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List of Tools in Portuguese

List of Tools in Portuguese

People in Portugal / any European country love doing work with their own tools. Whether it comes to carpentry or plumbing, painting or fixing a bicycle or even building an entire tree house, Europeans love to do everything on their own. And of course for building anything, you need tools. So it is very important that you learn about the list of tools in Portuguese.

Learn about the list of Tools in Portuguese
Learn about the list of Tools in Portuguese

In Europe, people are very excited when it comes to owning pretty much every tool in the market. Europeans love talking about the different tools they use and the items which they built. So it is only fair that you learn and discuss about the list of tools in Portuguese.

To get you ready, here’s a guide for you to learn about some simple list of tools in Portuguese with example sentences and with English translation. This English translation for the example sentences will be something that you can rely on as you learn about the list of tools in Portuguese.


  1. Tools in Portuguese
  2. Types of measuring tools in Portuguese
  3. Mechanical tools or Hand tools in Portuguese
    1. Striking Tools
    2. Cutting Tools
    3. Holding and positioning
    4. Smoothening and Finishing Tools
  4. Safety equipment tools in Portuguese
  5. The Carpenter’s tools
  6. Tools used in Medical work
  7. Tools from the Kitchen in Portuguese
  8. Gardening tools or farm tools in Portuguese
  9. Construction tools in Portuguese
  10. Power tools in Portuguese
  11. Protective tools in Portuguese
  12. Verbs related to tools in Portuguese


How to say tools in Portuguese?

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “The Tool” in Portuguese is “a ferramenta”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The carpenter has many tools.” à O carpinteiro tem muitas ferramentas.
  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “The Toolbox” in Portuguese is “A caixa de ferramentas”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “We sell large toolboxes.” à Vendemos grandes caixas de ferramentas.
How to say tools in Portuguese?
How to say tools in Portuguese?


Tools of  measurement in Portuguese

How do you know exactly how much to do or what is the length or how do you measure anything. You need to be precise when making anything else it will break. Measuring tools or tools of Measurement are tools which exist so that we can measure anything. You can learn about the list of all Measuring tools in Portuguese or tools of Measurement in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “Measuring Tools” in Portuguese is “ferramentas de medição”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “I need some Measuring Tools” à Eu preciso de algumas ferramentas de medição
The tools which crushes the dreams of many people!!
Weighing scale: The tools which crushes the dreams of many people!!

Word List

 Measuring tools in EnglishMeasuring tools in PortugueseEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
The measuring tapeA fita métricaThe measuring tape is 3 meters long.A fita métrica tem 3 metros de comprimento.
The Vernier calliperO paquímetro VernierIn school, I learnt about the Vernier calliperNa escola, aprendi sobre o paquímetro Vernier
The StopwatchO CronômetroI have a gold stopwatchEu tenho um cronômetro de ouro
The Weighing ScaleA balançaHe broke the weighing scale.Ele quebrou a balança.
The MicroscopeO microscópioA Microscope can be used to see bacteria.Um microscópio pode ser usado para ver bactérias.
The ComputerO ComputadorThe computer was invented by an European.O computador foi inventado por um europeu.
The CalculatorA calculadoraHe has a small calculatorEle tem uma pequena calculadora
The BarometerO BarômetroBarometer is used to measure pressure.O barômetro é usado para medir a pressão.
The AmmeterO AmperímetroAmmeter is used to measure current.Amperímetro é usado para medir a corrente.
The VoltmeterO VoltímetroVoltmeters are used to measure voltage.Voltímetros são usados ​​para medir a tensão.
The ThermometerO TermômetroA Thermometer is used to measure temperature.Um termômetro é usado para medir a temperatura.
The Compassa bússolaDo you have a compass?Você tem uma bússola?
The ClockO relógioThe Clock is accurateO relógio é preciso
The SpeedometerO velocímetroThe speedometer is broken.O velocímetro está quebrado.


