydd, dietegwyrDietician
Meddyg, feddyg, doctordoctor, physician


What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Welsh for  E – M?

Well Well well… we are done with so many professions from A – E. The list of professions in Welsh or the list of occupations in Welsh is indeed a vast list but nevertheless, we shall persevere J .

There are quite a few more occupational words to learn in Welsh. This is the list of occupations in Welsh or Professions in Welsh for jobs from E – M.


Trydanwr, drydanwrElectrician
Peiriannydd, beiriannyddEngineer
Ffermwr, ffermwyrFarmer
diffoddwr tânfire fighter
Pysgotwr, bysgotwrFisherman
Barbwr, farbwrBarber
rheolwr gwestyhotel manager
Dehonglydd, cyfieithyddInterpreter
Newyddiadurwr, newyddiadurwraigjournalist
Barnwr, farnwrJudge
Cyfreithiwr, gyfreithiwrLawyer (or) solicitor
Nyrs, nyrsysNurse
Mathemategydd, fathemategyddmathematician
Mecanydd, fecanyddionmechanic
Masnachwr, fasnachwrMerchant
Cerddor, gerddorMusician


What are the master word lists for “Occupation” and “Profession” in Welsh for  N – Z?

THANK GOD!!! That is 2 sets of professions in Welsh or Occupations in Welsh which we have just completed…. just one more set of Welsh professions to go J … This is the list of occupations in Welsh or Professions in Welsh for jobs from N – Z.

Paentiwr, arlunyddPainter
fferyllydd, fferyllwyrpharmacist
Ffotograffydd, ffotograffwyrphotographer
plismon, heddwasPoliceman
Gwleidydd, wleidyddpolitician
Offeiriad, hoffeiriadonPriest
gyrrwr tacsitaxi driver
canllaw i dwristiaidtourist guide
Gweinydd, weinyddwaiter


Some interesting questions and statements related to the List of Occupations and Professions in Welsh.

He is a policemanPlismon yw e (S) / Plismon ‘di o (N)
I have a long experienceMae gen i brofiad hir / Rwy’n brofiadol iawn
I’m a new employeeRwy’n newydd yma
I’m an artistArlunydd ydw i
I’m looking for a jobRwy’n chwilio am swydd/am waith
She is a singerCantores yw hi
What’s that called in French?Sut ydych chi’n dweud hynny yn Ffrangeg?
I have a reservationRwyf wedi archebu bwrdd
I have to goMae’n rhaid i mi fynd
Where do you live?Lle ydych chi’n byw?
Spanish is easy to learnMae Sbaeneg yn rhwydd i’w ddysgu

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