Vocabulary list of 50+ fruits in Portuguese, dry fruits in Portuguese, Berries and Nuts in Portuguese
Whether you are in Europe or Asia, North America or South America, Africa or Australia, you would definitely be eating fruits! That being said, there are over a hundred different fruits across the world and they vary in color, taste, smell and even preparation. So the list of Fruits in Portuguese is one topic that you absolutely need to know!!!
Also, this topic is (obviously) one of the “most” common topics in Portuguese A1. Learning the vocabulary list of fruits in Portuguese is important for you to describe what you ate as this always involves fruits and vegetables. You will thus need to know the list of fruits in Portuguese and the list of nuts and berries in Portuguese.
You would need to buy fruits in a supermarket, order fruit juices in a restaurant, buy fruit based cosmetics, fruit based products and many many more. In fact, there might be warnings saying that the food contains certain allergic fruits and Vegetables which you might need to watch over carefully. So, many questions can be asked around this topic.
Let us go through a list of Fruits in Portuguese which has over 50 entries along with a few example sentences for the each fruit! This will help you memorize the list of fruits quite well!
What are the different types of Fruits and how do I classify it into separate wordlists in Portuguese?
While the list of fruits in Portuguese can be considered as the master list, this will be an exhaustive read as it’ll have 50+ fruits. So it is best if it can be sub categorized into the following list of fruits in Portuguese:
- Local Fruits or regional fruits which grow in and around Portugal. Examples are apples and oranges.
- Tropical Fruits or exotic fruits which are imported to Portugal from Tropical countries in continents such as Central America, South America, Asia, Australia etc. Examples are banana and watermelon.
- Different types of berries. Blueberry and Raspberry are examples of common berries in Portuguese.
- Different types of dry fruits and nuts. Some of the dry fruits are raisins and dried apricots. Some of the nuts are Cashew nuts and Walnuts.
How to say “Fruits” in Portuguese? What is the word for Fruits in Portuguese?
- The Portuguese word for singular “Fruit” is “a fruta”
- The Portuguese word for plural “Fruits” is “as frutas”
- The Portuguese word for the word “Dry fruits” is “os frutos secos”
- The Portuguese word for the word “Berries” is “as bagas”
- The Portuguese word for the word “Nuts” is “as nozes”
What are the other interesting Portuguese wordlists which I can read after this?
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Vocabulary word list of local fruits in Portuguese: List of Fruits in Portuguese which grow in Portugal with examples and with articles
These are the common Fruits that are found in any supermarket in Portugal because they are produced in the farms of Portugal and in any of the neighbouring European countries. You can now learn the vocabulary for the list of Fruits in Portuguese for local fruits which grow in the farms of Portugal.
English | Portuguese | English Sentence | Portuguese |
Apple | A maçã | An apple a day keeps the doctor away. | Uma maçã por dia mantém o médico longe. |
Peach | O pêssego | The peach is our favorite fruit. | O pêssego é a nossa fruta favorita. |
Pear | A pêra | Can you make juice using Pear and apricots? | Você pode fazer suco de pêra e damasco? |
Grapefruit | A toranja | My mother always ate fresh grapefruit right out of the peel. | Minha mãe sempre comia toranja fresca, direto da casca. |
melon | O melão | Melons are green or melons are yellow. | Os melões são verdes ou amarelos. |
olive | A azeitona | Olives and olive oil is popular in Portuguese. | Azeitonas e azeite são populares em português. |
orange | A laranja | I like to make marmalade with Oranges. | Gosto de fazer marmelada com laranjas. |
plum | A ameixa | Plum is violet in colour. | A ameixa é de cor violeta. |
grapes | As uvas | The mouse is eating a grape. | O rato está comendo uma uva. |
Tomato | O tomate | Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? | O tomate é uma fruta ou um vegetal? |
Vocabulary list of 50+ fruits in Portuguese: List of Fruits in Portuguese which grow in Tropical countries and imported to Portugal
These are the fruits which are not native to Portugal but which grow in tropical countries and are imported to Portugal and thus can be found in most supermarkets in Portugal or in the supermarkets of European countries. You can now learn the vocabulary for the list of exotic Fruits in Portuguese for fruits which grow in the farms of Asia, South America and Africa.
English | Portuguese | English Sentence | Portuguese |
Pomegranate | A romã | We ate fresh pomegranates in Portugal. | Comíamos romãs frescas em Portugal. |
pineapple | O abacaxi | Pineapple is a tropical fruit. | O abacaxi é uma fruta tropical. |
avocado | O abacate | My grandfather likes to eat Avocado. | Meu avô gosta de comer abacate. |
banana | A banana | I ate the ripe banana and threw the rotten banana. | Comi a banana madura e joguei a banana podre. |
grapefruit | A toranja | My mother likes fresh grapefruit. | Minha mãe gosta de toranja fresca. |
mandarin | O mandarim | The mandarin is a chinese fruit. | A mandarim é uma fruta chinesa. |
watermelon | A melancia | The Watermelon is a very heavy fruit | A melancia é uma fruta muito pesada |
lemon | O limão | The lemon tree has many thorns | O limoeiro tem muitos espinhos |
Mango | A manga | You can buy Mangoes in India | Você pode comprar manga na Índia |
Kiwi | O kiwi | My brother is allergic to kiwis. | Meu irmão é alérgico a kiwis. |
Guava | A goiaba | The guava fruit is common in India | A goiaba é comum na Índia |
Litchi | A fruta Litchi | I really like litchi juice. | Eu realmente gosto de suco de lichia. |
Papaya | O mamão | My cat eats papaya everyday. | Meu gato come mamão todos os dias. |
Vocabulary: Names of the dry fruits and nuts in Portuguese or the list of dry fruits and Nuts in Portuguese and English
In super simple terms, dry fruits are fresh fruits which have the water removed by means of dehydration. Almost every energy bar has dry fruits in them. Portugal is a massive importer of dry fruits. Dry fruits are popular to the point where people eat them almost every single day. So keeping that in mind, you should learn the Portuguese vocabulary for the list of dry fruits in Portuguese. This can ensure that you know the names of dry fruits in Portuguese.