Mechanical tools and Hand tools in Portuguese 

Mechanical tools or Hand-held tools are tools which are powered by muscle instead of electrical energy or a motor. Mechanical tools or Hand-held tools require energy, skill, strength and precision to use. You can learn about the list of all Mechanical tools in Portuguese or Handheld tools in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “Manual Tools” in Portuguese is “Ferramentas manuais
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “My father uses manual tools.” à Meu pai usa ferramentas manuais.


Manual striking tools in Portuguese

Striking tools are those mechanical tools which are powered by muscle and are used to hammer down objects. Manual striking tools require a lot of physical energy and great skill and application to use.

You can learn about the list of all manual striking tools in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

Manual striking tools Manual striking tools in Portuguese
The hammerO martelo
The malletO martelo
The chiselO cinzel
The nailsAs unhas
The drillA broca
The AnvilA bigorna


Holding and positioning tools in Portuguese

When you are using a tool, sometimes you may need to hold down another object in place with some positioning tool. These can be something like clamps. Basically, they are mechanical tools used to hold down objects. They increase safety and accuracy as well.

You can learn about the list of all different holding and positioning tools in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

Holding and positioning toolsHolding and positioning tools in Portuguese
The viceO vice
The clampsOs grampos
The screwO parafuso
The ladderA escada
The boltO parafuso
The nutsAs nozes
The cable ties As braçadeiras de cabos
The wrenchA chave inglesa
The pliersO alicate


Cutting tools in Portuguese

Sometimes you just need to cut things!!!! You might need to cut a piece of wood if you are doing carpentry, might need to cut a ribbon if you are a mayor inaugurating a building, and everything in between as well. You cannot use a hacksaw for cutting a ribbon, can you?

There are many different cutting tools in the market to fit the correct job. You can learn about the list of all cutting tools in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

What are the different cutting tools in Portuguese?
What are the different cutting tools in Portuguese?
EnglishCutting tools in portuguese
The cuttersO cortador
The sawA Serra
The handsawO serrote
The hacksawA serra
The scissorsAs tesouras
The knifeA faca
The axeO machado
The Switch bladeA lâmina do interruptor
The Swiss army knifeO canivete suíço


Safety tools and equipment in Portuguese

All said and done, work with electricity or with any tools requires skill. But even so you will require safety equipment to ensure that you reduce the risk to an absolute minimum. You might need welding goggles if you’re welding, boots if you’re dealing with a work floor, gloves to reduce injury or if you’re working with chemicals….

This list is endless and is very important. There are different safety equipment in the market to MANDATORILY BE USED for each job. You can learn about the list of all safety equipment in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “Safety Equipment” in Portuguese is “Equipamento de segurança”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “You should use personal safety equipment.” à Você deve usar equipamentos de segurança
safety equipment in the market to MANDATORILY BE USED for each job
safety equipment in the market to MANDATORILY BE USED for each job

Word List

Safety tools in EnglishSafety tools in Portuguese
The glovesAs luvas
The safety gogglesOs óculos de segurança
The safety helmetO capacete de segurança
The safety bootsAs botas de segurança
The construction helmetO capacete de construção
The respirator maskA máscara do respirador
The reflective vestO colete refletivo
The dust maskA máscara de poeira
The welding gogglesOs óculos de solda


Carpentry tools in Portuguese

Woodwork is woodwork!!!! A carpenter is a universal profession and hence equipment for carpentry is available everywhere and anywhere. The carpenter will have to cut wood, work on it and finish it.

If you are doing carpentry, you might need different equipment depending on the job. You cannot use the same carpentry tools for everything. There are many different carpentry tools in the market to fit the correct requirement. You can learn about the list of all carpentry tools in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “The Carpenter” in Portuguese is “o carpinteiro”
  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “Carpentry tools” in Portuguese is “Ferramentas de carpintaria”
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “The carpenter purchased carpentry tools.” à O carpinteiro comprou ferramentas de carpintaria.
What are the different Carpentry tools in Portuguese
What are the different Carpentry tools in Portuguese
Carpentry tools in EnglishCarpentry tools in Portuguese
The HammerO martelo
The ScrewdriverA chave de fenda
The Electric SawA serra elétrica
The NailsAs unhas
The HandsawO serrote
The ChainsawA motosserra
The HammerO martelo
The SawA Serra
The HacksawA serra
The Circular sawA serra circular
The SandpaperA lixa
The Wood PaintA pintura de madeira
The ChiselO cinzel


Medical tools in Portuguese

A doctor saves lives and you better give him or her with the best and highest quality equipment in the world. There are many different medical tools to fit the correct requirement for the doctor and the situation. You can learn about the list of all medical tools in Portuguese below with examples for each one in Portuguese and English.

