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Vocabulary: Learn about the list of body parts in Welsh – Different parts of the body in Welsh

Learn about the list of Body Parts in Welsh – Talk about different parts of the body in Welsh

You want to go to a doctor since your stomach hurts badly. Upon reaching the clinic, you realize that the receptionist only speaks Welsh. You manage to get an appointment. The horror… the doctor speaks only Welsh. He’s asking you what’s the problem and you start sweating. You need to tell him your stomach hurts. How do you do that? Thankfully you learnt the list of body parts in Welsh and you are able to tell the doctor.

list of body parts in Welsh
list of body parts in Welsh

The list of parts of the body in Welsh is absolutely fundamental and is something which a child will learn before they even go to kindergarten. So buckle up and memorize the list below.

What are the different parts of the body in Welsh?

  1. Introduction
  2. Different body parts in Welsh
  3. Parts of the Head in Welsh
  4. Body in Welsh
  5. Hand in Welsh
  6. Leg in Welsh
  7. Organs of the body Welsh


Welsh Vocabulary: What are the names of the different parts of the body in Welsh?

One of the “most” important topics in Welsh A1 is learning the vocabulary for how to describe your body parts in Welsh. A few examples of when you need to understand parts of the body in Welsh.

  1. Raise your finger when you want to ask a question.
  2. I have a head ache.
  3. Your eyes are so beautiful.

Let us go through the Welsh vocabulary for the body parts in Welsh with a few example sentences for the same. Remember, the parts of the body in Welsh is a list you have to memorize for life and would be super critical when you visit a doctor so make sure that you get it 100% done!


Welsh Vocabulary: What are the main Body Parts in Welsh?

You might need to be more generic in most cases when talking to friends. These are the main body parts in Welsh which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the parts of the body in Welsh in with articles.

WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
corff / cyrffbodyThe mafia hid the body.Cuddiodd y maffia y corff.
pen / pennauheadI have a head and I have a head ache.Mae gen i ben ac mae gen i ddolur pen.
llaw / dwylohandI have a tattoo on my hand.Mae tatŵ ar fy llaw.
goes / coesaulegYou have strong legs.Mae gennych goesau cryf.
Cist (or) frestchestThe body builder had a huge chest.Roedd gan yr adeiladwr corff frest enfawr.


Welsh Vocabulary: list of body parts in Welsh: What are the parts of the head and face in Welsh?

These are the main of the head and the face in Welsh which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the face and the head in Welsh in with articles.

Head in Welsh
Head in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Wyneb / hwynebfaceHer face is very cute.Mae ei hwyneb yn giwt iawn.
ênchinThe boy fell down and broke his chin.Syrthiodd y bachgen i lawr a thorri ei ên.
cegmouthOpen your mouth!Agorwch eich ceg!
gwefuslipWe must apply lipstick on our lips.Rhaid inni roi minlliw ar ein gwefusau.
danttoothThe dentist said that my father has a cavity on his toothDywedodd y deintydd fod gan fy nhad geudod ar ei ddant
tafod / dafodtongueThe giraffe has a long tongueMae gan y jiráff dafod hir
Trwyn / nhrwynnoseI played football yesterday and broke my nose.Chwaraeais i bêl-droed ddoe a thorri fy nhrwyn.
BochcheekHer cheeks are red.Mae ei bochau yn goch.
LlygadeyeThe cat has three eyes.Mae gan y gath dri llygad.
AeleyebrowDo not raise your eyebrows!Peidiwch â chodi eich aeliau!
clust / glustearI have two ears.Mae dwy glust gyda fi.
Gwallt / ngwallthairMy hair is black in color.Mae fy ngwallt yn ddu ei liw.
barfbeardThe hunter has a big beard.Mae barf fawr gan yr heliwr.
mwstasmustacheMy moustache is 1 foot long.Mae fy mwstas yn 1 droedfedd o hyd.


Welsh Vocabulary: What are the parts of the torso in Welsh?

These are the main of the torso in Welsh which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the torso in Welsh in with articles.

