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Vocabulary: How to say the list for Days of the week in Welsh

What are the days of the week in Welsh with articles, Pronunciation, origin of words and with tons of examples?

Days of the week in Welsh
Days of the week in Welsh
  1. How do you say the days of the week in Welsh?
  2. Common vocabulary
  3. What are the days of the week in Welsh with articles and Pronunciation?
  4. Days of the week in Welsh meaning
  5. What’s the first day of the week in Welsh?
  6. Welsh days of the week abbreviations


Welsh Vocabulary List: How do you say the days of the week in Welsh?

So you’re a random dude in Wales (let’s just say you’re called John Wick)… you are in class, happily listening away and suddenly your Welsh professor says, “John Wick, we are going to have an examination on Monday!” OH NO!!! The only problem is that he has said the sentence not in English but in Welsh. You caught that there’s an exam as everyone is shocked. You do not know the names of the different days of the week in Welsh! OH NO!!!! For once, John Wick is screwed!

More common scenarios are:

  1. You need to call your doctor and set up an appointment
  2. You need to visit your friend
  3. Your girlfriend says that she’ll marry you only if you know the days of the week ß OK FINE! This one is very unlikely or borderline impossible. If it happens, I’m a god for predicting this!

So I’m guessing, by know you know that you absolutely need to know the vocabulary of different days the week in Welsh and you also need to pronounce them correctly. So in this lesson, we will learn about the seven days of the week in Welsh and how to pronounce them.


What are the days of the week in Welsh?

In this section, we are will learn about the vocabulary for Monday to Sunday in Welsh. We will also learn about the different associated vocabulary for days of the week in Welsh.

If you wanna get to even super basic Welsh fluency, the word list for the different days of the week is a good point to start with.

EnglishWelshEnglish SentencesWelsh Sentences
MondayDydd LlunOn Monday, I visited my friends.Ddydd Llun, ymwelais â fy ffrindiau.
TuesdayDydd MawrthI hate Tuesdays.Mae’n gas gen i ddydd Mawrth.
WednesdayDydd MercherWednesday is a holidayMae dydd Mercher yn wyliau
ThursdayDydd IauThursday is the fourth day of the week.Dydd Iau yw’r pedwerydd diwrnod o’r wythnos.
FridayDydd GwenerI am getting married on Friday.Rwy’n priodi ddydd Gwener.
SaturdayDydd SadwrnWe will go for a hike on Saturday.Byddwn yn mynd am hike ddydd Sadwrn.
SundayDydd SulI like to rest on Sunday.Rwy’n hoffi gorffwys ddydd Sul.



  1. All the seven days of the week start with the welsh word “Dydd” which literally translates to Day.
  2. So the days of the week will be like “Dydd Llun” or “Day of Llun” or the Day of the moon
  3. This is the same for the seven days of the week.


What day of the week is it?

Here’s another important set which will help you learn a lot about the days of the week in Welsh. Basically it teaches about the order of the days of the week!

EnglishWelshEnglish SentencesWelsh Sentences
MondayDydd LlunMonday is the first day of the week.Dydd Llun yw diwrnod cyntaf yr wythnos.
TuesdayDydd MawrthTuesday is the second day of the week.Dydd Mawrth yw ail ddiwrnod yr wythnos.
WednesdayDydd MercherWednesday is the third day of the week.Dydd Mercher yw’r trydydd diwrnod o’r wythnos.
ThursdayDydd IauThursday is the fourth day of the week.Dydd Iau yw’r pedwerydd diwrnod o’r wythnos.
FridayDydd GwenerFriday is the fifth day of the week.Dydd Gwener yw’r pumed diwrnod o’r wythnos.
SaturdayDydd SadwrnSaturday is the sixth day of the week.Dydd Sadwrn yw’r chweched diwrnod o’r wythnos.
SundayDydd SulSunday is the seventh day of the week.Dydd Sul yw’r seithfed diwrnod o’r wythnos.


What is the common vocabulary related days of the week in Welsh?

In this section, we are will learn about the associated common vocabulary for days of the week in Welsh.

EnglishWelshEnglish SentencesWelsh Sentences
Days of weekDyddiau’r wythnosWhat day of the week is today?Pa ddiwrnod o’r wythnos sydd heddiw?
DayDyddMonday is my favorite day.Dydd Llun yw fy hoff ddiwrnod.
WeekWythnosThis is the third week.Dyma’r drydedd wythnos.
MonthMisJanuary is a month.Mae mis Ionawr yn fis.
YearBlwyddynShe is three years old.Mae hi’n dair oed.
WeekdayDiwrnod yr wythnosTuesday is a weekdayMae dydd Mawrth yn ddiwrnod o’r wythnos
WeekendPenwythnosOn the Weekend, we are going to Wales.Ar y Penwythnos, rydyn ni’n mynd i Gymru.
day before yesterdaydiwrnod cyn ddoeDay before yesterday, I went to the zoo.Diwrnod cyn ddoe, es i i’r sw.
YesterdayDdoeWe met yesterday.Fe wnaethon ni gwrdd ddoe.
TodayHeddiwToday I will eat chicken.Heddiw, byddaf yn bwyta cyw iâr.
TomorrowYforyShall we meet tomorrow?A fyddwn ni’n cwrdd yfory?
Day after tomorrowDiwrnod ar ôl yforyDay after tomorrow, we have an examination.Ddydd ar ôl yfory, mae gennym ni arholiad.
last weekwythnos diwethafDid you see her last week?A welsoch chi hi yr wythnos diwethaf?
next weekwythnos nesafI have an appointment next week.Mae gen i apwyntiad yr wythnos nesaf.