- The Portuguese word for the word “Dry fruits” is “os frutos secos”
- The Portuguese word for the word “Nuts” is “as nozes”
English | Portuguese | English Sentence | Portuguese |
apricot | O damasco | She uses the apricots to make jam. | Ela usa os damascos para fazer geléia. |
Prune | O fruto da ameixa | Prunes are dried plums. | As ameixas são ameixas secas. |
walnut | A noz | The walnut is the only nut which I dont like. | A noz é a única noz de que não gosto. |
Dates | Tâmara | Date fruits are found in Saudi Arabia. | Frutos de tâmaras são encontrados na Arábia Saudita. |
fig | O figo | This fig is 2 years old. | Esta figueira tem 2 anos. |
hazelnut | A avelã | The hazelnut milk was very tasty and sweet. | O leite de avelã era muito saboroso e doce. |
Pine nuts | Os pinhões | Do you like pine nuts? | Você gosta de pinhões? |
Almond | A amêndoa | Almonds are very expensive. | Amêndoas são muito caras. |
Chestnut | A castanha | I love to roast Chestnuts. | Adoro assar castanhas. |
Cashew nut | A castanha de caju | Cashew nuts are more expensive than almonds | A castanha de caju é mais cara do que a amêndoa |
Pistachio | O pistache | Pistachio is green in color. | O pistache é de cor verde. |
Peanut | O amendoim | peanut butter is tasty | manteiga de amendoim é saborosa |
Pecan nuts | As nozes pecã | Pecan nuts are very expensive. | As nozes de noz-pecã são muito caras. |
Coconuts | Os cocos | In India, you can buy fresh coconuts. | Na Índia, você pode comprar cocos frescos. |
Macadamia nuts | As nozes de macadâmia | I purchased and ate Macadamia nuts | Eu comprei e comi nozes de macadâmia |
Brazil nut | A castanha-do-pará | He sells Brazil nuts. | Ele vende castanhas-do-pará. |
What is the Portuguese vocabulary for the list of different types of berries in Portuguese and English?
Berries are a super healthy snack and you can find them on sale in every supermarket. Not to mention, berries also grow wild all over Europe. You can find many farms where you can pay a couple of Euros and pluck a basket full of berries. You can now learn the Portuguese vocabulary for the list of berries in Portuguese or the types of berries in Portuguese.
- The Portuguese word for the word “Berries” is “as bagas”
English | Portuguese | English Sentence | Portuguese |
blueberry | O mirtilo | blueberry yogurt | iogurte de mirtilo |
blackberry | A amora | Do you have blackberry jam? | Você tem geléia de amora? |
strawberry | O morango | Strawberries are delicious and good for the body. | Os morangos são deliciosos e fazem bem ao corpo. |
raspberry | A framboesa | I hate raspberry and Red currant. | Eu odeio framboesa e groselha. |
cherry | A cereja | I want to eat cherries. | Eu quero comer cerejas. |
Gooseberry | A groselha | I do not like gooseberries. | Eu não gosto de groselhas. |
redcurrant | A groselha | Are redcurrant berries cheap? | Bagas de groselha vermelha são baratas? |
blackcurrant | A groselha negra | I like blackcurrant icecream | Eu gosto de sorvete de groselha |
Goji Berry | O goji berry | He ate some goji berries. | Ele comeu algumas bagas de goji. |
Physalis | Physalis | The rabbit ate the physalis | O coelho comeu a physalis |
Juniper Berries | As bagas de zimbro | Juniper Berries are very sour. | As bagas de zimbro são muito azedas. |
Golden Berries | as bagas douradas | You can buy golden berries in the supermarket. | Você pode comprar frutas douradas no supermercado. |
Acai berries | As bagas de açaí | The goat ate three acai berries | A cabra comeu três bagas de açaí |
Allspice berries | As bagas de pimenta da Jamaica | Allspice berries are very tasty. | As bagas de pimenta da Jamaica são muito saborosas. |
Wheat Berries | As bagas de trigo | Wheat Berries are white in color. | As bagas de trigo são de cor branca. |
#Names of Fruits in Portuguese #Names of Dry Fruits in Portuguese #Names of Berries in Portuguese #Names of nuts in Portuguese #Local Fruits in Portuguese #Exotic Fruits in Portuguese
#Names of Fruits in Portugues #Names of Dry Fruits in Portugues #Names of Berries in Portugues #Names of nuts in Portugues #Local Fruits in Portugues #Exotic Fruits in Portugues
#Vocabulary list of Fruits in Portuguese #Vocabulary list of Dry Fruits in Portuguese #Vocabulary list of Berries in Portuguese #Vocabulary list of nuts in Portuguese