Medical tools in EnglishMedical tools in Portuguese
The StethoscopeO Estetoscópio
The ThermometerO Termômetro
The Surgical CottonO Algodão Cirúrgico
The Blood pressure gaugeO medidor de pressão arterial
The PacemakerO marcapasso
The ForcepsO fórceps
The PenlightA lanterna
The ScalpelO bisturi
The StretcherA maca
The DefibrillatorO Desfibrilador
The Surgical MaskA máscara cirúrgica
The VentilatorO Ventilador
The SyringeA Seringa
The AmbulanceA ambulância


List of Kitchen tools in Portuguese

Cooking is over 10000 years old. Humans evolved cooking into what we eat today!!!  Think about it, we have hundreds and thousands of recipes in numerous flavours and textures. We make use of thousands of ingredients as well. All this can go to a waste if you don’t use the right tools!!!

There are tons of Kitchen tools in the market across the world, both mechanical and electrical. You can learn about the list of all cooking tools in Portuguese below. Memorizing the list of cooking tools in Portuguese will make your life a cakewalk because..well.. you do cook right?

Cooking tools in EnglishCooking tools in portuguese
The PanA panela
The PotO pote
The WokO wok
The knifeA faca
The SpoonA colher
The ForkO garfo
The PeelerO Descascador
The Cutting boardA tábua de cortar
The StrainerO Filtro
The WhiskO Batedor
The BottleA garrafa
The BlenderO Liquidificador
The Food ProcessorO processador de alimentos
The Pressure cookerA panela de pressão
The Microwave ovenO forno micro-ondas
The Induction StoveO fogão de indução
The StoveO fogão


Gardening tools in Portuguese

You know what the different types of gardens are, know what you want and what you need to do. The next point is what you need to do it. There are many gardening tools which you need to do gardening. Simply put, you cannot use a rake to trim a bush.

In this section, we will be learning about the list of all Gardening Tools in Portuguese with a lot of examples thrown in.

Gardening tools in EnglishGardening tools in PortugueseEnglish SentencePortuguese Sentence
garden toolsferramentas de jardimThese garden tools are expensive.Essas ferramentas de jardim são caras.
The lawnmowerO cortador de gramaThe Lawnmower is red in color.O cortador de grama é de cor vermelha.
The grass shearsA tesoura de gramaWhere are the grass shears?Onde estão as tesouras de grama?
The pruning shearsA tesoura de podaThe gardener purchased pruning shears.O jardineiro comprou tesouras de poda.
The hoeA enxadaThe cow pulled the hoe.A vaca puxou a enxada.
The rakeO ancinhoI gave the rake to my daughter.Eu dei o ancinho para minha filha.
The spadeA páThe gardener says that the spade is the most important tool.O jardineiro diz que a é a ferramenta mais importante.
The garden forkO garfo de jardimWhat is the use of a garden fork?Para que serve um garfo de jardim?
The trowelA espátulaCan we push the trowel?Podemos empurrar a espátula?
The compostO compostoThere is compost in the compost bin.composto na caixa de compostagem.
The compost binA composteira / caixa de compostagem The compost bin has fifty kilos of compost. A caixa de compostagem tem cinquenta quilos de composto.
The wheelbarrowO carrinho de mãoThere wheelbarrow is not clean.carrinho de mão não está limpo.
The watering canO regadorThe watering can is quite large.O regador é bem grande.
The HoseA mangueiraThe fireman and the gardener use a hose.O bombeiro e o jardineiro usam uma mangueira.