What is the Gender of days of the week in Welsh?

  • All seven days of the week which is Monday to Sunday in Welsh are all masculine


What is the pronunciation for days of the week in Welsh?

Now let us learn about the super core topic… learning to say things the right way or to put it into better terms, learning to pronounce the days of the week.

MondayDydd LlunDee-th-leen
TuesdayDydd MawrthDee-th-mah-oo-rth
WednesdayDydd MercherDee-th-meh-eher
ThursdayDydd IauDee-th-y-eye
FridayDydd GwenerDee-th-gweh-ner
SaturdayDydd SadwrnDee-th-sad-oorn
SundayDydd SulDee-th-seel


Other very useful words when learning Welsh is listed below. Like you need to know what is today / tomorrow and many more in your day to day life since its unlikely that you will be using just Sunday or Monday to describe every event.

The day before yesterdayEchddoe
The day after tomorrowY diwrnod ar ôl yfory
In three days timeYmhen tridiau
Four days agoBedwar diwrnod yn ôl
The next dayY diwrnod nesaf
The previous dayY diwrnod blaenorol
A weekWythnos


Origin of words: Meaning of the Days of the week in Welsh

Have you ever wondered why is it called Dydd Iau? Like what does Dydd Iau in Wlesh actually mean? Here in this section we will learn about the origin of the different names of the days of the week in Welsh.


Why is Monday called Dydd Llun in Welsh or what is the etymological origin of the word?

Why is Monday called Dydd Llun in Welsh
Why is Monday called Dydd Llun in Welsh
  • Dydd Llun which is the Welsh translation for “Monday” comes from the Latin word Lunae which means “the moon”.
  • Therefore, Monday in Welsh literally translates to “moon-day”.
  • Basically Monday is dedicated to the moon.


Why is Tuesday called Dydd Mawrth in Welsh or what is the etymological origin of the word?

Why is Tuesday called Dydd Mawrth in Welsh
Why is Tuesday called Dydd Mawrth in Welsh
  • The origin of the word Dydd Mawrth which is the Welsh translation for “Tuesday” comes from the planet Mars
  • Mars was a God worshipped in Roman Mythology or the Pagan religion as he was the God of War, Battle and Conflict.
  • The Latin name (in its true source or origin) literally translates to “Day of Mars”.


Why is Wednesday called Dydd Mercher in Welsh or what is the etymological origin of the word?

Why is Wednesday called Dydd Mercher in Welsh
Why is Wednesday called Dydd Mercher in Welsh
  • The origin of the word Dydd Mercher which is the Welsh translation for “Wednesday” comes from the planet Mercury.
  • The name literally translates to “Day of Mercury”.
  • Mercury was a God worshipped in Roman Mythology or the Pagan religion.
  • Thus it can also be translated as “Day dedicated to God Mercury”


Why is Thursday called Dydd Iau in Welsh or what is the etymological origin of the word?

Why is Thursday called Dydd Iau in Welsh
Why is Thursday called Dydd Iau in Welsh
  • The origin of the word Dydd Iau which is the Welsh translation for “Thursday” comes from the planet Jupiter.
  • Jupiter was a God worshipped in Roman Mythology or the Pagan religion.
  • The name literally translates to “Day of Jupiter”.
  • Thus it can also be translated as “Day dedicated to God Jupiter”


Why is Friday called Dydd Gwener in Welsh or what is the etymological origin of the word?

Why is Friday called Dydd Gwener in Welsh
Why is Friday called Dydd Gwener in Welsh
  • The meaning of Dydd Gwener in Welsh is Friday
  • The origin of the word Dydd Gwener comes from Roman Mythology or the Pagan Goddess of Love and Fertility which is Venus.
  • The name literally translates to “Day of Venus”.


What is the meaning of Dydd Sadwrn (or Saturday) in Welsh or what is the etymological origin of the word?

  • The meaning of Dydd Sadwrn in Welsh is Saturday
  • Sabato is derived from Saint Sadwrn, a famous Welsh saint
  • This in turn comes from Roman Mythology or a Pagan God Saturn.
  • The name literally translates to “Day of Saturn”.


What is the meaning or etymological origin of the word Dydd Sul (or Sunday) in Welsh?

  • The Italian word for Sunday is “Dydd Sul” and it comes completely from Latin “Sol“ which means “Day of Sun”.
  • The name literally translates to “Day of Sun” in Latin which is one of the Gods from Roman mythology or Pagan religion.


What’s the first day of the week in Welsh?

  • In Welsh, the first day of the week is “Dydd Llun” or “Monday”
  • Days are counted from Monday until Sunday.
  • In Islamic nations, the order is Friday until Thursday although in end of 2021, a few of the countries such as the UAE is changing to Monday to Sunday.


When to Capitalise Days of the Week 

  • GREAT NEWS FOR YOU!!! In Welsh, the days of the week DO NOT HAVE ANY SPECIFIC RULE ON HOW TO USE capital letters.
  • The same rule is extended for the names of months in Welsh.
  • You can capitalize all the starting alphabets for each word in the days of the week


CONGRATS!!! You’ve just learned about the days of the week in Welsh with tons of examples!!!

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