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How to say all Colors in Portuguese: What is the list of colors in Portuguese with Examples

How to say all Colors in Portuguese: What is the list of colors in Portuguese with Examples

  1. Introduction – How to learn the list of colors in Portuguese?
  2. What is the list of basic colors or primary colors in Portuguese with examples?
  3. What are the list of advanced colors in Portuguese with examples?
  4. What are the Colors of the Rainbow in Portuguese with examples?
  5. Can I use Colors as Adjectives in Portuguese?
  6. What are the different Mixed Colors in Portuguese?
  7. What is your favorite color in Portuguese?

Introduction to list of Colors in Portuguese – How to learn the different colors in Portuguese?

The list of colors in Portuguese is one of the most basic and important lists that you would need to know as a beginner in the Portuguese language.

You might have to point at something and say “I want to buy the red plate” or “The sky is so blue today” or “My car is bright red” or “I would like a dark / light beer”. This is part of the basic vocabulary list of colors in Portuguese.

list of colors in Portuguese
list of colors in Portuguese

You absolutely need to learn colors in Portuguese as it is likely that you will come across words on a daily basis, whether you are working or studying or having a simple conversation.

  • An IT consultant might say “Make the button Red in color”
  • A doctor might tell you “Your skin looks a bit yellow”
  • A taxi driver might tell you, “Oktoberfest is so colorful.”
  • You might order a “dark beer” in a restaurant
  • You might have to say to your hair stylist, “I want mahogany steaks on my hair”

Wherever you go, you need to use the colors in Portuguese in your sentences one way or another.


What is the list of basic colors in Portuguese or the list of primary colors in Portuguese with examples?

These are the most basic set of colors in European Portuguese which you will commonly use. There are many examples given which will teach you how to use the European Portuguese colors for different scenarios

list of basic colors in Portuguese or the list of primary colors in Portuguese
list of basic colors in Portuguese or the list of primary colors in Portuguese
EnglishEuropean PortugueseEnglishEuropean Portuguese
YellowamareloBanana is yellow.A banana é amarela.
BlueazulThe sea is blueO mar é azul
WhitebrancoI have a white shirtTenho uma camisa branca
BrowncastanhoThe brown bear is angryO urso castanho está zangado
orangelaranjaHe likes his orange shoesEle gosta dos seus sapatos laranja
BlackpretoMy brother has black hair.O meu irmão tem cabelo preto.
RedvermelhoThe Portugueseman likes red wine.O português gosta de vinho tinto.
PinkrosaHis daughter has a pink bag.A sua filha tem um saco cor-de-rosa.
GreenverdeThe leaves are green.As folhas são verdes.
GreyCinzentoThe grey suit is expensive.O fato cinzento é caro.


From the point of view of Brazilian Portuguese, there are some minor differences for the colors Brown and Grey

EnglishBrazilian Portuguese


What are the other interesting Portuguese wordlists which I can read after this?

Solar system and the nine planets in Portuguese
Eye colors in Portuguese, eye shapes in Portuguese
Herbs and Spices in Portuguese
List of Furniture in Portuguese
Oceans and Seas in Portuguese


What are the list of advanced colors in Portuguese with examples?

Now let us dive into the more interesting world of colors. There are hundreds of shades of colors and we might use many of them frequently if not on a daily basis.

Let us learn how to say the colors in European Portuguese with some examples.

EnglishEuropean  / Brazilian PortugueseEnglishEuropean Portuguese
indigoíndigoThe Indigo ink is expensive.De Indigo inkt is duur.
beigebegeI hate beige and I love yellow.Ik haat beige en ik hou van geel.
khakicáquiThe Indian police mean wears a Khakhi shirt.De Indiase politieman draagt een Khakhi shirt.
cyancianoI lost my Cyan colorpencil.Ik ben mijn cyaan kleurpotlood kwijt.
maroonmaroonMy daughter likes her maroon dollMijn dochter houdt van haar kastanjebruine pop.
purplepúrpuraWe own that purple car.Wij bezitten die paarse auto.
violetvioletaViolet rubies and green emaralds are gorgeous.Violette robijnen en groene emaralds zijn prachtig.


As you can see, for Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese, it is same vocabulary for the above colors.


What are the Colors of the Rainbow in Portuguese with examples?

One of the first Portuguese lessons you will learn is the colors of a rainbow in Portuguese. These are a mix of the primary colors as well as the more advanced colors. Nevertheless, you need to know the list of rainbow colors in Portuguese even if you are studying A1.

Colors of the Rainbow in Portuguese
Colors of the Rainbow in Portuguese

Let us learn the colors of the rainbow in Portuguese with some examples.