List of construction tools in Portuguese

Construction work is the oldest profession in the world. Humans evolved into what we are by building stuff and building starts with construction!!! And what do we need to do construction? CONSTRUCTION TOOLS!!!!

There are different construction tools in the market for different jobs. You can learn about the list of all construction tools in Portuguese below. Knowing the list of construction tools in Portuguese will make your life easier since you can order what you exactly want in a shop or request what you want to get the construction job done.

The TruckO camião
The Cement mixerO misturador de cimento
The JackhammerA britadeira
They HarnessEles aproveitam
The Air toolA ferramenta Ar
The Air compressorO compressor de ar
The Plastering trowelA espátula de gesso
The Tool BoxA caixa de ferramentas
The Paint rollerO rolo de pintura


Different Power tools in Portuguese

All said and done, work with electric tools and the work gets done 10 times faster. A nail gun can get 50 nails done in 5 minutes while a traditional hammer and nail set will take an hour. Also any manual tool requires high skill and strength while power tools do not require strength but great care and skill.

There are different power tools in the market for different jobs. You can learn about the list of all power tools in Portuguese below. Knowing the list of power tools in Portuguese will make you look like an actual Portuguese speaker since you know your stuff and you’re the master of your craft in Portuguese.

  • WORD: The Portuguese translation for “Power tools” in Portuguese is “Ferramentas elétricas”.
    • EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Power tools are very useful.” à As ferramentas elétricas são muito úteis.

Word List

The Power ToolA ferramenta elétrica
The Electric ChainsawA motosserra elétrica
The Electric ScrewdriverA chave de fenda elétrica
The Power DrillA furadeira elétrica
The Air blowerO soprador de ar
The Air compressorO compressor de ar
The Electric DrillA furadeira elétrica
The Soldering IronO ferro de solda
The DrillA broca


Verbs related to the tools in Portuguese:

By now, you have learned enough to go to a Portuguese shop and buy carpentry tools, medical tools, electrical tools and what not in flawless Portuguese. But what about Verbs in Portuguese related to the tools? Surely you need to know that too right?

Now just as we learnt about the universal tools and equipment, we need to say what we are going to do with the tools.

  • You must use a handsaw to cut
  • Electric drill to drill a hole
  • A sander to smoothen a surface.

While you need many different types equipment, you will equally be performing different types of actions (VERBS IN PORTUGUESE) depending on the job. You thus need to memorize the list of all Verbs in Portuguese related to the list of tools in Portuguese. Below you can find the list of all Verbs in Portuguese related to the list of tools.

TOOLS IN ENGLISHPORTUGUESEEnglish SentenceSentence in Portuguese
to buildconstruirCan you build me a house?Você pode me construir uma casa?
to cutcortarCut the tree.Corte a árvore.
to fixConsertarFix this chair.Conserte esta cadeira.
to gluecolarCan you glue these pieces of wood together.Você pode colar esses pedaços de madeira juntos.
to sawserrouHe sawed the log.Ele serrou o tronco.
to shovelPlease shovel the snowPor favor, a neve
to nailPregarThe picture is nailed to the wall.A imagem está pregada na parede.
to dismantledesmontarHe dismantled the furniture.Ele desmontou os móveis.
to mendConsertarThe tailor mended my dress.O alfaiate consertou meu vestido.
to loosensoltarLoosen the screws slowly.Solte os parafusos lentamente.
to unscrewDesatarraxar / desaparafusarI shall unscrew this panel.Vou desparafusar este painel.
to fixConsertarWe need to repair this table.Precisamos consertar esta mesa.
to scrubpara esfregarHe scrubbed the floor.Ele esfregou o chão.
to archivearquivarArchive  these documents.Arquive esses documentos.
to paintpintarThe painter painted the bedroom.O pintor pintou o quarto.
to renovaterenovar / reformarWe need to renovate our house.Precisamos reformar nossa casa.
to sealselarThe mechanic sealed the pipe.O mecânico selou o cano.


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