Torso in Welsh
Torso in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
gwddfneckThere was a diamond necklace around her neck.Roedd mwclis diemwnt o amgylch ei gwddf.
ysgwyddshoulderI must carry the pots on my shoulders.Rhaid i mi gario’r potiau ar fy ysgwyddau.
fron / bronnaubreastShe has large breastsMae ganddi bronnau mawr
bolbellyThe sumo wrestler has a large belly.Mae gan y wrestler sumo bol mawr.
bogailnavelI want a tattoo on my navel.Dw i eisiau tatw ar fy bogail.
wain / faginavaginaYou have to wear underwear to protect your vagina.Mae’n rhaid i chi wisgo dillad isaf i amddiffyn eich fagina.
Pidyn / bidynpenisHis penis is very short.Mae ei bidyn yn fyr iawn.
ceill / geilliautesticleHe has large testicles and a short penis.Mae ganddo geilliau mawr a phidyn byr.
anwsanusDo not apply this cream on your anus.Peidiwch â rhoi’r hufen hwn ar eich anws.
Clun / glun / nghlunhipI fractured my hip.Torrais fy nghlun.


Welsh Vocabulary: What are the parts of the hands in Welsh?

These are the main of the hands in Welsh which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the hands in Welsh in with articles.

parts of the hands in Welsh
parts of the hands in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
Penelin / benelinelbowI have two elbows.Mae gen i ddau benelin.
LlawHandCan you raise your hand?Allwch chi godi eich llaw?
bysfingerEveryone has 10 fingers but I have 12 fingers.Mae gan bawb 10 bys ond mae gen i 12 bys.
cesailarmpitPlease put perfume on your armpits.Rhowch bersawr ar eich ceseiliau.
EwineddNailI applied nail polish on my nails.Rhoddais sglein ewinedd ar fy ewinedd.
Bawd / fodiauthumbHe has strong thumbs.Mae ganddo fodiau cryf.
mynegfysindex fingerI point with my index fingerRwy’n pwyntio gyda’m mynegfys
bys canolmiddle fingerWhat happened to your middle finger?Beth ddigwyddodd i’ch bys canol?
bys modrwyring fingerShe has a ring on her ring finger.Mae ganddi fodrwy ar ei bys modrwy.
Bys pincPinky fingerYour pinky finger is curved.Mae eich bys pinc yn grwm.


Welsh Vocabulary: What are the parts of the legs in Welsh?

These are the main of the legs in Welsh which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the legs in Welsh in with articles.

parts of the legs in Welsh
parts of the legs in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
pen-glin / mhen-glinKneeI need surgery on my kneeDwi angen llawdriniaeth ar fy mhen-glin
Troedfedd / traed / droedFootThe football player needs a foot massageMae angen tylino traed ar y chwaraewr pêl-droed
FfêrAnkleThe ankle is black.Mae’r ffêr yn ddu.


Welsh Vocabulary: What are the Organs of the body in Welsh?

These are the main Organs of the body in Welsh which you might use when you visit the doctor. You can learn the Organs of the body in Welsh in with articles.

Organs of the body in Welsh
Organs of the body in Welsh
WelshEnglishEnglish SentenceWelsh Sentence
gwaedbloodYour blood is pinkish red.Mae eich gwaed yn binc-goch.
y coluddyn bachthe small intestineThe small intestine is very long.Mae’r coluddyn bach yn hir iawn.
y coluddyn mawrthe large intestineThe doctor saw the large intestine and fainted.Gwelodd y meddyg y coluddyn mawr a llewygu.
ymenyddbrainThe brain is a very imporant organ.Mae’r ymennydd yn organ bwysig iawn.
Croen / groenskinBlack skin has more melanin.Mae gan groen du fwy o felanin.
calonheartYour heart is dying.Mae eich calon yn marw.
IauliverI have only one liver.Dim ond un iau sydd gen i.
ysgyfaintlungMy lungs are weak.Mae fy ysgyfaint yn wan.
duegspleenThe surgeon removed the spleenTynnodd y llawfeddyg y ddueg
stumogstomachI have a stomach.Mae stumog gyda fi.
cyhyrmuscleWe removed the muscles in your arm.Fe wnaethon ni dynnu’r cyhyrau yn eich braich.
arenkidneyYou have two kidneys.Mae gennych ddwy aren.
sgerbwdskeletonWe found a skeleton.Daethom o hyd i sgerbwd.


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