EnglishEuropean /  Brazilian PortugueseEnglishPortuguese
violetvioletaMy husband gifted me a gown made of violet silk.O meu marido presenteou-me com um vestido feito de seda violeta.
indigoíndigoThe Indian ink is Indigo in color.A tinta indiana é de cor índigo.
blueazulThe sky is blue and the sea is blue.O céu é azul e o mar é azul.
greenverdeI like green apples and hate red apples.Eu gosto de maçãs verdes e odeio maçãs vermelhas.
yellowamareloDo you like this yellow shirt?Gosta desta camisa amarela?
orangelaranjaHis orange tie is ugly.A sua gravata laranja é feia.
RedVermelhoMy red BMW is fastA minha BMW vermelha é rápida


As you can see, for Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese, it is same vocabulary for the above colors of the rainbow.

These are the 7 colors of the rainbow in Portuguese. For children, this is like an ultra basic list which they need to study. For adults, most of these colours are primary colours and hence need to be memorized.


Can I use Colors in Portuguese as Adjectives?

Colors as Adjectives in Portuguese
Colors as Adjectives in Portuguese
  • Of course! You can use colors as adjectives and it forms a very important part of your vocabulary.
  • You must know that every noun in Portuguese has a gender assigned to it. When using adjectives in the form of colors, it thus becomes important to align the adjectives with the nouns.
  • An example for the feminine case will beO ônibus amarelo”. This is feminine as you can see with the ending being “O”
  • An example for the masculine case will beA casa amarela”. This is masculine as you can see with the ending being “A”
  • Thus you can say with a high degree of confidence that colors being used as adjectives in Portuguese will closely follow the noun.
yellowamareloThe yellow banana is tasty.A banana amarela é saborosa.
blueazulThe blue shirt is majestic.A camisa azul é majestosa.
whitebrancoThe white wine is cold.O vinho branco é frio.
browncastanhoThe brown coat is large.O casaco castanho é grande.
orangelaranjaThe orange hat is funny.O chapéu laranja é engraçado.
blackpretoThe black panther is dangerous.A pantera preta é perigosa.
redvermelhoI own a red purse.A bolsa vermelha é minha.
pinkrosaHis daughter has a pink bag.A sua filha tem uma bolsa cor-de-rosa.
greenverdeThe green leaves are beautiful.As folhas verdes são lindas.
GreyCinzentoThe grey suit is expensive.O fato cinzento é caro.


What are the different Mixed Colors in Portuguese?

Similar to the English language, you can mix colors in Portuguese. In English you might say “The paint is Bluish Green” or “The sun is Reddish orange”.

Let us learn how to say the same colors in Portuguese with some examples.

Mixed colors in Portuguese
Mixed colors in Portuguese
Reddish GreenVerde avermelhadoThe sun is reddish orange.O sol é alaranjado avermelhado.
Yellowish redVermelho-amareladoThe flower is yellowish blue.A flor é azul-amarelado.
Greenish blueAzul esverdeadoThe cheese is greenish blue.O queijo é azul esverdeado.
Bluish greenVerde azuladoThe sky is bluish green.O céu é verde-azulado.
Blackish brownCastanho-escuroYour wound is blackish grey.A sua ferida é cinzento-escuro.
Whitish GreyCinzento-esbranquiçadoThe tie is whitish greyA gravata é cinzento-esbranquiçada.
pinkish redvermelho-rosadoThe ink is pinkish redA tinta é vermelha rosada
colorfulcoloridoShe wears colorful a colorful skirt.Ela veste uma saia colorida.
colorlessincolorWater is colorless.A água é incolor.
greenish yellowamarelo esverdeadoThe mushroom is greenish yellow in colorO cogumelo é de cor amarelo esverdeado
marine blueazul marinhomarine blue is our favorite color.o azul marinho é a nossa cor favorita.
dark blueazul escuroEmeralds are dark blue in colorAs esmeraldas são de cor azul-escuro
greenish blueazul esverdeadoThe lake is greenish blueO lago é azul esverdeado
sky blueazul céuThe gemstone is sky blueA pedra preciosa é azul céu
jet blacknegro a jactoThe horse is jet blackO cavalo é preto como um jacto
light redvermelho claroThe chair is light redA cadeira é vermelho claro
dark redvermelho escuroThe apple is dark redA maçã é vermelha escura


What is your favorite color?

This is one of the most common questions that you will get in your A1 examination. The examiner will ask you in Portuguese as to what your favorite color is. You need to respond in Portuguese about your favorite color.

Mixed colors in Portuguese
Mixed colors in Portuguese
What is your favorite color?Qual é a sua cor favorita?
My favorite color is Blue.A minha cor favorita é o azul.
Your favorite color is Red.A tua cor favorita é o Vermelho.
His favorite color is Yellow.A sua cor favorita é o Amarelo.
Her favorite color is Green.A sua cor favorita é o Verde.
Our favorite color is Orange.A sua cor favorita é o Laranja.
Their favorite color is Pink.A sua cor favorita é o Rosa.


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