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Geometry in Welsh and the names of Geometrical Shapes in Welsh with example sentences

What are the vocabulary and the names of geometrical Shapes in Welsh?

In this blog about “Names of Geometrical Shapes in Welsh”, we are going to study in detail about the following topics with tons of example sentences in Welsh and English.

  1. What are the names of Geometrical Shapes in Welsh?
  2. What are the different two dimensional Geometrical shapes in Welsh?
  3. What are the different three dimensional Geometrical shapes in Welsh?
  4. What are the different types of Triangles in Welsh?
  5. Learn Geometry in Welsh.


Why should I learn the names of geometric shapes in Welsh?

In real life, learning the list of geometrical Shapes in Welsh is a very important activity. Why? Let’s start at the very beginning. Even for babies, we start off the process of learning by introducing the baby to different shapes such as circle, triangle, square and rectangle. Then we move next to teaching babies about 3D shapes (toys) such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres etc.

Names of Geometrical Shapes in Welsh
Names of Geometrical Shapes in Welsh

Whether you’re in school or in college, whether you’re working or retired, in a developed country or a third world country, you cannot live without about the different geometrical shapes (both 2D and 3D). You will need to mentally process images that you see and they are nothing but geometrical shapes. So it becomes very important that you learn the names of geometrical shapes in Welsh quite well.

For example:

  • The ball is spherical
  • The bottle is cylindrical shaped.
  • The party hat is a cone.
  • I need a square sized paper.

Here you need to know how to say the names of geometrical shapes in Welsh and also the statement in Welsh. This is what you will be learning in this blog called Shapes in Welsh.


What are the names of Geometrical shapes in Welsh?

The classic example of how important shapes can be in your lives is the game “Minecraft”… It basically shows that any structure in the world is nothing but a combination of basic shapes.

Minecraft - A game based purely on Shapes
Minecraft – A game based purely on Shapes

There are so many shapes and sizes which we would have studied as a child in our mathematics classes. We do come across these shapes on a daily basis for everything and sometimes we are asked to use them in our conversations.

In Mathematics, the shapes are categorized into 2 broad categories: 2D and 3D or two dimensional and three dimensional. Let us go through the different Geometrical shapes in Welsh.


Names of Two Dimensional (2D) Shapes in Welsh

Everything that have only an X Axis and a Y Axis and no Z Axis is 2 dimensional. If you draw something on a piece of paper, its 2 dimensional. Most movies that you see are labelled as 2D since the screen only has length and breadth and no depth (not talking about the new funky 3D movies though). It is thus very important that you learn some of the Three Dimensional (3D) Shapes in Welsh

2D shapes in Welsh
2D shapes in Welsh

What is a 2D shape called in Welsh? The translation for 2D or two dimensional shape in Welsh is “Siapiau dau ddimensiwn” or “Siapiau 2d”

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
TrionglTriangleThe triangle has three sides.Mae tair ochr i’r triongl.
petryalrectangleThe rectangle is my favorite Shape.Y petryal yw fy hoff Siâp.
drapesiwmtrapeziumShe drew a trapezium.Tynnodd hi drapesiwm.
rhombwsrhombusA rhombus has four sides.Mae pedair ochr i rombws.
paralelogramparallelogramThe parallelogram is an interesting shape.Mae’r paralelogram yn siâp diddorol.
petryalrectangleA rectangle is a long squareMae petryal yn sgwâr hir
sgwârsquareShe has square glasses.Mae ganddi sbectol sgwâr.
bentagonpentagonA pentagon has five sides.Mae gan bentagon bum ochr.
hecsagonHexagonA hexagon does not have seven sidesNid oes gan hecsagon saith ochr
heptagonheptagonThe heptagon has 7 sides.Mae gan yr heptagon 7 ochr.
octagonoctagonThe green octagon.Yr octagon gwyrdd.
elipsEllipseCan you draw an ellipse?Allwch chi dynnu llun elips?
cylchCircleA circle is not a poygon.Nid poygon yw cylch.
polygonPolygonA triangle is a polygon.Polygon yw triongl.
Cylch lledSemi circleA semicircle is half a circle.Mae hanner cylch yn hanner cylch.


Names of Three Dimensional (3D) Shapes in Welsh

Everything that you see in the real world is a 3D shape. You might see a cylindrical drum, a conical bottle. The sun is spherical and the earth as well. The dice from Dungeons and Dragons is an 8 sided Octahedron or a 12 sided dodecahedron. It is thus very important that you learn some of the Three Dimensional (3D) Shapes in Welsh

3D shapes in Welsh
3D shapes in Welsh

So the question is (and one which many ask), will you encounter an octahedron in real life? Of course. Take a hexagon and extend it and there you go. An example… A screw is nothing but a cylinder mounted on an octahedron.

What is a 3D shape called in Welsh? The translation for 3D or three dimensional shapes in Welsh is “siapiau tri dimensiwn” or “Siapiau 3d”

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
tetrahedrontetrahedronTetrahedrons are beautiful.Mae tetrahedronau yn brydferth.
Ciwb / giwbcubeA cube has 6 sides.Mae gan giwb 6 ochr.
hecsahedronhexahedronA cube is a hexahedron.Mae ciwb yn hecsahedron.
octahedronoctahedronAn octahedron has 8 sides.Mae gan octahedron 8 ochr.
dodecahedrondodecahedronA dodecahedron has 12 sides.Mae gan dodecahedron 12 ochr.
icosahedronicosahedronA icosahedron has 20 faces.Mae gan icosahedron 20 wyneb.
silindrcylinderThe box is cylinder shaped.Mae’r blwch ar siâp silindr.
cônconeThe house is cone shaped.Mae’r tŷ ar siâp côn.
PyramidPyramidI want to make a pyramid.Rwyf am wneud pyramid.
SfferSphereThe earth is a sphere.Sffêr yw’r ddaear.
PrismPrismMy school has a glass Prism.Mae gan fy ysgol Prism gwydr.


Types of Triangles in Welsh

Vocabulary for Triangle shapes in Welsh
Vocabulary for Triangle shapes in Welsh

What is an Equilateral Triangle in Welsh?

  • An Equilateral Triangle is one wherein all the sides of the triangle are of the same length. In Welsh, an Equilateral Triangle is called as “triongl hafalochrog”
    • This is an equilateral triangle
    • Triongl hafalochrog yw hwn

What is an Isosceles triangle in Welsh?

  • An Isosceles triangle is one wherein two sides of the triangle are equal in length. In Welsh, an Isosceles triangle is called as “triongl isosgeles”
    • Mae hwn yn driongl isosgeles.
    • This is an isosceles triangle.



#2D shapes in Welsh , #3D shapes in Welsh , #Equilateral Triangle in Welsh, #Isosceles triangle in Welsh , #List of all Shapes in Welsh , #Right Angled Triangle in Welsh , #Types of Triangles in Welsh , #Names of Geometrical Shapes in Welsh

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