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Vocabulary: Learn about the list of family members in Welsh. What are the names of the family members in Welsh?

Welsh Vocabulary: List of Family Members in Welsh with example sentences. What are the names of Family Members in Welsh?

As a child, what’s the first word that you speak? Mom and dad of course. Then you learn to call your brothers and sisters, then your grandparents. These are words which you will absorb much before you become 1 year old. As a child or an adult, we spend most of our life talking to family members. It becomes thus very important that you are well versed with the vocabulary list of Family Members in Welsh just as you are well versed in English. This way you can explain to anyone about your Family Members in Welsh which is an essential vocabulary test..

Vocabulary list of family members in Welsh
Vocabulary list of family members in Welsh

The question (focused on vocabulary) would be something along the lines of

  1. Tell me about your Family Members in Welsh.
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. Are you married and how many children do you have?

You can use the right Welsh vocabulary and explain about your Father, Mother, Brother, Sister and even your pet dog as they are your family.

The vocabulary list of Family Members in Welsh is one of the most basic and important vocabulary lists that you would need to know as a novice to the Welsh language.

You might have say something as simple as “I love you, Dad” or “Good Morning, Mom” or something more complex and interesting such as proposing to your girlfriend. Thus the vocabulary list of Family Members in Welsh is part of the basic A1 vocabulary list.


Family in Welsh:

  1. Core Family Members in Welsh
  2. Grandparents in Welsh
  3. Cousins in Welsh
  4. In Laws and relations
  5. Marital status
  6. Step family in Welsh
  7. Other Welsh family related terms


Vocabulary List: Family Members in Welsh: Core Family

These are the most fundamental list of family members in Welsh as they form a core part of your family. This forms the basic Welsh A1 vocabulary list.

Family Tree in Welsh
Family Tree in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
ParentsRhieniMy parents live in Austria.Mae fy rhieni yn byw yn Awstria.
MotherMam / famYour mother was born in 1958.Ganed dy fam yn 1958.
FatherTad / thad / nhad, dadMy Father is a carpenter.Saer yw fy Nhad.
SonMab / fabOur son is 2 years old.Mae ein mab yn 2 oed.
DaughterMerch / ferchYour daughter is very pretty.Mae eich merch yn bert iawn.
BrotherBrawd / frawdMark has a brother.Mae gan Mark frawd.
SisterChwaerDo you have a sister?Oes gennych chi chwaer?


Vocabulary List: Family Members in Welsh: Relations to Grandparents

Grandparents are a cherished part of your childhood and even your adulthood. You would talk about your grandparents ever so often. This is the also a part of your A1 Welsh vocabulary list.

Grand parents in Welsh
Grand parents in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Grandparentsneiniau a theidiauDid your grandparents eat dinner?Wnaeth eich neiniau a theidiau fwyta swper?
GrandfatherTaid / daid / nhaid / thaidMy Grandfather smokes every day.Mae fy Nhaid yn ysmygu bob dydd.
GrandmotherNain / mam-gu / fam-guOur Grandmother bakes a cake.Mae ein Nain yn pobi cacen.
GrandchildrenwyrionThe grandchildren like to play football.Mae’r wyrion a’r wyresau yn hoffi chwarae pêl-droed.
GrandsonŵyrMy grandson likes cakes.Mae fy ŵyr yn hoffi cacennau.
Granddaughter  wyresThey have a granddaughter and she is 5 years old.Mae ganddyn nhw wyres ac mae hi’n 5 oed.


Vocabulary List: Family Members in Welsh: Relations to cousins in Welsh

As a child, in every family occasion you would meet your dear cousins, nieces and nephews. Like grandparents, they form a part of your childhood. This is the also a part of your A1 Welsh vocabulary list.

Relations to cousins in Welsh
Relations to cousins in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
NieceNithMy Niece is called Alice.Enw fy Nith yw Alice.
NephewNaiYour Nephew is a Pilot.Mae eich Nai yn Beilot.
Cousin (male)cefnderHer cousin is a girl.Merch yw ei chefnder.
UncleEwythrMy Uncle has a big farm.Mae gan fy Ewythr fferm fawr.
AuntModrybMy Aunt is a nurse and she is very happy.Mae fy Modryb yn nyrs ac mae hi’n hapus iawn.
SiblingsBrodyr a chwioryddSiblings are your best friends.Brodyr a chwiorydd yw eich ffrindiau gorau.
BabyBabiYour Baby is so cute.Mae eich Babi mor giwt.
GodfatherNhad bedyddKevin is my Godfather.Kevin yw fy Nhad bedydd.
GodmotherMam DduwMy Godmother is very famous.Mae fy Mam Dduw yn enwog iawn.


