Learn about the list of Body Parts in Portuguese – Talk about different parts of the body in Portuguese
You want to go to a doctor since your stomach hurts badly. Upon reaching the clinic, you realize that the receptionist only speaks Portuguese. You manage to get an appointment. The horror… the doctor speaks only Portuguese. He’s asking you what’s the problem and you start sweating. You need to tell him your stomach hurts. How do you do that? Thankfully you learnt the list of body parts in Portuguese and you are able to tell the doctor.

The list of parts of the body in Portuguese is absolutely fundamental and is something which a child will learn before they even go to kindergarten. So buckle up and memorize the list below.
What are the different parts of the body in Portuguese?
- Introduction
- Different body parts in Portuguese
- Parts of the Head in Portuguese
- Body in Portuguese
- Hand in Portuguese
- Leg in Portuguese
- Organs of the body Portuguese
Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the names of the different parts of the body in Portuguese?
One of the “most” important topics in Portuguese A1 is learning the vocabulary for how to describe your body parts in Portuguese. A few examples of when you need to understand parts of the body in Portuguese.
- Raise your finger when you want to ask a question.
- I have a head ache.
- Your eyes are so beautiful.
Let us go through the Portuguese vocabulary for the body parts in Portuguese with a few example sentences for the same. Remember, the parts of the body in Portuguese is a list you have to memorize for life and would be super critical when you visit a doctor so make sure that you get it 100% done!
What are the other interesting Portuguese wordlists which I can read after this?
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Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the main Body Parts in Portuguese?
You might need to be more generic in most cases when talking to friends. These are the main body parts in Portuguese which you might use on a day to day basis in one way or another. You can learn the parts of the body in Portuguese in with articles.

Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
o corpo / corpos | body | The mafia killed the man and hid the body. | A máfia matou o homem e escondeu o corpo. |
a cabeça / cabeças | head | I have a head and I have a head ache. | Eu tenho uma cabeça e eu tenho uma dor de cabeça. |
o torso | torso | The doctor examined his torso. | O médico examinou seu torso. |
o braço / braços | arm | I have a tattoo on my arm. | Eu tenho uma tatuagem no meu braço. |
a perna / pernas | leg | You have strong legs. | Você tem pernas fortes. |
o peito | chest | The body builder had a huge chest. | O fisiculturista tinha um peito enorme. |
Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the parts of the head and face in Portuguese?
These are the main of the head and the face in Portuguese which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the face and the head in Portuguese in with articles.

Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
o rosto / rostos | face | Her face is very cute. | O rosto dela é muito fofo. |
queixo | chin | The boy fell down and broke his chin. | O menino caiu e quebrou o queixo. |
a boca | mouth | Open your mouth! | Abra sua boca! |
o lábio / lábios | lip | We must apply lipstick on our lips. | Devemos aplicar batom em nossos lábios. |
o dente / dentes | tooth | The dentist said that my father has a cavity on his tooth | O dentista disse que meu pai tem uma cárie no dente |
a língua / línguas | tongue | The giraffe has a long tongue | A girafa tem uma língua comprida |
o nariz | nose | I played football yesterday and broke my nose. | Joguei futebol ontem e quebrei o nariz. |
a bochecha / bochechas | cheek | Her cheeks are red. | Suas bochechas estão vermelhas. |
o olho / olhos | eye | The cat has three eyes. | O gato tem três olhos. |
a sobrancelha / sobrancelhas | eyebrow | Do not raise your eyebrows! | Não levante as sobrancelhas! |
a pestana / pestanas (or) o cílio / cílios | eyelash | She has such long eyelashes. | Ela tem cílios tão longos. |
a orelha / orelhas | ear | I have two ears. | Eu tenho duas orelhas. |
o cabelo / cabelos | hair | My hair is black in color. | Meu cabelo é de cor preta. |
a barba | beard | The hunter has a big beard. | O caçador tem uma grande barba. |
o bigode | mustache | My moustache is 1 foot long. | Meu bigode tem 1 metro de comprimento. |
Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the parts of the torso in Portuguese?
These are the main of the torso in Portuguese which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the torso in Portuguese in with articles.

Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
o pescoço | neck | There was a diamond necklace around her neck. | Havia um colar de diamantes em volta do pescoço. |
o ombro / ombros | shoulder | I must carry the pots on my shoulders. | Devo carregar os potes nos ombros. |
o peito / seios | breast | She has large breasts | Ela tem seios grandes |
o abdômen | Abdomen | The cow has two stomachs and one abdomen. | A vaca tem dois estômagos e um abdômen. |
a barriga | belly | The sumo wrestler has a large belly. | O lutador de sumô tem uma barriga grande. |
o umbigo | navel | I want a tattoo on my navel. | Quero uma tatuagem no umbigo. |
a vagina | vagina | You have to wear underwear to protect your vagina. | Você tem que usar roupas íntimas para proteger sua vagina. |
o pênis | penis | His penis is very short. | Seu pênis é muito curto. |
o testículo / testículos | testicle | He has large testicles and a short penis. | Ele tem testículos grandes e um pênis curto. |
o ânus | anus | Do not apply this cream on your anus. | Não aplique este creme em seu ânus. |
as costas | back | I have back pain. | Eu tenho dor nas costas. |
o quadril / quadris | hip | I fractured my hip. | Eu fraturei meu quadril. |
Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the parts of the hands in Portuguese?
These are the main of the hands in Portuguese which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the hands in Portuguese in with articles.

Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
o cotovelo / cotovelos | elbow | I have two elbows. | Eu tenho dois cotovelos. |
a mão / mãos | Hand | Can you raise your hand? | Você pode levantar a mão? |
o dedo / dedos | finger | Everyone has 10 fingers but I have 12 fingers. | Todo mundo tem 10 dedos, mas eu tenho 12 dedos. |
axila / axilas | armpit | Please put perfume on your armpits. | Por favor, coloque perfume nas axilas. |
o prego / unhas | Nail | I applied nail polish on my nails. | Passei esmalte nas unhas. |
o polegar / polegares | thumb | He has strong thumbs. | Ele tem polegares fortes. |
o dedo indicador | index finger | I point with my index finger | Eu aponto com meu dedo indicador |
o dedo médio | middle finger | What happened to your middle finger? | O que aconteceu com seu dedo médio? |
o dedo anelar | ring finger | She has a ring on her ring finger. | Ela tem um anel no dedo anelar. |
o dedo mindinho | Pinky finger | Your pinky finger is curved. | Seu dedo mindinho está curvado. |
Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the parts of the legs in Portuguese?
These are the main of the legs in Portuguese which you might use on a day to day. You can learn the parts of the legs in Portuguese in with articles.

Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
o joelho / joelhos | Knee | I need surgery on my knee | Eu preciso de cirurgia no meu joelho |
o pé / pés | Foot | The football player needs a foot massage | O jogador de futebol precisa de uma massagem nos pés |
o tornozelo / tornozelos | Ankle | The ankle is black. | O tornozelo é preto. |
Portuguese Vocabulary: What are the Organs of the body in Portuguese?
These are the main Organs of the body in Portuguese which you might use when you visit the doctor. You can learn the Organs of the body in Portuguese in with articles.

Portuguese | English | English Sentence | Portuguese Sentence |
o sangue | blood | Your blood is pinkish red. | Seu sangue é vermelho rosado. |
o intestino delgado | the small intestine | The small intestine is very long. | O intestino delgado é muito longo. |
o intestino grosso | the large intestine | The doctor saw the large intestine and fainted. | O médico viu o intestino grosso e desmaiou. |
o cérebro | brain | The brain is a very imporant organ. | O cérebro é um órgão muito importante. |
a pele | skin | Black skin has more melanin. | A pele negra tem mais melanina. |
o coração | heart | Your heart is dying. | Seu coração está morrendo. |
o fígado | liver | I have only one liver. | Eu tenho apenas um fígado. |
os pulmões | lung | My lungs are weak. | Meus pulmões estão fracos. |
O baço | spleen | The surgeon removed the spleen | O cirurgião removeu o baço |
o estômago | stomach | I have a stomach. | Eu tenho um estômago. |
o músculo | muscle | We removed the muscles in your arm. | Removemos os músculos do seu braço. |
o rim | kidney | You have two kidneys. | Você tem dois rins. |
o esqueleto | skeleton | We found a skeleton. | Encontramos um esqueleto. |