Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O Lobo e o Pastor
Once upon a time, a shepherd lived in a small village next to the forest. He used to take the sheep to graze in the forest.
TranslateEra uma vez, um pastor morava numa pequena aldeia perto da floresta. Ele costumava levar as ovelhas para pastar na floresta.
One day, he saw a wolf roaming around the sheep. He was afraid of the wolf and did not move. The sheep were terrified and did not move as well. The wolf however did not do anything. The wolf only made sure that the sheep did not stray away. He circled the sheep and pushed them towards the shepherd and went into the forests.
TranslateUm dia, ele viu um lobo perambulando entre as ovelhas. Ele estava com medo do lobo e não se moveu. As ovelhas ficaram apavoradas e também não se mexeram. O lobo, entretanto, não fez nada. O lobo só se certificou de que as ovelhas não se afastassem. Ele circundou as ovelhas e empurrou-as em direção ao pastor e foi para a floresta.
The next day the same thing happened. Soon the sheep and the shepherd got used to the wolf.
The shepherd thought, “This wolf might not be a bad wolf. He is so kind and helpful. He must not be wicked. Maybe all wolves are not wicked.”
TranslateNo dia seguinte aconteceu a mesma coisa. Logo as ovelhas e o pastor acostumaram-se com o lobo.
O pastor pensou: “Este lobo pode não ser um lobo mau. Ele é tão gentil e prestativo. Ele não deve ser mau. Talvez nem todos os lobos sejam maus. “
He got so used to the wolf that he trusted the wolf completely. One day, he went to the village when the wolf was taking care of the sheep. When he came back, half his flock was dead or missing.
He said, “How foolish was I to trust a wolf.”
TranslateEle acostumou-se tanto com o lobo que confiou nele completamente. Um dia, ele foi para a aldeia quando o lobo estava a cuidar das ovelhas. Quando ele voltou, metade do seu rebanho estava morto ou desaparecido.
Ele disse: “Como fui tolo em confiar num lobo.”
Moral: “Once a wolf, always a wolf.”
TranslateMoral: “Uma vez lobo, sempre lobo.”
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.