Vocabulary List: Family Members in Welsh: In Laws in Welsh

Getting married? You are sure to become an in law of getting in laws into your family J Better know how to call your in laws in Welsh

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Father-in-lawTad-yng-nghyfraithTheir father-in-law is a carpenter.Saer coed yw eu tad-yng-nghyfraith.
Mother-in-lawfam-yng-nghyfraithHis mother-in-law likes football and basketball.Mae ei fam-yng-nghyfraith yn hoffi pêl-droed a phêl-fasged.
Brother-in-lawfrawd yng nghyfraithDoes your brother-in-law owns three cars?Ydy dy frawd-yng-nghyfraith yn berchen ar dri char?
Sister-in-lawchwaer yng nghyfraithYes, my sister-in-law is a Russian.Ydy, mae fy chwaer yng nghyfraith yn Rwseg.
RelativesrelativesI do not like my relativesNid wyf yn hoffi fy mherthnasau


Vocabulary List: How to call your mom and dad in Welsh in a fond and cute way?

Did you ever call your father as “FATHER”! I’m pretty sure you just said ”DADDY” or “MOMMY”!! How do you say that in Welsh? Read below

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Grandpa (Cute)taidGrandpa likes to hike.Mae taid yn hoffi heicio.
Grandma (Cute)nainGrandma is very old.Mae mam-gu yn hen iawn.
Dad (Cute)dadiI like my daddy.Rwy’n hoffi fy dadi.
Mom (Cute)mamiI like my mommy.Rwy’n hoffi fy mam.


Marital Status in Welsh

One of the most common questions when going through the Welsh A1 exam is “Tell me about your family in Welsh.”. You need to obviously mention about your wife and children and if you’re married or living with your partner.

Marriage related terms in Welsh
Marriage related terms in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Friend / FriendsFfrindFriends are importantMae ffrindiau yn bwysig
Marital StatusStatws priodasolWhat is your Marital Status?Beth yw eich Statws Priodasol?
SingleSenglAre you single? Can you give me your phone number?Ydych chi’n sengl? Allwch chi roi eich rhif ffôn i mi?
MarriedbriodI am married.Rwy’n briod.
DivorcedWedi ysgaruMy brother is divorced.Mae fy mrawd wedi ysgaru.
Husbandgŵr / ngŵrMy husband reads the newspaperMae fy ngŵr yn darllen y papur newydd
WifeWraig / ngwraigMy wife likes to cook.Mae fy ngwraig yn hoffi coginio.

Step family in Welsh

Hey now.. here are many who have a step brother or a step sister. You might have a step father or a step mother and they may be from Spain. You can try to impress them by calling out to them affectionately in Welsh. Better get cracking on with the list of family members in Welsh.

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Step-Fatherllys-dadMy Stepfather is very KindMae fy Llys-dad yn Garedig iawn
Step-MotherllysfamMy Stepmother is cruel.Mae fy Llysfam yn greulon.
Step-BotherllysfrawdYour Step-Brother is tall.Mae eich Llys-Frawd yn dal.
Step-SisterLlys-chwaerYour Step-Sister is short.Mae eich Llys-Chwaer yn fyr.


Are there any other important words for Welsh family members?

Other than the master lists mentioned above, there are a few other family related terms that will serve you well. Go through the list below to learn more.

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
ChildPlentynThe Child sings daily.Mae’r Plentyn yn canu bob dydd.
ToddlerPlentyn bachThe Toddler likes to walk.Mae’r plentyn bach yn hoffi cerdded.
TeenagerYn ei harddegauShe is a teenagerMae hi yn ei harddegau
AdultOedolynYou are an adult!Rydych chi’n oedolyn!
BoyBachgenThe Boy sells ice cream.Mae’r Bachgen yn gwerthu hufen iâ.
GirlMerchTh Girl buys a chocolate.Mae Th Merch yn prynu siocled.
ManDynThe man is lucky.Mae’r dyn yn lwcus.
Woman GwraigThe woman earns a lot.Mae’r wraig yn ennill llawer.



These are the most fundamental A1 vocabulary list of family members in Welsh that you would use at definitely in your daily life. This is something that you need to know since every conversation will steer towards this at least once and hence you need to know this list well.

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