Portuguese short stories – Learning Portuguese through English
Aesop’s Fables – O lobo e o leão
Once upon a time, there was a Wolf. The wolf was hungry and was hunting. The Wolf managed to steal a sheep. He was happily carrying to sheep into the forest when he saw a Lion.
TranslateEra uma vez um Lobo. O lobo estava com fome e estava a caçar. O Lobo conseguiu roubar uma ovelha. Ele estava feliz carregando ovelhas para a floresta quando viu um Leão.
The Lion ran towards the Wolf. The lion is much stronger than the wolf. The Wolf had to drop the Sheep and run far away. The Lion took the Sheep and started walking towards the forest.
TranslateO Leão correu em direção ao Lobo. O leão é muito mais forte que o lobo. O Lobo teve que largar a Ovelha e fugir para longe. O Leão pegou a Ovelha e começou a caminhar em direção à floresta.
The Wolf shouted from far away, “You have no right to take my property. How dare you? Have you no honour?”
TranslateO Lobo gritou de longe: “Não tem o direito de tomar a minha propriedade. Como ousa? Não tem honra? “
The Lion looked at the wolf. The wolf was far away and the Lion decided that it was not worth his time to chase and give him a good slap.
TranslateO Leão olhou para o lobo. O lobo estava longe e o Leão decidiu que não valia a pena persegui-lo e dar-lhe uma boa bofetada.
He said, “ROOOOAAAAR! Is it your property? Did you buy it? Did the farmer gift it to you? Or did you steal the lamb? Tell me!”
TranslateEle disse: “ROOOOAAAAR! É a sua propriedade? Comprou isso? O fazendeiro presenteou você? Ou roubou o cordeiro? Diga-me!”
Moral: “What is evil won is evil lost.”
TranslateMoral: “O que é o mau ganho é o mal perdido”.
Hope you had fun learning the Portuguese language through short stories 🙂 If so leave a comment!!!
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About: Studying through Dual Language immersion is among the best techniques for learning a new language. The objective of this website is to teach yourself how to read and speak Portuguese confidently using English as a base 🙂
These Portuguese short stories are super cool to read for beginners and also for entertaining children. Aesop’s Fables are among the best stories that can be studied on a daily basis.